Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Nelita (Chapter 1) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

I've been reading "The Breeder", it may agitate me, but I'm learning just a bit more from different perspectives about rape and people. Nonetheless, I don't understand how Danya can say that she (kagome) wouldn't have a legit reason to tell her chirldren why she killed their father. Personally, if they asked and were of age I would tell them about their father what type of person he was and how he acted. If rape is the best way to explain, then it will be said. So many children are shielded and know nothing of the real world because parents are too scared to tell their children the truth of life and how people really are. Then there is Sabrina Samayoa who says he is youkai and we should see from his (sesshomaru) side. I can agree with that, but nonetheless their are youkai out there who can see from all points of view and not just their sides. Being said, youkais are rational, logical people, so how can he actually believe that what he is doing is okay for her. That being said how can Kagome not see that he won't stop simply because he is posessive by nature. Although, I do agree, I wouldn't stop at anything to get away from him, even kill. The humilation, shame, pity,  and sadness would be enough to make me come up with enough reasons to find a way to kill him. Then when I think of th ending I keep asking myself how will she end it. I mean no matter how many people can say I see love coming I don't. I see her most likely forgiving him, but won't forget it. I can see her growing complacent even content in life, simply because of the volume of years those two will share. But love,no.  How can love grow from a convoluted relationship at the start of it. From the lies of Inuyasha, the rape of Sesshomaru, and the sadness of not being able to change the predicament. How can love grow from it?

     Nonetheless, I didnt write a review just to rant, you have impeccable writing skills, sure a few grammatical errors here and there, but a well written story thus far.

Doll-Fin-Chick (Chapter 24) - Sat 20 Mar 2010

Ergh, I wish that was still allowinfg you to update there! I just now checked to see if there'd been an update, I just love this story too much too let it go!


Anyway, I really like how Sesshy seems to be swaying XD






Jenis Miranda (Chapter 24) - Sat 20 Mar 2010
i've been reading this story for the past couple days, and boy, do i love it! i could not stop reading it tonight especially. i read chapters 12 on through. :o) and, i love that you love long stories! i'm looking forward to getting on dokuga and seeing 'chapter 100' :o) i found it rather annoying that you've had to explain things to some reviewers like 5 times. lol. you poorthing, i'd be SUPER frustrated. sesshoumaru is such an ass in this story. lol. but a loveable one? haha. kagome is such a spitfire, eh? i would have broke long ago... anyways, i am thouroughly enjoying this story. cant wait for more! :o) -jenis (p.s. i do have an account, its just not letting me sign in for some reason :o( )

Rowdys girl (Chapter 24) - Sat 20 Mar 2010

 OH, DAMN! Girl, you can write the paint off the wall!!! I am having a hard time finding any errors because you are getting better technically, but more because the story is so, so, so good that I get caught up in it and don't notice errors unless they really stick out. That is good writing!

Much to my embarrassment, I missed these in Chapter 22:

Shrugging, Kaede replied, “I doubt she can take the [color] collar off,

Know that every move you make [are] is observed.

Now, on to Chapter 23:

Kagome wiped the tears from her eyes as she watched

I've just re-read the paragraphs where Sesshoumaru practically throws Sango and Miroku out of the palace. That boy needs his butt kicked!

Everyone pointedly ignored the now tense atmosphere.  The guards, Ami, Kaede, Shippo, Rin, Sango, and Miroku all fell in line behind Sesshoumaru and Kagome as the Western Lord led his mate towards the dining hall. (Where's Mushin?)

She didn’t want them getting hurt by Sesshoumaru if they tried to rescue her in some way[,] and failed. (This comma is unnecessary, I would delete it as it kind of interrupts the flow of the sentence.)

A few more goodbyes were exchanged between Shippo[,] and Rin, and after that Miroku, Sango, and Mushin took to the sky on top of Ah-Un while Sesshoumaru moved to stand at Kagome’s side.

