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Chelsea H. (Chapter 27) - Tue 19 Jul 2011

You really did just stop there??? OMGzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but I bet Inu did it.....that stupid jerk

animejunky78 (Chapter 26) - Sat 16 Jul 2011

Finally had the time to read this chapter.  Wow, wow, wow.  I was in tears.  Being a mother of a child that nearly died, I don't think I could have handled it if she had.  That was so wonderful.  Can't wait for the next.  Thanks for a great read.  This is one of the nest FF's I've read.  Great story.  Keep it up.

Loveyaa (Chapter 26) - Thu 30 Jun 2011

A lot was jam packed into that chapter. I think you did a splendid job getting it to flow from one part to the next. The reaction of all the characters was great. Kagome seemed very human and Sesshoumaru well he's hard to read so there is a lot that can be happening just below the surface and I think you did a nice job using him and containing his character while showing us a little of what's going on behind the ice.

I wonder how Kagome will live her life after this ordeal. Where will she go next and how will she deal with it? It seems she is a bit depressed, which is understandable when you have lost a child. I wonder if the fact that Sesshoumaru will provide her with more will change that...or anything. I can't wait to see what happens next!!

ruhiko (Chapter 26) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

WHAT AN AWESOME STORY~~~!!!!!!! TT^TT(tears of the awesomeness) Looking forward to the next update~! ^O^

jessica (Chapter 26) - Fri 24 Jun 2011

OMG silver that was fantatic you did a good job keep going. oh and do be safe.


_HentaiTenshi_ (Chapter 26) - Mon 06 Jun 2011

-relieved/delighted laughter- ahahahahahhhahahaha!! MAN you are BRILLIANT!! I can't believe the ideas you come up with half the time!!! THAT... was awesome. I really appreciate just how... idk... human you make Kagome. The characterization you've given her is brilliant. It's hard to explain. You've also made her extremely powerful (Never did give you kudos for that. She's powerful but there are valid excuses and explanations for how she gained that power. It's not a asspull like some stories.) But she has limitations. She just went through an extremely damaging battle with no chance of survival at the end. You didn't just say "oh she miraculously survived"... she died. She died and it seemed like there was no way to bring her back. That was a brilliant chapter to read for me. It also made me fall more in love with Jiji though I was really gonna have to kill you for a few minutes there. (Don't kill Jiji. DON'T.KILL.JIJI!!!! Seriously just don't. I was in tears.) He truly truly loves Kagome like his own and he was willing to do anything to get her back. That is the total and wonderful power of a parent and you wrote that perfectly. On another note, idk what to tell you about Sesshoumaru. He's a hard character in my opinion. Good luck getting his number :P But thanks for that wonderful chapter. Hope you update soon! :D

Eklipse (Chapter 26) - Sat 04 Jun 2011

Amazing story so far! Can't wait till the next chapter.

lara (Chapter 26) - Tue 31 May 2011

I love this story.I keep meaning to ask about when the sword teacher tricked Kags into jumping in the 'Lake of Souls?'She purified it & it turned into a huge water spout? At the time,Sessh,Rin & Jaken were flying above.Sessh recognized her power.Jaken looked down said,'The energy belongs to the Shikon Miko,that much makes sense but what was in the lake & how did,she gain so much control over her power as to cause this.”...& then it reads-"Another transformation...."-Who said'Another transformation...'& what did it mean?

In this story,the thing that shows Sessh as weak,is his constant inability to acknowledge Kags as more than a weak human,He knows from his last fight with her she has the ability,speed,power & strength to fight with him on almost equal terms. He's aware she carries youkai,the ability to use demonic weapons. Yet Sessh's unable to see her as a brave,powerful & loyal,being of honor.The 1st time he's brought up,in this chap,there's mention of 3 Dai youkai & none of them sensed the odd feel of a powerful miko with youkai? 

Sessh took Jiji holding Kags,to a lake where JiJi can speak to the gods & ask his Mom,the 'Spirit of Fire' to spare Kags life. They get there & due to the lake as a place touched by Gods,JiJi can see & his 1st time seeing Kags drew tears from his eyes.She was tiny,with a fierce personality,that made him imagine her a bigger woman.She was black & blue,dirt & blood,across her face were graceful symbols of a youkai.She was his & her markings brought a surge of protectiveness.This child wasn't youkai but her markings spoke of Youki on a young female pup.Watching Kags die,Sessh asks JiJi“You cry for a human?”

