Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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mrslegume (Chapter 25) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

Thank you so much for updating. I had almost given up hope on this story continuing. It is one of my favorites and I can't wait for Kagome's pup to be born. I enjoy seeing the slow change in Sesshy and look forward to seeing him interact with his son. Thank you again for the update, hopefully it won't be another 5 months for the next chapter. :-)

Fish Wishes (Chapter 1) - Sun 03 Oct 2010


I enjoy reading your fanfiction. Though it urks me when typos occur, punctuation is missed, or grammar is misplaced, the overall plot and characterization is done well. Though I found a slip up, not too big, just a little thing. When the other demon lords came to visit Sesshoumaru before attacking Naraku, you had him tell Kagome to remain behind and on his left. But later when everyone visited Kagome for the first time, you had Sesshoumaru tell her to remain behind and on his right. As I said, miniscule, but I thought it should be noted.

I look forward to other chapters too.

Thank you for sharing this with us,

Kara (Chapter 25) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

Man you made me feel bad for Inuyasha again! I feel soooo bad for him, and even for Kikyo... Somehow even though it's like... "Hey you deserve this, you made your bed now lie in it." I want them to find some measure of happiness, even Kikyo, and I'm a devoted Kikyo basher! Awts, I don't know, make them out to be bad again lol have them do something stupid and maybe I won't be so sympathetic? Regardless of what you do or do not do though, I'm going to continue to read avidly. :3 

Rosalind (Chapter 25) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

Kikyo is a fool and while I hope something fatal happens to her, Inuyasha deserves at least a few yeras more of being completely miserable for the way he betrayed kagome, though while I don't think he really realized what he condemned his best friend to do the betrayl is still awful, though maybe kikyo can be maimed? fingers crossed that inuyasha abandons her at some point- i wonder if she'll blame the lack of children on him, i wouldn't put it past her, though maybe if he gets really desperate inuyasha could always search around the area and i don't doubt that he'd come across at least one or even two children in the same situation that rin was in before she found sesshomaru and he could probably adopt them

poor kagome, so very glad that sesshomaru cant/wont touch her while she's pregnany and love love love her line of 'unless you're dead you'll play with them' that was so very kagome and so perfect! really hoping she manages to get some further leverage to use after the pup is born or manages to slip away into her time, but then i suppose that would put sango, miroku and their children in danger and that would definately be bad, maybe kagome could get him to promise not to hurt their children and while it would take a heck of a lot of patience forty years from then when sango and miroku die then she and her pup, or maybe pups by that time, could slip away through the well and sesshomaru would have almost four hundred years to think and maybe realize why she ran

or not, its your fantastic story and i really look forward to where you take it next

FaMulan (Chapter 25) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

This fic is absolutely fascinating! I love that sesshomaru's growing emotionally, slightly, though kagome's right not to trust him and i feel rather sorry for inuyasha, though again like kagome not sorry enough to want him to be forgiven, no sympathy at all for kikyo

i'm curious about kagome's extended pregnancy and sort of wondering if its because the pup is sort of protecting his mother, kagome's been mentally and i suppose actually talking to him since the first month of his conception and he does ease off about making her throw up when she concentrates and you mentioned that kagome is certain that he can feel her emotions so i don't doubt that he can feel his mother's distress when sesshomaru touches her, kagome's son undoubtedly has her talent to percieve things below the initial surface and coupled with sesshomaru's complete lack of naivete this is a brilliant move on the pup's part, if its on purpose

definately looking forward to when you next add more to this or your other fascinating tales (Chapter 25) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

i actually feel really sorry for inuyasha in this chapter! i shouldnt but i do. Arg kikyou should get eaten by rabid squirrels ! >:l

this story is making me crazy :/ pleeeeeeeeeeeease update x

Sala (Chapter 25) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

New chapter soon?  Pretty please?

T (Chapter 1) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

Really like your story but can you add one more update


Lavender (Chapter 25) - Tue 21 Sep 2010

Wow this is truly amazing! I absolutely love this whole idea of a trapped Kagome, and just how well you portray her angst and immense sadness is fabulous. I read this story a while back after stumbling across some fanart for it and I thought you weren't going to continue but you are, so keep it up! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Esmooria (Chapter 25) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

Wow, please update soon! Read the whole thing today, I'm definitely intrigued! I'm not sure if you have it also on or not, I searched there and came up dry, but if you do, I'd love to favorite it. :)

Janelle (Chapter 25) - Wed 15 Sep 2010

i Love your story!!! I Soooo exciting!!!

