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Bri (Chapter 197) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

I came from FanFiction.Net just to read your stories. I can't wait for the update please continue to write!


MaivenTahl (Chapter 197) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

Omg this is so terrifying and well done, I am so on edge for Kagome and the baby right now, thank you for the updates, but please don't leave us hanging!!! 


SmilingFool (Chapter 196) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

Okay I read the other half first and after reading this one made allowed the next chapter to make sense.  Duh my bad...  I feel for Kagome, so the Leyak knew she was there and was just biding its time...  To watch helplessly while that thing ate Baku will give Kagome nightmares to come...  So sad.  Hopefully they destroy both heads and their bodies don't need those headless beings eating the pups or anyone else.  Baku will be avenged I'm sure.

SmilingFool (Chapter 197) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

Oh I'm so so wrong about Baku being a dolperganger, I don't know why he was so frightened but could it have something to do with the

headless Leyak...  I liked Baku so sad he had to die....  Was it because he ate up Kagome's dreams?  That gave the Leyak believed he was the carrier of the unborn....  Why would one enter the house of Inuyama?  Wait there were two headless bodies found so does that mean the male is also a Leyak and is hunting unborns as well....  I have to wonder if the birds or turtles had a hand in this....  I wouldn't put it past them.  I just hope Kagome is okay.

REDWOLF (Chapter 197) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

Oh no.. that poor little dream catcher,and Kagome just watched. I wish she would have purified that creature!

neelixo (Chapter 196) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

Noooooo!  Not Baku!!  This makes me so sad. 

Kathy (Chapter 196) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

I thought i was coming here for a love story but somehow stumbled in a horror story. 

Love it!!!!!

MaivenTahl (Chapter 196) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

OMG not little Baku!!! What a cliffhanger to end on!

anika (Chapter 195) - Fri 10 Mar 2023

Este es mi otro fic favorito, tiene un corte dramático y más cuidado con el tema que toca. Me encanta este fic junto a otro fic tuyo.

SmilingFool (Chapter 195) - Fri 10 Mar 2023

I'm glad they are home but I'm worried they will attack Kagome while she bathes.....  That dolpoganger of Boku is still around and I wonder if it did something to the bath!!!  Perhaps knowing how Kagome always finds trouble something will happen but hopefully Seirin will be close by since Sesshomaru will be having a look at the workers.....  Until next time you are so close to 200 chapters....  And still this story rocks...

Anonymous (Chapter 194) - Wed 08 Mar 2023

I also agree this story really sings to me and makes my day! 

You are a great writer! Thank you for bringing joy to your readers!

Anonymous (Chapter 194) - Wed 08 Mar 2023

This is one of the best stories written on this site! 

The story is really beautifully written ! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 194) - Wed 08 Mar 2023


KShadeslady (Chapter 194) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

I hope they haven't been infiltrated. Not so sure about that unknown group of workers either. Such a cliffhanger...AWK!!

MaivenTahl (Chapter 194) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Frick. sorry, I need more of your stories, especially this one! I don't mean to sound off.  This story gives me something to look forward too, even in its snapshots.

Love you.

Thank you for updates. (I'm not trying to be a jerk, this story just really sings to me and makes my day)


SmilingFool (Chapter 194) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

I think the turtles and birds plan to bring further turmoil to the houses of inu and dragon.  I believe Seirin has a right to be on alert.  I think that there is more to the story and if it weren't for the fact that Kagome and Sesshomaru returned early that Baku may not have been what Seirin caught.  I think whatever this creature is was pretending to be the nightmare eater Baku it had done something within the home and whatever scared it wanted away quickly.  This is only a thought but I wouldn't put it past the other house to want to cause harm. 

MaivenTahl (Chapter 194) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

I'm sorry, I know you write more than this, but moar moar moar!!

Anonymous (Chapter 193) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been one of the best stories I have read on this site thus far! Thank you for updating! Thank you so much!

Annie (Chapter 193) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Damn that was so well written.


especially this part :

The moment did not last long, but it felt eternal to him - as though time had stopped to witness his silent pledge of loyalty and fidelity to her in this small slice of eternity beneath the silver moonlight.

I tasted their uncertainty and felt their anguish. This was beautiful writing.


Young Kagome (Chapter 193) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Meh. I can work with something.

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