A ball of glowing energy rushed past with a sharp whistle & Jiji says'Its Mother,she came' 

 “If I die,I can take care of Hitomu & I’m out of your way Sessh"Grabbing Kags breast bindings,Sessh lifted her ignoring her pain.Kags said,“I’m fated to be alone.I wish it were all gone.I want my son,my own flesh & blood.So I can hold him,kiss him & tell him I love him.Hate & scorn me if you like,it’s not the same holding someone else’s child.I want mine & I'll never have that again.”  “Why can’t you have a pup?”Sessh demanded.  “No man wants a woman,like me,they fear me,”She replied.  He leveled her with a stare,“You seem content with the love of a pup,is this Sessh wrong?”Kag shook her head.   Sessh nodded firmly,“Then pups will be provided to you,so long as you do your duty.If love is what you desire,you'll receive it from the pups you raise.”       She stared at him dumbstruck & asked“Sessh are you–”         -When he said this,did he mean he'd continue a physical relationhip with her, allow her to have children born of the 2 of them? will he deny it as soon as she returns to life?(I ask,as in this story,he lies & doesn't live by a code of honor,if she  wasn't needed to rid the world of the Jewel,he'd killed her when he found the child she'd given birth to from him had died, he'd kill her for fear that others could find he'd slept with a human) The 'Spirit of Fire' went to Kags & Sessh walked to Hakui to find him dead.   He looked to where her body laid & was left speechless,where her body had been was now a huge bonfire.     Sessh sat on the ground & stared at the fire that made his life harder.   Sessh’s eyes shot open stunned to see pink eyes considering him.  Sessh stared & told Hakui “You're dead.” Hakui said,“I was,now I’m back.”    I'd hoped at this point JiJi would've told Sessh how the Kami told him that Kags different than other humans & her body made to change & adapt to do strange things & how her body changed & adapted the ability to store youkai in her blood the same as youkai & her body will soon develop it's own youkai to work with her purification power.When Jiji asked the Kami if Kags would turn into a miko/youkai hybrid? the Kami said 'I can't say'.

Hours later,the final embers faded so they approached.She was 1 large block of charcoal. JiJi asked"Was she beautiful?"   Glancing at Hakui. He obviously had no children but claimed Kags as his own & set her on a path so she'd blossom gracefully.     Sessh thought of Rin & what he'd want for her,what he'd want for any child of his.   Then thought of the woman who'd fought him for her life & bore him a pup.   He then told Jiji,'No."    Then heard a crack like the shell of a hatchling’s egg.They stepped closer seeing blood coat the strange extension from the stump that had been an arm & once again was an arm & a hand. Before their eyes,the bleeding ceased,a light sheen covered the appendage that was to be a hand.Skin reappeared & a pale delicate hand hung from the shell of charcoal.Another crack & Sessh glanced at Kag’s head,the shell cracked a wave of hair black as midnight sat on her head long as Sessh’s finger & getting longer before his eyes.When her hair was long enough to spread on the ground,Hakui snapped from his stupor & pried the shell off her face.Kag moaned & wrinkled her nose.“Oh Kagome,”Hakui sighed touching a hand to her face.She shifted & the shell over her body cracked.Hakui brushed it away  revealing Kag’s naked body,unblemished & glowing with life.“Oh,little one you're incredibly blessed,”Hakui laughed.Sessh could only stare in awe at her quickly growing hair.Hakui lifted her in his arms. Delight & panic in his aura.He turned to Sessh, “She must eat!”“Take her & I'll find food,”Hakui passed Kag to Sessh who stood bewildered with his new burden.Kag growled in her sleep, displeased with the movement.He brushed the obscenely long hair from her face,Sessh stood stiffly as Hakui nodded.“You are beautiful Kagome,very beautiful.”He glanced at Sessh eyes glowing in amusement,“You were right my lord.” “Please see to her while I find food,”Hakui announced as he rushed away excitedly. Sessh stood bewildered,holding Kag’s naked form in his arm.

