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Hesunohana (Chapter 18) - Thu 25 Mar 2010

I LOVE your fanfiction !! really ! I was so sad when Hitomu died. really. will Sesshoumaru learn he was a father, just fort a bit, one of this day ?

chevonne knowles (Chapter 18) - Thu 25 Mar 2010

another good chapter as always.

I enjoy your story so very much.

why did kagome lie about who she was when he could tell that she was hididng herself.

and i want to know how the babies dad is. whos the man. so many things to find out.

this is such a wonderful story

aurora22 (Chapter 18) - Thu 25 Mar 2010

Great chapter!!!!! :O ooh ooh! Is the new baby Kuro reborn?! Something gonna happen if Sin, Sesshoumaru, and Kagome all ended up in the same room together? Hehe. I hope she takes the new baby. Even if it would be dangerous. Shippo could watch the babe. Update soon!

Eve (Chapter 18) - Thu 25 Mar 2010

Oh I'm so glad you updated this great story,  Please keep updating!  I can hardly wait for the next chapter!

Thank You!

Kiri Kyohaku   >^.^<

nanashitenshi (Chapter 17) - Thu 25 Mar 2010
I loved it! I can't wait for the new chapter!

Pebbs (Chapter 15) - Wed 24 Mar 2010

I'm in awe of this Kagome.  I really, really like her.  She is powerful and not to be messed with.  I see why there was need for her character's growth in the earlier arcs.  The former could not handle such adventures on her own.  This makes a bit of sense.  I enjoy this story greatly. 

I'm still catching up so I will still comment on what I've read so far.  I was surprised to be thrown directly into a pregnancy.  A few flashbacks may assist in seeing how it got this far.  After the last chapter I was expecting maybe a short sidestory of her attempting to adapt inside the Lord's home.  Or even background on his character.  I think my jaw dropped when her pregnancy was revealed.  You wonder: how she even let that happen? Why even?  Then somethin' hit me while I was walkin my dog and thinkin about the story (srsly, I was walkin my dog and was thinking about this..weird right?) could she possibly be carrying Kuro reincarnate?!  Now THAT could be interesting!  I mean, will this really be fitting to the lifestyle she's accustomed to?  Raising a child with Shippou seems awkward for a plot device (so far, that is).  However that would make sense b/c Kuro "suggested" she go in that direction.  He has already told her that there's no such thing as fate, the powers that be sort of move things along and hope for the best.  Kuro already sent the Monks to look for him and they're supposed to find Kagome first!  If her child is Kuro he will be raised by the monks if found.  That way, there wouldn't be any reason for her to take him with her.  The kami would be reborn and what better way but by the miko favored by the Gods, plus she adored Kuro. 

Or maybe I'm just overthinking this and missed something COMPLETELY? lol  Gotta catch up. 

Great story.

aurora22 (Chapter 17) - Fri 19 Mar 2010

Excellent chapter! What's Sesshoumaru gonna do when he finds out about his pup? And was that demoness trying to tell Kagome something or was she just picking a fight? It seemed like she was trying to say something but then the insults got in the way and then the fight happened. Looking forward to the next update!

dayna (Chapter 17) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

This may be surprising but I liked this chapter even though I was sad that the baby died I was happy to see that Kagome can still come out with so much strength.  I still trying to figure out how the baby ended up hanyou. I know a lot of people was saying that the baby was Sessy's and I was kinda confused about that, maybe I missed something important when I was reading. Well cant wait for an update, really wanna know whats gonna happen next.

oniko kuro (Chapter 17) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Aw, that was really sad. Good but sad. You are a REALLY good writer ^^ I can't WAIT for the next chapter ^^ X3

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 17) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

So does Sesshou acting weird have to do with Kagome giving birth? And what's going to happen to that ungrateful demoness now that she's recaptured? I look forward to Kagome and Shippou's next adventure but hope she doesn't get kidnapped by a power hunger human again. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Karissa (Chapter 17) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

That was sad but totally awsome.  I so look forward to the next chapter and all that is going to happen.  Wow the info on Sheshomarou that was great.  You have done a great job and I love the character developements.

Inulovely383 (Chapter 17) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

I am finally able to leave a review.  I have been keeping up with your story via my I-phone.  I absolutely LOVE this story.  I am constantly checking the site for updates.  Each chapter is well thought out & beautifully written.  Each chapter is well worth the wait.  So keep up the work.  Now, on to the actual review

I am so glad you killed of Tashi.  I was, sort of, upset in the beginning when you had married Kagome off to him, but I understand why you did it.  She needed to get stronger & he needed to piss her off enough to take some sore of revenge to get himself offed.

I cried when the baby, conceived by Kagome & Sesshoumaru, died.  I can't help but wonder, when he & Kagome finally get together, how he will feel when she tells him about their son & all the crap Tashi put her through every day to cause her to lose the little one. I'm sure it will not be pretty, but he will be full of pride when Kagome tells him how she got her revenge.

I look forward to their romance, but I will wait patiently because I know there is still a good deal of story before that part comes to play & I have no doubt that it will be just as great as the previous chapters.



Aki (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

I was right about the baby being Sesshomaru's, i just didn't expect you to kill him.

It made me reallly sad. Good chapter, Well thought out, Update soon.

ceres (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

I´m sad that Taishi had to die but it seems he lost his mind at the end. He was an ass but still he only behaved how he was raised and men had a higher stations than women. I was also shocked that you killed Kagome´s baby so I´m curious what purpose it has for your plot. Hopefully Kagome will get stronger again because seeing her having problems with one stupid demoness is frustrating. I want the Kagome who fought against a few highly trained monks at once back, after she has healed of course. A bit maturity in behaviour would also be appreciated. She went through a lot.

How old is Kagome now? She started with almost 17 with her journey to Jiji so she has to be about 20, right? Well, I hope she´ll get to Jiji soon and maybe we´ll see Sin again? I like him.


stars (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

please updata

stars (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

please updata

TruGemini (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

That was awesome. and for Taishi to get his from the demons he imprisoned? Priceless. I feel bad that the baby died, but for her to become stronger that and the events following needed to happen. she has a long road ahead of her and needs to toughen up more. But right now, she need JiJi.

sesskagomefan (Chapter 1) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

I guess wrong. I figure the baby would be Sesshoumaru but is the Kami reborn.I enjoy your story. I am wondering when all these fangs will come in handy.

Snowfall (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

Also, thanks for preventing us from getting attached to the baby before he died.  That would have been really sad, although you could have wrung a lot more angst out of it if you had wanted to take the time.  ^_^

Snowfall (Chapter 17) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

That was a wonderful and exciting chapter.  I wasn't at all squicked.  ^_^  So, no worries.  I'm glad they're finally out of there and that Taishi is dead, dead, dead.  I have to wonder what will happen to that little boy though.

Aw, that whole thing with Rin was really sweet.  I hope Sesshoumaru gets his act together.  ^_^  Too bad about those stupid soldiers though.

You did a great job with the editing.  *two thumbs up* 

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