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KouseiJL (Chapter 22) - Sun 19 Sep 2010

I'm so sorry to hear about the robbery! At least you are safe and still with us! I hope the fall goes better for you than this summer did! Anyways, I have grown attached to this story - and while it is a complete divergence from canon, you have managed to incorporate some issues that aren't usually addressed in most fanfictions: the position of women in fuedal society, the unique obsurdity that is Kagome, the relationships of the nobility to the commoners, the relationship of youkai to human, etc. I'm always impressed with the story and its multiple arcs! Please continue writing...I look forward to the next chapter!


1CarinoInu (Chapter 22) - Sun 19 Sep 2010

So why does Sesshoumaru continue to avoid Kagome?  I know he's stubborn and all, but ah, maybe he doesn't understand his feelings.  There's got to be something there.  Grr, he's such a frustrating man...errr...demon.

Glad to see Kagome continues to take control of things.  No more being walked all over.  That last part was crazy!

Love this story and so glad you found time to update.  I understand RL gets in the way.  

Aki (Chapter 22) - Sun 19 Sep 2010

Awesomee chapter

Update soon.

RestlessTemptationz (Chapter 21) - Sat 11 Sep 2010

this storii iz just so amazin!!! i luv it so muc! i've bee keepin up with it so far & each chapter just gets better & better each time.  i hope u got some more chapters comin soon :D

Jocelyn (Chapter 21) - Fri 10 Sep 2010

I have been following your story from the first time I laid my eyes on it and I tell you now that you have potential with this story and I really cant wait for you to update soon, this is story is number one among my favorites  

jojo661538 (Chapter 21) - Sun 20 Jun 2010

what is the curse that the bloodline had i like this story because kagome is stong and can hold on her own anyways keep up the great work i hope to read more soon ^_^

dayna (Chapter 21) - Tue 15 Jun 2010

Well there is definately ALOT going on in this chapter. I can definately understand why Kagome doesnt want to become the ruler of Tashi's lands. After being on her own for so long and doing things her way to have to ruler or thousands of people and follow certain rules is really not her style. I have a feeling though that this is going to be a way for Kagome and Sessy to get closer.

Kazi, i think i'm starting to really like her and I think that I understand what she meant by her comment about the bloodline being cursed. I guess i'll have to wait for another update to see if I am correct.

I am really enjoying this story and I am glad that you found time to update. Cant wait to see what is gonna happen next.

GreyEcho (Chapter 21) - Sun 13 Jun 2010

What cursed?! and what about this seer?

haha! i can't wait to see others reaction if they ever figure out what kagome is doing now. and others I mean Jiji, sin, ....everyone. lol glad to see another chapter up. I know school kills writing time. :P  Take care. 

hola (Chapter 14) - Sun 13 Jun 2010
hey! i'm loving this story so far! i think you're doing great, and i didnt think chapter 14 was boring at all, i thought it helped the story. plus, i really like our favourite girl when she wears pretty kimonos ^^ i'm looking forward to the rest of the story! :)

Midnight Cat (Chapter 21) - Sat 12 Jun 2010

I am sorry to see readers like Kira who don't apreciate the great gift that you give us by updating and writing this story! It is not easy to come up with so much to make the chapter worth reading and obviously some out there don't feel the work you put into it is worth it.

Luckily, the rest of us are just tickled pink that you updated and now I am so ever curiuous to know what is the gist of the entire prediction this seer came up with. Obviously it is nothing good for Kagome and the children, but let us hope that her suffering will not be as deep as before.

I am hoping that by accepting the title of lady of the land, Kagome will change many of the horrible things her ex had implemented, and that pretty soon she will discover how deeply involved the advisors are in this plot.

I am sorry that you do not have time to update more often, this story really is a good one and it is hard to remember what happen before if a long time has passed between chapters, so you tend to loose the train of events and forget who is who and what part they played in the story. However, I am grateful for anything you choose to share with us and look forward with great anticipation to your next update!

Thank you for writing and thank you for sharing!