In the last chapter of this story she died & was brought back to life by Jiji's Mom who is the 'Spirit of Fire'. I hope that once she regains her strength,the 1st thing she does is heal Sessh's arm to thank him for helping JiJi & her to a place where she could be saved.I hope as they return to Jiji's cave Sango & Miroku are there & stay from now on & once she returns to her castle for Kuro.That Sango,Miroku,Shippo (& Jiji if he's willing) returns to regain her strength & hopefully this would be a perfect chance for Sessh to become more involved in her life & training,he'd make a better Sword trainer than the 1 she has.Once shes brought back to life,if she concentrates on regaining her strength & power,I mean both her miko & youkai powers.She may need help to train & regain her strength & she'll be the extremely powerful being she was before Taishi took.She's the Shikon Miko with added powers & her body able to store youkai,she has use of demonic weapons & some attacks.Including her training as a warrior monk,she learned to use her powers to enhance her agility,speed,jumps & stamina.

 I've been wondering how you'd pull Sessh & Kagome together & thought if Sessh is as good at winning battles as his reputation. He'd be able to convince his generals to join forces with the Shikon Miko not raised to hate youkai,self trained,with an adopted full youkai son & the only being with the ability to rid the world of the Jewel & the most powerful Miko ever.Her body's adapted to store youkai & has full use of demonic weapons .She can see in the dark & learned to use her power to increase her agility,enhance her speed,jumps & stamina.With the upcoming wars all being started because of Naraku & the 2 beings that Naraku must fear the most are Sessh,for his power,abilities & reputaion & Kagome,as he's never seen her as a threat because he was aware that she'd been untrained,but to the few beings that are aware of the almost limitless power she posessed,if they keep Naraku from knowing Kags is now trained & has additional powers.She can fight & kill both human & youkai

The smartest thing Sessh could do as a being who wants to see Naraku dead & these wars over as fast as possible,would be to join with Kag's as an ally & attack him before he can make a move.The only problem is Sessh isn't ready or willing to admit that Kags is powerful.His comments to Hakui regarding her are 1 proof of him not able to give her credit.Even knowing himself she's the only 1 who could free him,his people,his lands & more ..from the threat of both the Jewel & Naraku.Its as if he'd rather face this battle & the chance of losing his lands & his men,then admit or offer her assistance & help end it faster.When I picture him in my mind like this,a part of me feels disgust at him & his pride.. 

I don't know if Sessh fears after his last fight with her,he witnessed Kag's body's reaction to his when he was in heat. The experiences they shared,her ability to understand him when he doesn't speak,show an unusual bond for him who isolates himself from almost all.He seems to follow his senses & instincts but,in this story,when it comes to her,he ignores them. His beasts reactions to her as it quiets near Kags & its reaction whe she leaves,seem like a sign & he makes a point to ignore it.

When I think back towards the end of her time in the temple &The elders turned to Kuro."That is suspicious she is suddenly healing faster,"Sansa pointed out."What do you mean miko's and monk's can't heal?"He asked,turning on them with a blank face."She's learned to burn the monks who train with her,also,"another monk continued undeterred by Kuro's response."What is this child? She shouldn't be able to hurt another pure being with her powers."Kuro shrugged.'I have no idea what you mean.She's a human girl and in a bit she will be warrior monk,'he said with a knowing smile.

I can only hope & imagine we'll soon eventually learn what she really is. Even if she is a being made by the Kami's to be alterable & adaptable or similar to the Jewel that was within her body at birth-The Jewel itself is made up of 1/2 Youkai & 1/2 Miko.The only thing that would be unbelievable at this point is if we keep getting told that she's only a powerful human miko,as she has the ability to do too many things that only a being that is more than human could accomplish.

Sophie (Chapter 26) - Tue 31 May 2011

Thoroughly enjoyed it! And I don't think Sesshomaru's character was destroyed at all, thank you for posting!

