Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Sierra (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

Luv this story cant wait for you to make more i actualy thought Kagome was going to wish herself free from Sesshomaru and i luved how you made Inuyasha fell at the end and how Kagome wasnt afraid to tell him off bravo

Arwyn (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

Oh man! What a beautifully powerful chapter.

In a way I feel bad for InuYasha, in all his brashness he finally lost the one person that was his one true friend. And to be told that instead of being able to crawl into a hole somewhere and die, he has to live with the knowledge that his betrayal will walk with him each step of the way in the form of Kikyo.

Poor Kagome, to have stored up all of those emotions, which were probably compounded by the hormonial upheaval of her being pregnant. Honestly I think that just makes her a tad on the scary side.

Kanna37 (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

THat was... AWESOME!  Man, that was one hell of a 'telling Inuyasha off scene', and was wortth the wait!  Can't wait to see more Inu suffering for his stupidity, and Kikyou getting payback fore being a bitch.


Princess Azula (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

Another Wonderful chapter in a truly inspirational piece! Keep up the good work! <3 

Nenyanna (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

wow. For 4 am that was an amazing chapter!

please update soon!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

Amazing chapter! I believe my favorite part was Kagom'es speech. It was so real, something I could see my own self roaring if put in her place. Excellent work, I'll be eargerly awaiting the next chapter :)

Katrina (Chapter 21) - Sun 17 Jan 2010

Very good. But you said that you might change it and I can understand that your tired. Have a good nights rest and since you might change it I'll read it again. So sleep tight and good night or day. ^_^

Shakeil (Chapter 20) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

I am a huge fan of your work and want to encourage you to hurry up already!!! I am practically frathong at the mouth to the confrontation scene!! I don't think I can wait much longer! I also read your profile and think that we may have been separated at birth!! I am also a texan lady both in location and inclination. I can honestly say that you now rank up there with MY heavy hitters: Linda Howard, Kresley Cole, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Julie Garwood, and Jude Devearaux. You have a faithful and loyal servant. When I get up the nerve I will post one day and hope to give you as much entertainment as you have given me! Thanks! P.S. Hurry up already!!! I'm choppin at the bit here!

Marie (Chapter 20) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

I have to say I very much like reading this story of yours...and your other story Choices and Consequences. I also love the way you have made the characters not fall in love with each other to fast...and I've never read a great story like this were Sesshoumaru and Kagome don't really love each other so early in the story or this far into the story so far. I'm loving this very much. But I hope to see you continue with your story, which is hard to say you wouldn't because you just write so great. 

Anyways I can't wait for your next chapter to come out and see where you take this next. Good on ya!  ;)





Sierra (Chapter 20) - Tue 12 Jan 2010


Claire (Chapter 20) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

Lol i left a review on the wrong chapter XD That last review was ment for Chapter 20 Lol

Claire (Chapter 1) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

Man.. i am speechless....iam soo!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy you updated!!! please update again real soon, looking foward to Inuyasha's reaction to kagomes pregnancy

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

All I have to say about Sesshou at this point is that he is such a cruel bastard. I wonder what Shippou would truly think of him if he found out all the  bad things that were done to Kagome. And I just can't wait for the reunion of a lifetime. I'm guessing heads will roll... most likely Kikyou and Inuyasha's. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Mina (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

ha ha! the time for kags' revenge is here!!! please update soon texanlady ur awesome!

Archerdiana (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

Hello, last time I reviewed I posted 'anonymously' as Diana. @.@ I just had to get an account after the latest chaps.

Wow I really like how this story is going. I guess it just figures that he's spying. And something told me he wouldnt truly leave her alone with...well anybody that's not the elite guards or Rin. And well, I really think Shippo's behaviour was exactly what it should. It even distantly reminds me of foxes- not submissive, not agressive.

I'm also quite surprised Sesshouaru won't just kill Kagura and get own with his business. Maybe he was too mate-hungry to think properly. And by the way, interaction was not in the slightest disappointing, but I'd be shooting bullets to my skull for beeing treated like a baby by the very person who rapped me.

I'm still curious of how are you going to write about the pregnancy. Response to outer events by the baby is definitely a youkai ability I guess.

btw, I'm loosing track, how long has it been in the story since she got pregnant? I wonder whether you'll make her pregnancy period longer than one of hanyou's or the 9 months. I'll keep an eye on the story I guess.

Thanks for the quick update.

Miss.Undo (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

please updat as sson as you can. i really want to see/ er read inuyashas face when he sees kagome. ") wonderful story.

Silverkitsune26 (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

Another wonderful chapter from a really good author. YEY............ I'm so happy with it. Your story just get more interesting with each new chapter. Sesshoumaru still irritates me with his attitude and action, but I'm getting better with coming to terms with him. Can hardly wait to read Inuyashas reaction when he sees Kagome again, and what has happend.

Please keep up the wonderful work you are dooing. And PLEASE update soon. ^__^

Love Silverkitsune26 ^_^

Running in Circles (Chapter 1) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

Yea, new chapter!!! Beautifully written as always. I can't wait to see the Inu gangs reaction, to Kagome's true position. Oh the tangled web, with Kagura's plotting, then Kikyo's plotting, I can't wait to see it unfold!

erai (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

Once again, LOVED IT! Thanks so much for updating again! You make me smile. I love how brave Shippo was! Standing up for Kagome even though he was sared out of his wits! I also like how while he was mad at Sesshomaru, he showed his demon background by showing his understanding of why and how things happened. I could sit here and praise you for all the things you have done right, but my fingers might just fall off. Can't wait for the new chapter!


*Proceeds to shower you with candy and cookies*

Sierra (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

I LUV this storie its cool how even if Kagome HATES Sesshomaru they can have those special moments togeather and their unborn son.I hope Inuyasha regrets what he did to Kagome and what fate he led her to he chose a dead girl from the real living one.Hope you write more real soon

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