Pebbs (Chapter 21) - Sat 12 Jun 2010

YES!!!  Yes yes yes!  Thank you!  You are wonderful!

There has to be some sort of "kick me" sign on her back!  She is placed into another situation from which has no easy way out.  Yet, this feels like more of the answers to why Taishi seeked her out so vehemently.  It's subtle, but your hints are leading to something big and complicated, yet highly entertaining.  Especially the hint that Kazi left her with.  I always felt that the demoness played an additional role to this since her previous "escape" ushered by Kagome.  She may be an interesting character for chapters to come it seems. 

Good chapter!  Please keep up the great work!  Life works in mysterious ways, yes.   However, life makes for pleasant surprises as well. 

Love your story!  ^_^

Kira (Chapter 21) - Fri 11 Jun 2010

No offence but when is the Shikon actually going to make point in this fic or Naraku for that matter??


I mean she's already gone the many months of child birth and nothing has happened yet. If Kagome became so powerful after leaving InuYasha and the others she could've escaped and left many months before hand.



All in all I really don't see any major points in the fic.



Yes you have very big drama scenes but nothing really great. I mean come on there is nothing here its all just word. You have officially lost myself as a reader.


I do not want you to take this the wrong way, I understand that this is very aggressive but this is my way of showing you what i feel.


Sorry but your fic just seems to drag on and on with no point or interesting factors to keep the reader interested in what happens next.

Pebbs (Chapter 20) - Tue 11 May 2010

You make this so difficult...the waiting!  I am such a fan of your Kagome.  She's so unpredictable, confindent and crazy (in a good way).  Please please Please update soon! 

I know I've comment on this chapter before but after reading it again (ok for like the 8th time), the tense moments between them are great.  The unspoken silence between them speak so loudly due to their body language.  It's a good read.


Oh and the update...need it.  =)

Hesunohana (Chapter 20) - Sat 01 May 2010

finally, the truth was revealed. I nearly cried again reading about Hitomu. that part was so sad. you write as well as ever.


bravo !

Jillybeans Ive been waiting far to Long for an update don't (Chapter 20) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Sin (Chapter 20) - Sat 10 Apr 2010

Even though this was kind of a sad chapter, I really liked it. It gave Kagome the chance to really grieve for her lost son and I liked the way you portrayed Sesshoumaru. For someone who usually doesn't show emotion, it was very believable that he would be angry and then calm enough to ask questions.

Aside from the seriousness, I loved it when Kuro peed on Sesshoumaru! I was nearly hystarical with laughter, as my staring dog, Sess, can attest to. lol. (he stared at me and whined when I nearly fell out of my chair laughing... I love my Sess! <3)

I also liked the kisses you put in at the end. It was cute and humerous. I laughed then too, but Sesshy didn't stare because he'd already left the room...

Anywayz... I loved this chapter and much appreciate the quick update. I hope for another soon, but I know how finals are, so I won't push. Good luck on said finals and kudos for an amazing chapter! <3 <3 <3

dayna (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Apr 2010

Ah this chpater I have to say was very emotional, I was on the brink of crying but the kisses Kagome gave Sessy at the end were sweet and I was laughing right along with her. I'm glad she finally was able to talk about Hitomu now both her and Sessy can begin to heal.

On another note, thanks for answering my question, I dont know how the heck I could have forgotten about Sessy's and Kagome's little rumble in the forest together. What was I thinking. Now everything makes sense and I am a happy camper.

Cant wait for another chapter, keep up the greatness.

Mia (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Apr 2010

Aww! That's so cute!!! I know that you are gonna be busy in real life for a while but I REALLY can't wait for the next update!


SesshxKag fluff has finally come!

Silverwing (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Apr 2010

I loved it! Kagome is always so epic in this piece. Sesshoumaru's reaction to the news was also perfect and achingly tragic. Very cool about Kagome becoming a ruler, as I am sure she won't take shit from anyone and maybe she will apply some futuristic ideas to her governing. Thank you for doing two updates so quickly! Good luck on finals so that you can get back to this!

Aki (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Apr 2010


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