NightQueen (Chapter 26) - Mon 30 May 2011

Love this story! I love Jiji!! He has to be one of my all time favorite original characters!  He's whjat I call a father! At least the father Kagome has always wanted and needed! She is his and he is hers and they would do anything for the other! This story gets better and better with every chapter! Truly a work of art! I can't wait for the next one you always leave me wanting more!

niecy (Chapter 26) - Sun 29 May 2011

That was amazing!!!! Please tell me your going to update soon. Sesshomaru fit with the way he was acting in the other chapters. You don't need to change a thing. I can't wait for the next chapter this story is my guilty pleasure. I need more, please keep up the amazing work. The story is good for its individuality and has a lot of thought. Often good stories like this one never get completed, I would hate for this story to be like those.

taixi (Chapter 26) - Sun 29 May 2011

what a delightful development! I usually hate OCs but your development of Jiji is so compelling that I can't help but to cheer when he appears.  I love the interactions between Jiji and Sesshoumaru, two strong personalities and Sesshoumaru must deal with the fact that Jiji isn't going to bend automatically to his whim. And Sesshoumaru has offered to give Kagome children! Again, you have somehow managed to make me appreciate things I usually disdain (in this case, the fluff). Great chapter of a very creative story!

JeniNeji (Chapter 26) - Sun 29 May 2011

Very good chapter and I dont think Sesshomaru was messed up--as a character--in any way. In fact, I found him to be very IC and real according to the story :)



crin_fausta (Chapter 26) - Sun 29 May 2011

You are devil itselt you know...Killing Kagome than reviving her and now this? You are truly talented!!!

lara (Chapter 25) - Mon 23 May 2011

I loved this chapter it was so INTENSE !!!. I hope it gets updated again soon. This chapter left us with so many questions,possibilities & insanity. 

 Inuyasha- his minds warped from whatever Kikyo's done to control him,he can't think for himself or use his youkai senses. (sense of smell,he can't detect auras & see if a being is demon or Miko) He's like a mindless drone & when he's angry he turns into a crazed beast. He's got no memory of Kagome. He just recalls Sango & Miroku upset ,complaining of missing her & but other than that he only had a vague notion of what she was supposed to be like,he remembered nothing more of the current Shikon Miko other than what he was told. Kikyo 1st told Inu a demon shapeshifter was pretending to be Kagome & to attack her,then she screamed at him'Where is Kagome?',Inu was confused & said'you told me that was a demoness',Kik said 'it is' & Inu said 'Kagome's a human,not a demon'. He fought her,up close & didn't notice Kags blinding Miko power?  Why didn't Kags use her Miko powers on Inu? As a hanyou,would it turn him human?Even if it's temporary, as a human his sword wouldn't work & with his injuries, her samurai could deal with him.Could she have used her demon staff to absorb his youkai & use it to fight him? (like she did to that Neko she fought & healed,after leaving the temple).Then, she could've gone after & re-killed Kikyo,got back the piece of her soul & maybe stopped the insanity before it got out of hand.

Kags pulled the sword & it only worked for Inu after  he vowed to protect her.Shouldn't it not work as a weapon against the innocent & Kag's in one of the pure? (isn't it 'The Sword of Protection'?)I didn't think it could transform with his demon in control.Isn't it supposed to control his blood & return him to sanity? 

This chapter left many questions:

About Kikyo- 1) Where were her soul stealers ?,2) what's with her arrows,that now whatever she hits starts to rot ?(not purify but rot?)After 1 hit Kagome,she pulled it out quick & I thought about how Kags could still move & fight,after the arrow hit her.  3) Could her body be using a combination of adrenalin & Kag's massive purification powers,(& the youkai in her blood) to somehow fight it,keep it from spreading thru her whole body & maybe keeping the damage contained ,at the spot the arrow hit,allowing her to keep going & continue to fight longer ?

 I can't see her die,not when the story seems to be just starting to come together. I think,between her staff/scythe sucking her power, then Kikyo's death rot arrow & Inu beating her,she lost too much blood & is using all her energy to fight Kikyo's arrow rot.Hopefully,between JiJi,Miroku & Kag's 'humans' they'll be able to treat her & stave off or purify whatever Kikyo's rot arrow caused...the story said there was yellow coming out of it. Hopefully, Kagome will re-kill Kikyo & get the rest of her soul. If Kags passes out before she can,I just hope that JiJi & Sango will re-kill her & not let her get away.

