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fredisagirl (Chapter 13) - Sat 23 Apr 2011

i discovered this story this morning.  I shoud be grading papers, but I am hooked.  This story is so funny and sad and funny.  I love it.  Keep going.

faby -awesome cliff hanger lol (Chapter 24) - Fri 22 Apr 2011

lara (Chapter 24) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

Now I'm really confused & I really hope that you update soon. I also think it'd be cool if Kagome,JiJi & such went to Sessh

lara (Chapter 23) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

I love this story & I don't know what to do.I'm so afraid that it's going to be abandoned by the writer. I enjoy it so much. Part of me is so very confused at what is going on with Kagome. Since she woke up from the experience in the lake & found she had markings on her face there has been no more mention of the markings. I hope JiJi is back in her life but I imagine that other than a brief spot,he'll be out of the story for another 5-15 chapters,if he's ever brought back again & that saddens me. I just wish we'd get some info into if she's changing into something else,if JiJi can or will give her any info that could help her.

I know this story is supposed to be a Sessh & Kagome FF but other than his 3 appearances with her & the one instance when they were intimate,it doesn't seem, at this point in the story that they have any interest in each other & I have my own pet peeve about Sessh having sex with other females in a S & K FF. I enjoy it better when it at least appears that they're drawn to each other & this story so far shows that Sessh almost dislikes her & it makes it feels,almost impossible, at this point,that they'll end up together. I'm unsure if the child Kagome had with Sessh was hanyou, as the details regarding the traits the infant had were almost non existent,the only info I recall is that she realized she was pregnant by Sessh before Taisho touched her (& she never let him touch her willingl) & after she gave birth,the pup only lived a few days & the only info regarding the infant itself was that it was small & had dark hair. I aawish there was more info regarding Hitomi. The little info we've been given made no mention of him with ears like Inuyasha, claws,powers,aura or anything we'd consider hanyou or youkai traits about the infant so I'm very confused.

This story leaves me wondering about so many different things-changes in her,JiJi becoming a bigger or lesser part,Sessh becoming a bigger or lesser part,Kuro comminicating & his future with her,the Jewel,her old pack,her family in the future & why she'd want to see them now & possibly expose them & well,what happened to Sin, is Kouga gonna appear ever & what will happen next & will Kagome & Sessh end up together???

Also,if a powerful Miko with the ability to see in the dark,eat youkai (poisonous youkai,too) regularly, store it in her blood,have the youkai in her body over power her Miko power so her body can imitate a demoness when she's near a powerful male youkai in heat,can have a brutal physical battle ,then survive spending 3 days rutting a powerful youkai in heat,become pregnant,carry the child with little to no problems (other than physical,mental & emotional abuse from Taisho,her now dead husband,who kidnapped her kit & her,then blackmailed her into marriage), had no problems birthing the pup & can use youkai power herself & then include in all that how strong her Miko power must be to still be extremely powerful with all those seals. where is the story going & is Kagome really what we think she is or is she something else entirely????

I look forward to the next chapter & hopefully some answers.  

niecy (Chapter 24) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

I am so GLAD you FINALLY updated i've been waiting for it because it is a REALLY good story. I hope you update more often because many good stories never get finished and it leaves ALOT of people sad.

lara (Chapter 22) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

I read this story on another site quite a year ago. I fell madly in love with it & I wrote down the name of it & kept checking to see if it had been updated but it seemed abandoned & then disappeared. I really hope & pray that it will be continued here.

I missed this story terrible & I look forward to seeing if it will be continued & finished.  

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 24) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

DAMN...THAT...BITCH...KIKYO!!! Once again, she has her 'claws' deep into Inuyasha. Gosh, she can be so annoying when she's undead. Kagome needs to do away with that...walking Fabrege egg. I hope Miroku and Sango aren't too far behind. Ooooo, I can't wait for the next chapter. It's getting very exciting.

Ne (Chapter 24) - Wed 20 Apr 2011
Nooooooooooo! wow oh my!Let me guess Inuyasha has come because Kikyo has out foolishness in his head. Sango and Miroku are right behind looking for Kagome. Nonetheless Kagome better spank Inuyasha and Kikyo asses. Ill be here whenever the next update is. I've been here since it started on fanfiction, ill be here to the end.

