Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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maddie50 (Chapter 19) - Wed 11 Feb 2009

I am relieved Kagome received the letter from Sesshoumaru before Hasu returned. I would think the request of such a powerful client would take precedence over Hasu's wishes. This "older sister" has abused her position. 

swasdiva (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

Oh sweet Lord, I LOVE this fic! For lack of a better word, it's so romantic, in that sweeping, old-fashioned love affair sense. I'm glad you brought Kagome to the point of embracing her burgeoning feelings; it's very in character, while at the same time developing at a smooth, natural pace. I'm a little anxious about the moment Sesshoumaru realizes who she is. I don't want it to ruin what he feels for her. I hope he doesn't perceive it as a betrayal... maybe he's unsure if she loves him for himself or because he's her last link to Inuyasha? GAH! Oh the drama! Please don't make us – or them, for that matter – suffer too much! And while I'm all about a pitcher of lemonade, I wonder if you'll work in the controversial "mizuage" like in Memoirs of a Geisha, where Kagome shouldn't technically lose her virginity until it's won by a patron? If Sess and Kags have a falling out, it would make an interesting way to bring them back together, that perhaps he avoids her but wins the bid on her mizuage, only to use the opportunity to apologize. Anyway...WTF, I swear I'm not trying to overstep the creative bounds! I'm just daydreaming!

And don't you just love coincidences?? It's funny, because I and several friends have had really bizarre coinkidinks happen to us this past weekend, so it doesn't surprise me the phenomenon is spreading. When it results in beautiful poetry like yours, I'm all about it!!

Keep up the amazing work!

MIJU (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
goodness, who would have thought sessho an artist? sweet, but so short. lemonade would be um, HIGHLY appreciated if you could. please write the 3rd meeting in the next chapter!!!!!! i hope the wait isn't as long as it was for this one. hearts and please continue<3

Giannix (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
OMG thanks for this chapter!! sesshoumaru really pays attention to the details o.o update soon!! and good luck with your school =)

hikari hime (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

A lemon? hmmm... you have to feel like it, love. I'm sure that whatever you'll write will be wonderful, and if the mood is there and it comes to you naturally, then please do. Otherwise, don't force it out. (yes, I know, I'm being quite

This chapter, as always, was good. I look forward to their next encounter.. and to the truth being revealed. Sess is on for a surprise, but well, Kagome couldn't possibly tell him before... I hope he'll come to understand why she had to deceive him.

Dewa mata

Vicky (Chapter 4) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

I love it....I can't wait to read the next chapter.  Will Sango, Miroku and Shippo know what had happened to Kagome?  Will they realize that Kagome is still in the past?

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

I can't to see Hasu's reaction when she hears about Kagome going to meet Sesshoumaru. I look forward to how you reveal her identity to the demon lord. Will he reject her or will he still love her? Keep up the good work and update soon. :P

Amrix (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
I love this story so much! :D Great chapter, i hope you will update soon! This story is very well written, keep it up :)

Inusbabe (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
I love a nice tall cold glass of Lemonade. But I don't think that it should happen until Sesshomaru knows it is Kagome. Who really wants to be kissing with all that icky face paint on anyway??

katlady (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

-.- one chpaer after being for so  long  is un fair  I demand you update  NOW!


:lol:  just  kidding  great story please update soon


taixi (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

It's interesting you asked whether a lemon scene would be desired in this story. Normally, my answer to that Q (when I'm reading a story in which I am very engaged) is a resounding yes.  However, in this case I think the story would be just as wonderful either with or without. There's something ethereal about this story, whether it be due to the setting of the story in the "floating world," or based on the way the story depicts the tentative blooming of understanding and feelings between Sesshoumaru and Kagome.  You've indicated that any lemon scene wouldn't be overly explicit, and in the context of this story I think that's just right (to be overly descriptive of the act of their joining might somehow detract from the ethereal and somewhat whimsical nature of the story). Short answer: lemon scene would be good; lack of a lemon scene would be just as good. This story is most engaging due to its delicate exploration of their developing emotional relationship, and thus the (detailed) description of their potential physical relationship is rightly secondary.