I don't know if Kags killed Inu or he's just sealed to the tree,like when Kags 1st came thru the 'Well' on her 15th b-day. I kinda hope he's dead & in the next chap Kikyo is too. Hopefully, Miroku & Sango will stay with Kags from now on & when Kags heals enough she can make wards to hide them,like she has on her & Kuro. Is Naraku behind the youkai lord of the south attacking the west ? Wouldn't it be smart for Sessh to get Kag,Miroku & Sango to join him ? When will Kuro learn to communicate with his mind?? Will he be able to send visions 1st ? Will Kagome become a Miko/Youkai hybrid like JiJi asked Kuro when he was still at the temple before he was killed ?? At the time(I think ch.7) Kuro said 'I can't say that' but he did say her body will eventually learn to develop it's own youki to work with her purification power. Kuro told JiJi that certain spirits were under their watch & he told Jiji that because his mom was a fire spirit that Jiji was half a spirit & that half a spirit is still a spirit...but he also said they'd been watching Kagome & didn't know who would be her guardian(this was ch2).Kagome is the Shikon Miko but she can heal & Kuro said her body is stronger & made to adapt to all kinds of weird things.what did that mean?

WHEN are SESSH & Kagome going to start to get close?


lara (Chapter 24) - Sun 22 May 2011

 I'm glad this story was updated. I like it . There are many different things going on with different charcters involved. It's like this one story has many small stories within it & more were just added with Sin telling her a youkai war is starting with the South attacking the West & she's considered a Lord(or Lordess) of land under Sessh within the Western Lands. 

There have been many things started & I keep wondering if or when, some issues will come together & any characters will start to come together. Kagome seems to have too many things going on to handle alone & it seems odd to have everything so spread out.

When she 1st left her old 'pack' to get stronger & learn more,,,then with JiJi's training she 1st learned to use her well of power to see in the dark & increased her endurance,running & jogging. He then taught her about herbs, poisins & how to make weapons-She made weapons for Sin's clan & before she made them JiJi told her," Your weapons are more suited to monks, mikos, even creatures like earthly spirits and such, but for a youkai it has no special properties that can be called on. It'll be easier for you to make weapons because you haven't even practiced making anything with special properties", it never said if she learned to make them with special properties.While she was with JiJi he changed her a bit without realizing it by feeding her 'eyan' (youkai food) her body changed somewhat,storing youkai in her blood the way youkai do. The story didn't say if it was from eating 'eyan' or the 'tea' he'd make her with his blood (that hid her from Kanna's mirror & Naraku).

Then she was taken by Kuro to the The Temple of Light where Kuro healed her & then had her trained as a 'Warrior Monk' & Kuro had JiJi make her the staff to channel her youkai.The temple was dedicated to the sun goddess (Amaretsu??) & they took her children in when they came to earth & Kagome had been the 1st one to guess that Kuro was the Kami of death. After he was killed they sent monks out to find both Kagome & Kuro but,they haven't appeared & I don't know when or if they will. Now that Kagome & JiJi are together & JiJi heard all she'd been thru alone I wonder if he'll find away to do a proper bonding ritual ,as he'd already claimed her as his child ,if he could use the strength in his blood to make her stronger,heal faster & live longer,maybe give them a connection or way to sense if one needed help.

When she went thru that event in the lake she came out with light yellow markings on her face & in ch.2 it said JiJi had similar markings on his face.

I started reading this story on another site & now that I found it here I've been hoping that Sessh is going to become a major character in this story. I still have another chapter to read but this one was GREAT.

animejunky78 (Chapter 25) - Mon 16 May 2011

Took me a little while to get a chance to read this chapter, but let me say that was glorious.  Very well written.  I really enjoyed that chapter.  The only problem is now I have to wait for the next one.  I want to know how Kagome is going to live through her wounds.  I'm on pin's and needles.  Can't wait for the update.

jojo661538 (Chapter 25) - Thu 12 May 2011

wow how sad is kagome going to make it sango and miroku just found her and they might loose her anyways i really love your story i really hope you update soon because i really enjoy reading it keep up the great work ^_^

Anonymous (Chapter 4) - Wed 04 May 2011

animejunky78 (Chapter 24) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

It is so good to see you working on this story again.  I have really enjoyed it, and have been waiting for the update.  Excellent story.  Thanks for a great chapter.  Going to read the next.

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