Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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hikari hime (Chapter 17) - Sat 24 Jan 2009

I can't really explain the hot / cold feeling I'm getting. I was all 'awwwww'-ish, and then Kagome got stubborn... but, well, I'm not really worried, because I know how Sesshomaru can be stubborn too. He had ceturies to perfect it after all. ;)

Good chapter love, I'm eager to read more.

Dewa mata

Anamika (Chapter 3) - Sat 24 Jan 2009
Ooh.. I wonderful idea was the plotline. I was searching something to read like your story since I adored memoirs of a geisha. Anyways its really good to watch the innocent attractions and activities taking place, along with the course of happening events, jelousy, fondness, etc... I would say a good jod done. And the title... I simply loved it...

Couldntbekeener3 (Chapter 1) - Sat 24 Jan 2009
0.o...(Faints) This was the hardest yet sweetest chapter to read!!! I wouldnt be suprised in the next chapter if Sesshomaru continued to stand outside and blast his boom box while in your eyes is playing. Sorry I love 80's Movies!!!! update asap!!! Please!!!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 17) - Sat 24 Jan 2009

Sweet zombie Jesus!  Screw Hasu; Sesshoumaru's more than worth flinging that biotch to the side for!  Especially after he was sooooo sweet and sad and vulnerable.  *sigh*  I'm glad they got interaction in this chapter :)  You do such a beautiful job, I really enjoy reading this.

Akay (Chapter 17) - Sat 24 Jan 2009

Yay I gets to read two chapters! *dances*  Wow I can't believe Sesshoumaru actually stood there waiting all that time.  And the entire time Jaken was talking all I can think was "wow he knows a lot of adjectives" and "hm... the green thing is kinda making a point" lol.  I absolutely love these chapters.  I can't wait to see what happens next.  I have so many questions.  Especially now the Fuji/Lord Sesshoumaru gossip is going around... wonder what Hasu will think when she returns?  Wonder what Oka would say?  I just wonder... thanks for the updates.  And I hope Sesshoumaru gets the answers he wants soon.  And I hope Kagome tell him she's Kagome.  And I'm not rushing you at all.  I like the pace you got going here.  So keep up the good work!!

Vicky (Chapter 17) - Sat 24 Jan 2009

What the hell is Kagome doing???? That darn stubborn, hard-headed woman.  I can't believe her!!! Why does she have to prolong their suffering.  Anyways...I do kind of feel like Sess is OOC...the real Sess would never insist on (almost to the point of begging) waiting for Kagome.  I don't know...I just can't really picture him that way.  He is too proud of himself to do that.  I'm not trying to make this into a flame, by the way.  It's still a great story and I can't wait to read more.

Giannix (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 Jan 2009
OMG!! finally there was interaction between those two!! i almost cried readinng this chapter T_T... I Hope kagome would be honest with her feelings.. poor sess!!

not-active (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 Jan 2009

*throws stones at Kags* STUPID WOMAN!

Kags is being dumb. You, on the other hand, are quite brilliant :)

You're able to describe emotions so well, and it's wonderfully new to see Kagome resisting the relationship as opposed to the other way around. He's obviously ready for her, and he knows his feelings and is ok with them. She's not ready. This is one of the most original fics I've ever read... and I've been into fanfiction for years!

Noacat (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 Jan 2009

No stones here. I know Sesshoumaru won't take that answer anymore than he took any of the others.

Selah (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 Jan 2009

AHHHH!  What are you doing. (sobs loudly) She's butchering him, butchering i say. He lets down his facade and what does she do, puts his HEART through a Jacklalaine juicer. Evil, Kagome, evil.

(regains composure)


In other words, excellent chapter, excellent story. I am estatic that you have continued this story as it one of my favorites.

Thank You

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 Jan 2009

GAH!  What was so damn happy aboout that chapter?   GRRRR!  You are a cruel, cruel person to get my hopes up like that... anyway, I'm sure it will all add up in the end.

Miju (Chapter 16) - Fri 23 Jan 2009
OH, JOY ! I rather did enjoy this chapter more than the last one...please do hurry with the next've kept us waiting for oh-so LONG =(

CosmicAnomaly (Chapter 1) - Fri 23 Jan 2009

Again, I must say that your story has a magnificent plot and you honestly rock for writing it so well.

Inusbabe (Chapter 16) - Fri 23 Jan 2009
Well about damn time... four days since the fifth letter... I figured one day since the second letter. Sess has more patience than I thought. I hope the next chapter comes quickly.

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 16) - Fri 23 Jan 2009
OMG...I am so on edge. I really want Kagome to tell Sesshoumaru him why she has been avoiding him. It's the least that she can do and tell the truth and not lie about or skirt the issues. This is a good chapter leading up to something exciting. I just know it. Great job. *hugs and smiles*

maddie50 (Chapter 16) - Fri 23 Jan 2009

Hasu isn't present so how can Kagome keep away from Sesshoumaru! We need a confrontation here. Please.

Running in Circles (Chapter 16) - Thu 22 Jan 2009

Omg!! Totally Love It!!! I was completely on edge waiting for her to talk so our darling Sessho!! Oh man this story just gets better and better. Well keep up the amazing writing!!

Noacat (Chapter 16) - Thu 22 Jan 2009

Each chapter of this story contains such a wealth of detail and such care in each minute interaction -- it's simply amazing. There are so few fics that go into the detail you do and that are so obviously well researched and thought out.You are a truly original author!

I can't wait for the next chapter when they finally meet!

amadoni (Chapter 1) - Thu 22 Jan 2009

It's not often I encounter a story in which I find each chapter so involving and dynamic. I really hope to see another update very soon.

Giannix (Chapter 16) - Thu 22 Jan 2009
OMG! it left me speachless!! please update soon.. sesshoumaru is thinking that maybe hasu threaten kagome!! how right it is i hope kagome wont be cruel to him...

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