I hope you keep updating!!!

Thank you for creating it!!!

Shakeil (Chapter 25) - Mon 13 Sep 2010

Hey where have you been!! Its been forever since you last posted I had almost given up hope! This is one of my favorite stories and I have been on pins and needles. I know you have a life and all but you have gottena lot of people addicted to this story and we are all dying to know what's going to happen next so  give me my fix please! LOL! I hope everything is going okay and if you need someone to ruff people up so that you can update more often. I am not opposed to breaking some knee caps for my fix! LOL! Keep 'um coming!

Selah (Chapter 12) - Fri 03 Sep 2010

Thankyou for writing in spite of going through a hard time, I know will all as readers are extremely grateful for your time in writing this story.

Now off to my unessessary rant. Still don't like him, still don't. It's very good that he has a harem, so he can leave her the heck alone.

I'm still wondering how many more chapters(I'm sure it's alot) before I can break out the bottle of wine in celebration of Sesshomaru's fated immense suffering, yesss I never wanted to see suffering so much(so not like me, getting scared of myself)

As i assumed you gathered i have absolutely no sympathic feelings towards him, can't bring myself to it. And I'm pretty sure that is the reaction you want out of your readers. Can't wait for next update. As always, wonderful work.

~Juggalette4Lyfe420~ (Chapter 25) - Tue 31 Aug 2010

wonderful! update again real soon please i love it!

katlady (Chapter 25) - Tue 31 Aug 2010






:Notices  shes in undies and changes into  yukata and blushes::


  please  dont leave me habging again for so  long up date  soon

snowbird (Chapter 25) - Tue 31 Aug 2010

I was so tickled to see an update.  I almost felt sorry for Inuyasha.  You notice I used the word 'almost'.  I wonder if the Kamis will let them have children.  If they don't, I bet that one day Inuyasha will abandon Kikyou.

My skin crawls everytime I think of Sesshoumaru being with one of his whores and then crawls in bed with Kagome and snuggles her.  I don't care if he takes a hundred baths, he is still 'contaminated'.  If he's becoming so enamored with her and can hardly keep from wanting to rut with her, then how can he be sexually 'turned on' by another female?  While he can't be with Kagome, he deserves to get a good case of the 'clap'.  I'd laugh my ass off.  I know poor Kagome doesn't care one way or the other as long as he isn't bothering her. 

wiiTneSs (Chapter 25) - Tue 31 Aug 2010

Yay! Lovin' ur chappies as usual! If Inu yasha ever sees Kagome again (with her big happy, healthy family), I hope Kagome can one day forgive him (n sesshoumaru) as she is a kind and loving being. As for the baby, is he staying longer than usual to protect his mother? So sweet, but that would mean he's growing and wouldn't it hurt, the bigger the baby is? o.O?

Angeltsuki (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Another great chapter. A strange pregnancybut over all I can't wait for the chapter when he's born. I look forward to it and hope that you'll have to inspiration to write it soon.

autumngold (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Thank you for the update!  Is Kagome's pup not being born because he is protecting her from his father?  Or is that just why she gets sick when he tries to  be with her?  To bad for Kagome that she can't stay pregnant for at least a couple more years.  Maybe Sesshoumaru would actually come to respect her in that time.  I really hope that Inuyasha keeps being miserable.  Because I'm such a petty person I still want Inuyasha and Kikyo to suffer.  In fact, I hope that Kikyo stops being so happy soon.  Maybe being unable to get pregnant will make her miserable?  Personally, I hope worse things happen to her than that!  Can't wait for another chapter!  I'm so glad that you are continuing this story!

Happy2SeeAll (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

well first I would like to say that it is nice to see you writing again. Secondly, this chapter was very well done. I enjoy seeing Sesshomaru slowly getting the hint at what he has done wrong... although I have a feeling there is more "learning" in store for Sesshomaru. I do have to say that I like the fact that Inuyasha is seeing things differently as well... they always say hindsight is 20/20, I can only hope Sesshomaru stops seeing mistakes after they have already done damage and starts some pre-emptive (think thats the right word to use) thinking. I really enjoyed the oral "contract" Kagome managed to squeeze out of Sesshomaru. I can really see that as a lighter and even funnier chapter but a great thing in the future of the story.

I look forward to reading more chapters. You have a great writing ability, it really pulls readers in.

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