Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 30) - Fri 19 Feb 2010

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The answer is EGG!! I've been dying for the answer! Well Good work as always and I enjoyed it immensly. YOu did a wonderful job keep cranking out your mucho awesomness!

Yoru-101 (Chapter 29) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Although I am entering this fan fiction quite late, I am enjoying it immensely. Little Sesshoumaru is just TOO cute. I want to pinch his little cheeks myself. You have written this very well, if I might add. You are quite talented, and the story flows quite smoothly. I very much look forward to reading more. Perhaps later some fanart may be in order?

Amy (Chapter 29) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

The quote "No matter how savory the meat’s been prepared, the bones of truth run under the surface,"  is now one of my favorites! In my Historiography class we've come to the conclusion that history has bones. This quote finishes the while lesson with perspective-the meat. Where did you find this or did you come up with it?

Elifina (Chapter 29) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

::Shakes the screen into compliance:: MORE! MORE! MORE! i wuv you

Addy (Chapter 29) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

:D  This stroy made me smile.  I look forward to the next installment.

Kat (Chapter 29) - Tue 16 Feb 2010

I LOVE IT!!!!! I'm starting to wonder what hopes Hisoka was talking about. I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's true. Is Sess hoping to keep her forever and his mate? I can't wait for the next chapter! Until then, may your muse visit soon and often.

Jessica (Chapter 29) - Sat 13 Feb 2010

Oh wow, poor Kags, she's getting homesick.well done, please continue.

Yukino Sohma (Chapter 29) - Sat 13 Feb 2010

Wow, this is the longest chapter yet. By your normal chapter length, it would probably fill in 3 chapters. Thanks for the great chapter. It always puts a smile on my face when i read your story. Its so heart warming but down to earth. Poor Kagome though. Stuck in the house and in a time thats not your own for so long. Sesshoumaru is so cute. I look forward to your next chapter.

Snowfall (Chapter 29) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

Wow, that was a nice long chapter.  I wondered when Kagome was going to start missing home and get depressed.  I wonder what Hisoka believes Sesshoumaru has planned for Kagome.  I guess the little boy thinks he can keep her forever.  It's so sad. 

Sesshoumaru was right.  Hisoka did a good job.  It was funny that he couldn't understand all of her writing/references.  ^_^  I like that you refrained from having the General keep a large library.  It's refresshing. 

The way Sesshoumaru came rushing back was so cute.  I can just imagine how thrilled he was to be hearing about his father's feats.  It was interesting that Hisoka played a part in the negotiations with the dragon.  Too bad that Kagome can't warn the Taisho and Sesshoumaru about him.

Very nice chapter.

knifethrower (Chapter 29) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

Ooooh, I love this little Sesshy, I love the way he is fascinated by Kagome.  It is just so perfect, cute, noble, and spiced with the tease of wondering what changes we will see in the future version of Sesshomaru when Kagome finally makes it back to the feudal era...

mary (Chapter 29) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

it's always such fun to read unspoiled. seshomaru as a kid beats seshomaru as a doting mate.great job!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 29) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

Forthy, sometimes when I read one of your chapters it's like taking a refreshing drink of cool water on a hot day, other times it's like having eaten a good, filling meal, then there are the occasions that leave me feeling like you've given me a lovely sweet snack! This chapter comes under the filling meal category, full of information and a look to the future, and so very well presented. I could spend days just reading your stories.

And you know me, I found a few things:

The hours spent in the pavilion felt empty, and as the [the] place Kagome

Hugging her new [readying] reading material to her chest, Kagome smiled and breathed, “Thank you.”

He’s so fresh from the baths[,];

xX-x.Jaedon.x-Xx (Chapter 28) - Fri 12 Feb 2010

I really like the story, it is very interesting and funny. Can't wait for the next chapter

cbrendible (Chapter 28) - Wed 10 Feb 2010

Very interesting! I would love to read more when you get around to it. ^_^

Jessica (Chapter 28) - Sat 06 Feb 2010

Awsome, I truley can't wait to read more! thankyou for the hard and good work.

lady_myth (Chapter 28) - Fri 05 Feb 2010

Oh, snap.


Well, now you got me thinking in a completely different direction.


Darn you.

Samantha (Chapter 28) - Fri 05 Feb 2010

Hum I wonder if kagome has caught another Inu's interest?  I wonder now if Sesshoumaru's father will now take a personal interest in her and because of her quirks and personality he comes to a point that his views or distain for humans softens.  Setting him up for the future to met and fall in love with Inuyasha's mother and without having met Kagome he would have never given her a second thought because of his current view of humans being unchange by Kagome.  I love this story it is so great and orginal.  Please update soon and can you surprise is with a really long chapter like the first ones! 

GreyEcho (Chapter 28) - Fri 05 Feb 2010

well at least his opion of her might change. :D

Can't wait to see where this leads.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 28) - Fri 05 Feb 2010

>:l stupid papa! omg he's so very inuyasha like i want to smack him! you do well with your character creating but omg can i beat up papa? he's getting on my nerves >:l

Madeline (Chapter 28) - Fri 05 Feb 2010

Yay!! Very cute!! keep up the good work!! Update when you can :D

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