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
This chapter was so sweet with it's tender moments spilling over from the previous chapter. Looking forward to their moment of encounter full of romance and lemony goodness.(lol) Great writing as usual for I expect nothing less from my friend Miss Teak. *hugs and smiles for you*

MLMonty (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

Well, if you're going to put a lemon in be careful that it doesn't take away from the story. I'd recomend leaving it until their relationship is on more solid ground instead of the dramatic lemon/betrayal sequence most commonly used. Now having said that, *rubbs hands together in glee* that 'betrayal' part is comming up. I can't wait to see what you have instore for us. How will he find out and how ugly is it going to be by the time you're through? I do get my happy ending though right?

not-active (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

I read this chapter and I got the warm mushies! You are the master of warm and fuzzy. :D

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009

That was a beautiful chapter.... I love your use of symbolism and your use of poetry... the fact that you are doing research for this fic shows, and it is much appreciated... I hope to see the next chapter soon... and my answer to your question about the lemon is this... it could go either way... I enjoy smut (anyone who has read my fics should know this!)... BUT, if you include a lemon or two in this, you should definitely NOT go for smut.  It should be tasteful and erotic, but not raunchy.  I will continue reading this fic either way.

Akay (Chapter 19) - Tue 10 Feb 2009
OMG!! *squee* I looooooooved it. And yes very interesting coincidence. Funny how things worked out. And in you favor to boot. That's awesome! I absolutely loved the description of the drawing. Very nice. This is getting better and better with each next chapter button I press. Lemon or no lemon. It's really all up to you. At the moment it doesn't really seem to call for it. Maybe like a scene of seduction, but don't go to far you know. Kinda hard for me to explain what I mean. Hm... let's see like for example, have you ever seen this movie called 40 Days and 40 Nights with Josh Hartnet and he had vowed to not have sex for that long then he met this chick and he wanted her soooo bad, but he was sticking to his vow so he did this thing with a flower. It was so freaking adorable and sexy, but anyway it was a form of seduction. Sex without sex. Very interesting. Still don't know what I'm talking about and you want to I'll try to find the clip for you. But anyway I'm getting off subject. Absolutely loved it. Hope all is going well with school. And I can't wait til you update again. Well I can, but boy do I ever be so excited to see you update. *huggles* and see ya next update.

Kyuthe (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

Another outstanding chapter! In aswer to your AN: Only include the lemonaid if it fits. I don't have time now for more- I'll message you later!


Shiragiku (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009
I wouldn't mind some lemonade personally, but I agree that this story shouldn't have smut. It just doesn't seem to call for it, at least to me anyways. I absolutely love this story, it's just...entranced me. I find myself eagerly awaiting the next chapter; it's just so beautifully written! I wonder what will happen with Hasu, and how Sesshoumaru would react to finding out that Fuji is Kagome. I don't really think his reaction would be as...violent as we all expect. However, it is your story and I'm sure the scene will be as masterfully written as the rest of the story. But to reiterate: Lemon please, thank you ^^

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009
I love this story! You have written this so beautifully and can't wait to see what you have in store. There is nothing bad I can say about your story at all. However I am torn between wishing that Kagome was brave enough to tell him who she is before it's too late and seeing the drama unfold if she drags it out or if he accidentally finds out her identity. Granted, Sesshoumaru is aware that she is keeping a secret that she has not yet revealed, which she mentioned to him in a previous chapter however he sure is going to be in for a big surprise when he finds out exactly what it is... Woo-Hoo! Regardless, this fan of yours looks forward to your next update. Regarding your question about lemons, Personally I love a lemon however, I also love it in a story with substance which your story has. You do such a wonderful job describing emotions (especially in #18) that if you decide to not do a lemon, I feel it will still be a fantastic story regardless. Please keep up the great work and I look forward to their third meeting! Your Fan, Sesshoumaru's Lady

Ikaru (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

Oh wow..that was so sweet, yet horribly foreboding at the same time......i absolutly loved it!!! I dread to see how Sesshoumaru will act when he figures it out. How will Hasu act when she returns and learns that Kagome finally got the third letter for the third meeting.......*shudders* that chick is crazy......the coincidence was definatly a lovely surprise about the wisteria and the pine tree. I absolutly adore this stoy and i eagerly await what you come up with next !!

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