“In escaping me.  You are creative, and, for humans,

You are better than [Demonesses] demonesses.

I’m the one [that] who was screaming and crying,   (that is for things, who is for people. by using who, kagome is subtlely showing she's a person.)

For him, to keep him safe, you didn’t try to escape while at the summer shiro where I hid you [at].

If you do not see it this way, I suggest you come to.   (This sentence strikes me as unfinished.)

Demons will not adapt to human ways,

I am glad you want these reviews, cuz I want your work to be perfect! That way EVERYONE will know how great you are!










dayna (Chapter 1) - Thu 18 Mar 2010

@KillinPerfection, I dont think that Kagome is meant to be protrayed as weak and helpless. If you really think about it the way Kagome is acting can be considered kind-hearted and pure in a sense. I mean one: What are the chances of Kagome being able to out-smart or become stronger than Sesshomaru. Two: Killing him would really serve no purpose besides getting him to leave her alone. Three: Kagome has a child to think about now and could she actually tell her child a legitamate reason that she killed his father, I doubt it.

I just think, as I said in my other review that Kagome has been thrown into a society that is totally different than what she is used to ( being from the future and all). If you look at youki society you can see that they view humans as below them but Sessy is slowly but surely drifting from this logic. As Texan Lady said Sessy will suffer for what he has done to Kagome and he should but I think it will make Kagome that much stronger if she forgives and forgets in the future. Sessy will come to understand the error of his way and that is going to make the story that much better.


Well that was my little rant, hehehe

dayna (Chapter 24) - Thu 18 Mar 2010

Interesting, very interesting. I'm kinda of glad to see that Sessy is coming around to feeling different about to whole situation but he obviously has a looooong way to go. I wonder how he is gonna feel when his sons can't or won't help him "conquer" the world when they get older. Hmmmm can't wait to see that little situation. On another note, I wonder what it is going to take for Kagome to totally forgive Sessy considering all that she has and will go through.? I guess she has to fully understand youki traditions and rituals, but I bet its definately gonna take way more than that. Well I will be waiting for the next update. Nice chapter, I love the dialouge between Sessy and Kagome.

Claire (Chapter 24) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

Loved that chapter!!! you got to update real soon.... please please update!!!

Sierra (Chapter 24) - Wed 17 Mar 2010


KillinPerfection (Chapter 24) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

I don’t like the idea of Kagome being so weak, as if she has no fight in here or will to survive. Giving the opportunity if someone is oppressing you, you do whatever is in your power. “ When Sesshoumaru asked if you would kill me to escape“, the obvious answer would have be to say yes, her saying ‘no’ doesn’t make her kind hearted or pure, it just makes here seem really…….stupid, or adapted to her circumstances, no real fight left in her just survival mode, survive the basics and worry about the rest eventually.

I genuinely believe in, ‘an eye for an eye,’ I don’t believe in the whole world goes blind bit, because we are all already very much so blind, to everyone else but us.

Amy (Chapter 24) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

signifying the end of her marriage to Miroku. {sounds like your saying they're now divorced}

sesshomaru using the word "perks" is strange. The word is a newly invented word to the english language so realy is would be only kagome that would use it.

{{It was}}For him, to keep him safe, {that} you didn’t try to escape while at the summer shiro I hid you at.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 24) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

Awww, Texanlady! Why? Why do you have to torture me so? D= I LOVE this fic and you doing it that I can't think of anyone else that could continue it, ever. As I was reading I was thinking of the many compliments about the chapter I could give and there were just so many I'd forget about the previous one I'd think about! I must say, you did quite well for rushing it and not editing at all. I only spotted one or two typos but I was just so eager to keep reading I wasn't really looking out for them. Rowdy's girl will help you though ^-^. Anyways! Please update soon! PLEASE @,@ Sesshoumaru insists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kek c;

M (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

I'm am so wrapped up in this story, I can't wait to see where it goes. It's great!

