Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Lauren (Chapter 47) - Sun 16 May 2010

Well, that was cute. Poor Sesshomaru being stunned into silence like that. But he didn't even hear Kagome's meesage to Inuyasha, did he? I hope he doesn't feel too betrayed/forgotten... Well, great chapter! I'd been waiting for this meeting for a while. I'm glad to see that it presented as many questions as it did answers. Oh, and I love the elderly mumblings. Very in-character and funny.

Here's hoping all's well on your side of the computer! Ja mata~!!

Kawaii Girl

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 47) - Sun 16 May 2010

NO!NO! Please hurry with the next update. I HAVE to know what happens next. It was just getting really, really good. Hurry.

shinkonokokoro (Chapter 46) - Sat 15 May 2010

Ha! I love the "I hate riddles" admission. :) That's cute. You've got a brilliant story going on here, by the way. I can't wait to see what happens.

Lonelylark (Chapter 1) - Sat 15 May 2010

So, I will outright admit I have not been good about reviewing this story whatsoever. I've been reading this since if first began, and this is, what, my first review? My roommate and I are huge fans of this story. I can't get enough of the young Sesshoumaru's portrayal, the way that it tacks down Sesshoumaru's personality while not completely abandoning the innocence of childhood. The massive time loop is also quite the thrill, and has led to many heated debates between my roommate and I over the possibilities of the future, which is to say NOT the future but the present-past (We've had to come up with these terms as well, just so we can be sure we're on the same page). In any case, thank you for your wonderful contribution to Dokuga, and for making the world a better place with your stories. I eagerly await the next post.

GreyEcho (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

*claps happily* ^___^ Yay PROGRESS! GAh does that mean they gett to meet him in the next chapter or so? An dwill kagome be able to return to that time? >.< Gah, I got to know. Can't wait to see whats unveiled in the next chapter!

loveyaa (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Ahh...they're getting so close I can almost taste it. I can't wait for the infamous reunion and to see how Shippou plays a part in all of this :)

nogooddeed (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Yeah Shippo!! Love him, please update soon!

Sena (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

It looks like Kagome left some hints in the past to getting her back to the...less past. Very exciting!!

SilverontheRose (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

I love you for putting Shippou into this!  Darling, I'm on tenterhooks.  This story is fascinating!

cbrendible (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

don't ever stop! i would cry... I love this story!

Sala (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

I'm very excited that Shippo is going to get an important role in this story. :)

Addy (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Tehee.  X3  I love Shippou!

Karli (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Now why would they need the help of a kitsume??

As Always a Great Chapter Mate.

17th Floor (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Buwhhhhaaaaa? Shippo??? Nice plot development! Love.

Koi (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

I am in love with this fic. I can't wait until they find sesshomaru's teacher!!! I can't waaait! I wonder though how is Shippo going to find him?

Vanja (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

That was so thoughful and sweet that Shippo will have an importan role to play. He is usually a side character without any major reason to exist (except showing that Kagome is a good mother or mating with Rin and extending her lifespan). I can't wait to see what has happened in the past. I also like the fact that both half-brothers are cooperating. They seem to be quite mature and not so stuck up. It is a nice change.

Keep updating.... soon... please

Snowfall (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Oooh, Hisoka must be using magic to hide his whereabouts...or something.  I can't believe that Shippou would actually know where he is.  I feel so sorry for Sesshoumaru.  I think he's in shock and doesn't realize it yet.  Can't wait to see what the partial claiming was all about.  ^_^

I don't know that I've ever told you this, but I really do appreciate that you characterize Inuyasha so well instead of making him a jerk.  And, you don't facilitate the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome by killing him off.  It's a nice change.  Thank you.  *bows*

katlady (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

I  love  this  I reallly  doo   every chappter  has  me giggling  or  goiing  aweeeeeeeeee



update  soon

Darrakk (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

Moar please. Can't wait to find out what happened to Kagome, and how everything turns out.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 47) - Fri 14 May 2010

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So yeah tease :3 i wonder what happened in the past!!!

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