There's Something New about Kagome by Winter Rose
A surprise for everyone
Chapter 1- A Surprise for Everybody
Kagome and Sango were standing outside by their favorite oak tree talking waiting for the bell to ring. Kagome was wearing a tan skirt that came a little above her knees with a tan tank and a tan jean jacket that had her nickname on the back. There were guys playing catch, the jocks hanging out with the cheerleaders, and the nerds were talking about sci-fi. Some of the popular kids were having random conversation.
" So Kagome how was your weekend? Did you meet anybody?"
" Nope, I stayed with my grandmother on my mother's side. She lives in West Virginia. She made me this jacket and bag. Do you like it?"
" yeah it matches your outfit. I like the wolf its fur is as white as snow. It looks like your husky Callisto."
"Yeah my moms made me wear it. It does look good don't it." She said modeling for her. "Here my grandmother made this for you."
Kagome handed Sango a brown shopping bag. Inside was a bag and jacket just like Kagome's. It had Sango's nickname on the back and everything.
"Wow this is pretty. The name is on the back and everything. Thanks Kag this is the best gift anyone has ever given me."
" No problem. Anything for my best friend."
She smiled and gave Sango a hug. Sango put on the jacket and modeled for Kagome. Just then Miroku, Inuyasha and Kouga walked up.
"Nice jacket Sango." Miroku said feeling on her backside. Sango turned around real fast and smacked him really hard and he fell to the ground.
" Don't you EVER, EVER put your hands on me again you hear me. You pervert."
" You'll never learn will you Miroku."
" Oh shut up Kagome."
" The name is Crow. Get it right next time."
" Since when did u start using your nickname?"
" What's it to you?"
" Just asking that's all."
" Since I was in the 8th grade and I will appreciate it if…"
" Inuyasha sweetie." Kikyo called interrupting Kagome and running to give him a kiss.
" Inuyasha? So that's Sesshomaru's little brother." Kagome thought.
Inuyasha turned around and embraced Kikyo in his arms and he bent down and kissed her. Sango rolled her eyes and Kagome just stared at them like they were stupid. She went into her bag and took out her camera and took a picture. The flash caused them to stop and look to see who took the picture.
" Who the heck took a picture of me and Kikyo kissing?" Inuyasha asked balling up his fists.
" I don't know. Maybe it was one of the geeks." Miroku said trying to take the camera from behind Kagome's back but grabbed her butt instead. Kagome jumped and dropped the camera on the floor. She turned and side kicked him in his stomach and he flew to a tree.
" I should of known you were going to do that." He said getting up holding his stomach.
" Is this your camera Kagome?" Kikyo asked
Kagome just fixed her skirt and shirt.
"Don't you hear me talking to you wench?" Kikyo said
Kagome gave her and evil glare.
"And if it is? What are you going to do abut it?" Kagome said stepping closer in her face snaching the camera out of her hands. Kagome's eyes were starting to turn red and Kikyo began to step back.
" Just as I thought nothing. Your nothing more than a scared little girl."
Kagome turned around and started to walk away when Inuyasha grabbed he by her wrist. Right there was mistake number one. Kagome grabbed him and flipped him over her shoulder.
" Never grab me like that again."
" Why you little wench." He said angrily
Inuyasha got up and took a swing at Kagome. She ducked and punched him in his stomach and he dropped to the floor in great pain. Kikyo joined in and grabbed Kagome from behind and brought her to the floor.
" Nobody hits my man and gets away with it."
' Kikyo No!!" Sango said started shaking and Kagome's eyes were blood red and her pupils were an ice blue. She lightly started to float off the ground. Kikyo was shaking furiously and she let go. Kagome was about to 2 ft above the ground. Her hair was flying madly in the wind. Kagome looked directly at Inuyasha and Kikyo. He was holding her tightly in his arms. She raised her and Kikyo was up in the air with her.
" I'm going to show you what's its like to mess with me."
" Crow please put her down." Sango said.
Kagome started to strength Kikyo out in the air.
" Please stop." She cried
" Crow stop!" said a familiar vice.
Kagome came out of her trance.
"Huh? Sesshomaru?"
" Yeah its me . Now snap out of it sweetie."
" NNOOOO!!" Kagome's went blank once again.
She flew Kikyo half way across the yard. She went back to her normal self dropped to the floor. Sesshomaru caught her and tried to stand her up. She looked around at her friends faces and saw that they were shocked.
" What happened?"
"You went crazy and threw Kikyo half way across the yard. And I think you got her good." Sango said.
"You should have seen how fast Inuyasha ran." Miroku said.
" Yeah, well let me take her to the bathroom so she can wash her face off." Sango said trying to support her.
" Umm let me help you." Sesshomaru said putting Kagome's arm around his neck while he and Sango held her by her waist. They started walking her to the bathroom.
"I'll see you later in class Kagome" Miroku yelled as they walk away.
" That's if I go." She yelled back.
Miroku laughed to himself and he and Kouga went to find Kikyo. Everybody didn't know that Kagome had a little secret about herself. Kagome has ESP. She is able to move objects and people. The only people who know about this secret are Sango and Sesshomaru. They have been helping her try to control her powers or they would take total control of her and she would end up loosing her life. Like we saw earlier, when Kagome got really upset she loses control of herself (like Inuyasha does when he is parted from his sword) and her powers.. Being that all her hatred was on Kikyo and nobody else she quickly came out of that trance after throwing her halfway across the school yard and fell to the floor. I could tell you why she hates Kikyo but that would spoil the story. Go on and keep reading it's going to be clear. (At least I think it would.)