Sabrina-star (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

Well, at least hes changing a Iny weeny tiny bit!!!!! Damn, when will he learn?? But I DO see his point of view!

Kagome should reflect on that! Hes NOT HUMAN and judging him based on that is unfair, although if I were in her shoes

I would react like her, but after this chapter...she needs counseling and someone who she can talk about it.

I hope you update soon!!!

Sala (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

It is nice to see Sesshoumaru attempting to be nicer to Kagome, but for a high-standing demon lord he doesn't seem to be very mentally flexible.  I would think that although he typically slays is enemies, he must also be proficient in diplomacy when it comes to the other higher demons.  You'd think he would make a legitimate attempt at educating Kagome about demon culture/society, rather than just telling her over and over again how she MUST view things.

mary (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

*shivers* it's like talking to some psycopath! it just makes me want to kill seshomaru. him and his convoluted arrogant archaic ways! when will get through his thick skull that what he's doing is horrific?



BloodRuby (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

Now this has gotten interesting! Battle of the two powers Kagome vs. Sesshoumaru!!!

*Ding**Ding**Ding* Round 1!!!

I'm so happy that you updated this story i've been checking up on it to see if you updated or not and you finally did!

*gasp* Sesshoumaru is starting to change, a small change but a change non the less although i'm curious as to how you make his character develop, but to i detect a hint of insecurity in him? It seems to me that Kagome not accepting the mating at all is making Sesshoumaru, not dejected but...whats the word i'm looking for....well clearly you made it known that he regrets how the entire mating went down but he seems almost nervous about Kagome not accepting the mating and wanting to leave...that has to knock his ego down a notch or two!

Also i love how you made Kagome a fighter even after all she went through! some people would make there female character weak after such a thing like rape but i'm glad you made her a fighter, even though she is afraid of Sesshoumaru when it comes to the intimate aspect of the forced mating but i'm very happy with how Kagome is always being herself and trying to figure a way out of her predicament.

I'm curious how long are you going to make Kagome stay pregnant for and how is the birthing process of the baby going to be? what type of situation is the baby going to be born in? I'd appreciate an answer even though i most likely am not going to get one but these questions have been on my mind so i'm excited for when the baby comes and how things are going to go from the point of Kagome going into labor to after the many questions and not enough answers!!!!

Also i loved the Inuyasha bashing in the earlier chapters when her group finds out what Sesshoumaru was really using her for, very epic scene I must say!

So i hope you update again really soon because i love this story and i'm kinda going crazy about all the unanswered questions swimming in my head about it but knowing that you are probably enjoying your fans going crazy and laughing at us like something along the lines of ***MWHHAHAHAHA!!! I KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN BUT YOU DONT!!!!*** 

O.O wow long review so i think i'll cut it short now!

k love your story! hope you update soon! and be prepared to face a horde of crazy fans!

much love - BloodRuby!!!




Note - my longest f-ing review ever, well worth it thought!

reneex (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

I can't wait for the next chapter, I love this story soo much.

Neo-Crystal (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

Hmm...That wasn't even a start to making it up to Kagome! He was kinda being sweet in a twisted kind of way. I like how this chapter came out.  I'm hoping to see more retrabution. I wanna see Sesshy pay for what he's done to kagome! She should still call it raping to his face! I was thinking the same thoughts as Kagome when he said he would make her body like the raping. That would make me feel worse. I would think when he trys that she should have a small break down, just showing him what she thinks about that.

Can we have some insight to Sesshy mind? For the reason why this somewhat sudden change in attitude.

I had the fleeting thought pass by my head that if she doesn't escape him shortly, that when they have a few sons who are old enough to understand what exactly is going on that they would help her escape.


P.S. Please update C&C also!!

stars (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

please updata soon

doom kitty (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

the only area i see that needs correcting is the frequency of update. i thought this was dead. update more often please.


atleast once every two weeks, jeez.

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