Reviews for Cybernetic Mishap by Aki

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SmexyHajiSan (Chapter 8) - Sat 02 Jan 2010

lol wow.... sesshy masturbating to romance novels and kags freaking out over astronomy.... niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice XD. i absolutely LOVED how you described koga as thinking that the sky was space and star and “pretty black things". ROFLAO! Keep it up, i egarly await your next update =3

Saholia (Chapter 8) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

LMAO! LMAO! LMAO! <--just about all I can say! ...and more please :D

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 8) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

Yay!! Spastically happy about your update!! EEEP!! Finally they interact (even if its only tutoring), I can only hope sparks will fly!! Whoop and Happy New Year.

RayRay (Chapter 8) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

I <3 you Aki xD I loved that chapter and OMG YAY COSPLAY *prances about in her own cosplays she has* haha. This chapter was good and the emails between them made me laugh. At first I was like "Sesshomaru said no to her? OMGWTFBBQSAUCE" then I read more and was like "oh well ok then XD" <- such a dork I know. I can't wait to read the next part from his point of view and omg, I can so see them actually hitting it off now that they're finally 'talking'. Bahaha cheat on Kouga, he would cheat on you Kagome :P <-had crack aka teh powdah donutsss. Much love to you until next time <3. PS: I love your other new story too btw D: i just haven't got to review it, my bad!

Asuka-sama (Chapter 8) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

YES!!! They're finally hanging out! (does happy dance). Omg, you have to update soon. I gotta know what Sesshomaru's thinking aobut helping tutor Kagome. He must be screaming on the inside. And he gave her his number! :D If I was Kagome, I would have been freaking out that I had his number. XD

Loved the part when you had Kagome tell what her friends' parents' occupations were. I could definitely see Miroku's family owning a porn company. Lol!

I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter! Update soon! :D

Saide (Chapter 8) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

I love it! Love it! Love it! I never expected that Kagome here would be a closet otaku. :3~~~

I'm sure Sesshy's really having a hard time deciding what to answer when Kagome emalled her. <3

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 8) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

Kagome sounds way to hyper lol And I'm surprised she doesn't realize EVERYONE is treating her different after dating Kouga. Nice chapter.

Madison (Chapter 1) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

My curiosity got me to click this link, and now I'm hooked. I just read it for the first time, and I love it. It's a nice pace, and the story is hilarious. Although, I must say, if Kouga doesn't back off soon, I'm gonna claw his face out. I usually don't have anything against him, but right now, he's getting in between Fluffy and Kagome, and I does not like it. >.> *EVIL GLARE*

-0_0- (Chapter 1) - Sun 20 Dec 2009


-0_0- (Chapter 1) - Sat 19 Dec 2009

The server wont let me post a billion digits of pi to this comment page.

Angelicatt (Chapter 7) - Wed 16 Dec 2009

there's always hope..


Good luck with finals

RayRay (Chapter 7) - Tue 15 Dec 2009

Wooo a chapter before Christmas, yay and thank you! :D OMG crack and powdered donut--aka crack--references XD I LOVE YOU AKIIIIII bahahaha. I kept laughing while reading this chapter, my mom walked by and gave me an odd look because apparently I was even "grinning like a cheshire cat" lmao. But it was hilarious--and crack filled!. Poor Sesshomaru, I'd so date him xD even as a nerd, because all his qualities--even those listed as a con--are on my "what I want in a guy" list (except maybe the glasses but I could so look past that xD super cute mental image). Naraku makes me have gigglefits XD he's too funny and I was like WOAH when Sango emailed Sesshomaru, I was like "yesss you dooo want this information Sesshomaruuuu" <--because I speak to the screen as I read the story, it's a normal habit...for me XD. Anyways, much love to you, can't wait to see the next chapter and I hope you do AMAZING on your finals <3

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 7) - Mon 14 Dec 2009

ahahaha!! I totally loved this! please update soon! Good luck with finals to! :)

Sora-chan (Chapter 7) - Mon 14 Dec 2009

YES an update! I am totally involved with this story and I have it BAD for nerdy D&D playing, argyle sweater wearing Sesshoumaru. Oh why can't he be real?!!! I hate you but love you at the same time for planting this idea of him in my head XD. And I just positivly love how Sango let it slip that Kago loves nerds, hahaha brilliant!!!

I'll wait for the new chapter, but i wont like it! I hope you pass your exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

much love!


Saholia (Chapter 7) - Sun 13 Dec 2009

OMG this is the best crack-fic ever!!! LMAO! I loved the last email from Sesshomaru to funny. Keep it up!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 7) - Sun 13 Dec 2009

*^_^*  LOVE IT~!!!! Can't wait for that next update X3

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 7) - Sun 13 Dec 2009

*burst into tears* WE HAVE TO WAIT TIL CHRISTMAS FOR MORE AWESOMENESS!!!???NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *le sigh* I understand, I've got exams this week too. and I've been cramming too, so maybe it's good thing, that way I won't miss your updates!!! Yay!!! Can't wait til the next one.

Sessygurl (Chapter 7) - Sun 13 Dec 2009
OMG! I would not want Naraku showing up at my house in that either. You go Sango!I really thought he was going to send it to? I was thinking, I know his journal is encripted and passworded but what about email? Kagome too? What if some friends get hold of them and send something?lol

Asuka-sama (Chapter 7) - Sun 13 Dec 2009

Lol! Great chapter! Ah, I can't believe this story brought me to losing the game and getting Rick Rolled. But it was hilarious! Especially when Sesshomaru is compairing his positive and negative attributes to Naraku's ones of him.

Maybe Sango's e-mail will finally get Sesshomaru to do something about Kagome. I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter! :D

Talulabell (Chapter 4) - Sun 13 Dec 2009

This story is super super OCC but I just cant stop laughing so I dont even care please keep writting this fic is one of the funniest im reading right now

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