This has the potential for being a great story, but I would recommend you slow down and fill it out with some more details. At the moment everything seems very rushed, stretching things out with some details will help to slow things down and make things more understandable. You have the potential for a very good fic here and with a little TLC it will be well on its way. Keep up the good work!
Hairann (Chapter 1) - Fri 22 Oct 2010
Interesting start but I feel it could use a bit of work. Your story would see more of its potental if you added in some more detail and slowed things down a bit. There is not need to rush so just take your time and make sure you map out how you want everything to go. Also I would suggest getting the help of a beta, to help you catch the little mistakes like a missed capital or punctuation. And a word of advice, try not to use ()'s in the middle of your story, it will merely interupt the flow and the information placed in them can usually either be written into the story itself or omitted entirely.
I like how you start right off with the action, heh throwing Kikyo across the school yard would definately be fun in my book! Though like Moxy said it might be a good idea to put something in to explain why Kagome has such a short temper, like maybe a flashback in a later chapter or something. I hope to see more of the Kikyo bashing so please keep of the good work!
wow you really jumped right in to it! Maybe a little leading up to all the dialogue with some info would have been helpful. Although I do appreciate when a story grabs you right from the beginging and this most certainly held my attention from the start. Kagome is OOC but thats more an observation - NOT a complaint. I do hope to read WHY she is so OOC in this story. While I'm fine with OOC I usually enjoy the story more when there is some background or a situation explaining why the author is portraying the character that way. Keep it up, your doing great!
Cool chapter. It was nicely written adn flowed very well. I am looking forward to finding out what's up with Kagome and also why she has such a temper. I loved that she threw Kikyou across the yard. It was quite funny though that could be becuase I personally do not like Kikyou. Keep up the good wourk and I look forward to the next chapter.
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