KEdakumi (Chapter 24) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

Ooooo..... such a mean place to stop!!!  We need more!  Someone make this fine author some cookies or something, I have to know what happens next! :)

_HentaiTenshi_ (Chapter 24) - Tue 19 Apr 2011

-staring blankly at the screen-..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! -Scrolls back up and re-reads the last few paragraphs-.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OOOMMMMGGGG WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!??? YOU'RE SO DAMN EVIIIILLL!!! But I LOVE you for it!!!!! -goes back to re-read the end of the chapter- AHHHHHHHHH!!!! This is brilliant!!!

ILM (Chapter 24) - Tue 19 Apr 2011

thank you thank you. i've been waiting for this story to update for the longest.  PLEASES keep it coming. this is one of my favorite stories. thank you for updating. oh beat the crap out of inuyasha.

Ne (Chapter 24) - Tue 19 Apr 2011
Nooooooooooo! wow oh my!Let me guess Inuyasha has come because Kikyo has out foolishness in his head. Sango and Miroku are right behind looking for Kagome. Nonetheless Kagome better spank Inuyasha and Kikyo asses. Ill be here whenever the next update is. I've been here since it started on fanfiction, ill be here to the end.

daniii (Chapter 23) - Wed 16 Mar 2011

im sure most people that have read this havent vared about any grammar mistakes in the previous chapters so ignore it and keep getting better at your righting as ypou UPDATE! yes UPDATE! i like this story to much to be leeft hanging, plus kagome is with jiji and we all know he's the best. so UPDATE! :) UPDATE!

_HentaiTenshi_ (Chapter 20) - Sun 06 Mar 2011

Lol, I'm so sorry But I just had the most random thought. Kagome's been eating all that demon food right? What's it gonna do to Kuro since she's been breast feeding him? haha, I'm sorry it just popped in my head and I had to get it out there. Going back to the story now.

_HentaiTenshi_ (Chapter 3) - Sat 05 Mar 2011

I gotta tell you, I adore this story. This is my second time reading it, but I can't remember if I wrote a review or not, but I'll write one again. I love the way you keep the fantasy feeling in the story and yet you add harsh doses of reality to it. It's a Inuyasha fanfic, but everything's not happy or perfect. You have real life situations in there that would fit perfectly for that time frame, in that universe. Forced marriages, neonatal death... I've never read a story with all the plot and twists like yours. It's great. By the way, I would absolutely love to meet your father. You said you based Jiji off of your dad and he's my favorite character in the story besides Kuro of course. Lol, I remember I did write a review for this. It was on Mediaminer though under SangoTajiya. I was gushing about Kuro. It's hard to decide between Jiji and him over who'd my favorite. But anyways, PLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSE Keep updating! It's too good to just leave off, and I wanna see what happens when Kuro finally starts talking. It'll be freakin great.

NIECY (Chapter 23) - Sun 27 Feb 2011

hey when are you going to update for this story because i'm just dying to find out what happens next. Also what are all the responsibilities of a Beta ...i could prolly do that for ya.

crin_fausta (Chapter 23) - Mon 07 Feb 2011

Wow, this fic is just...awesome, fantastic, perfect...there are no words to actually describe it...You took my breath away! You know how to make the reader to feel exactly what Kagome experiences no matter the situation.

What I really about your story is that you know how to make a plot very catchy and original, not the usual Sesshomaru ends up with Kagome in less than two chapters having s** (boring as hell).

Keep going on like this, I really DO enjoy it!  And if you know any good stories that I can read while waiting for yours to be updated I will be forever grateful to you! (not that I am not, for giving me such a masterpiece to enjoy while having to study for the exams...)

By the way did I tell you that I am madly and deeply in love with Jiji for...let's say...FOREVER!

P.S I almost forgot...this story is worth publishing! I would like to have it in my bookcase! *wink*

kagsesskyo (Chapter 23) - Wed 29 Dec 2010

I love this story!!! Please Please Please update!!! I'm so excited for the next chapter


daniii (Chapter 23) - Fri 17 Dec 2010

awesome story please dont stop add on asa christmas present to all your readers  ... :)

ShadowKitsune67 (Chapter 23) - Tue 23 Nov 2010

Really interesting fic so far! Your OCs are fun, Jiji is awesome haha :3. Looking forward to your update!

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