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Kathy (Chapter 212) - Tue 04 Apr 2023

Man... Sesshomaru is so beautiful. Like inside and out. I understand Kagome's struggle, but at the end of the day she's married and it's done. At least make the best of it 


Also, why is he apologizing??? Cause he was shirtless? He was training and she looked for him.. 


cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 212) - Tue 04 Apr 2023

Y tienes razon esto ya se está poniendo pesado que quiere que no quiere como tu dices un paso adelante y dos atras es demasiado 

SmilingFool (Chapter 212) - Tue 04 Apr 2023

This was the moment that will bind the two of them closer should Kagome reveal her feelings I wonder what Sesshomaru will do.  We know he desires to bond with Kagome and with her conflicted thoughts will she tell Sesshomaru?

MaivenTahl (Chapter 212) - Tue 04 Apr 2023

With her, could he ever do anything right?



OMG this line. 

Exquisite as always. I do think it's important Kagome goes through the emotions she is having inorder to move forward. I definitely the progress I'm this chapter even if it is bittersweet. I can't wait to see what she will say or do with Sesshoumaru now cradling her face and making a connection they so desperately need. Maybe a gentle hug???  Reassuring smile?

My heart jumps everytime I see this story has an update!

SmilingFool (Chapter 211) - Tue 04 Apr 2023

Yep nothing beats a workout with a sweating shirtless and low on the hips hakama's....  Boy bet the sight Kagome saw had her more than drooling....  She was aroused by watching him and when the wind shifted can't wait to read what Sesshomaru thinks of her scent then.  Hope nothing bad happens like the beast coming out that would scare Kagome and Sesshomaru doesn't want that.

Annie (Chapter 211) - Mon 03 Apr 2023

I hope Sesshomaru blushes likely truly. Something about a man blushing gets my heart all a stuttering. I also hope he goes feral ( pupils blown and dilated, markings deepen, and fangs elongating) but I'm worried it might scare her with everything they've been through but what if on the small chance that it doesn't and he smells her response become even stronger. What if this the kiss we've been waiting for, or the first of many walls to come down. 

my guess ( from reading your prior works) is that you've told us Inuyasha is going to appear soon so in your great benevolence I think you're gonna give us a couple of sweet moments to cushion the fall of what's to come! 

what a roller coaster ride. Absolutely amazing work as always. I know it's going to be a good day when you update this fic which is fast becoming my favorite.  

MaivenTahl (Chapter 211) - Mon 03 Apr 2023

That scene is so picturesque and deserves a fanart of both of their expressions. Poor Sesshoumarul is gunna be so torture, he was already on a high from just sleeping next her last night...


Can't wait for more!

Kathy (Chapter 211) - Mon 03 Apr 2023

Oooo, wonder what he is breathing in (wink)

Kagome is so lucky to see that view. 

anika (Chapter 210) - Mon 03 Apr 2023

Ahhh está serin es mañana jajaja y biaco? 

Young Kagome (Chapter 210) - Mon 03 Apr 2023

Look at her playing matchmaker lol! 

KShadeslady (Chapter 210) - Mon 03 Apr 2023

Ah, this was sweet. You can't fool Seirin. She has come to know you fairly well. You are just having a hard time admitting that things have changed. Lovely update. 

SmilingFool (Chapter 210) - Sun 02 Apr 2023

Oh the teasing tales begin.....  lol wonder if Kagome will take up Seirin's offer of going to the east courtyard?  Oh a sweaty shirtless Sesshomaru will do it every time.....  lol  Kagome will be a puddle of drool should this be the case.....   Can't wait to find out.

Annie (Chapter 210) - Sun 02 Apr 2023

Damn... Kagome is gonnna be thirstyyyyyy after she pokes her head out and sees Sesshomaru toiling in the fields or muscle rippling while doing some striking poses. Either way, I suspect our girl (and lots of pregnancy hormones) is gonna need a a tall glass of water. I hope Sesshomaru can pick up on her scent and FINALLY get some affirmation of her desire if not her affection (which is of course more important but hey boy should take what he can get). 

MaivenTahl (Chapter 210) - Sun 02 Apr 2023

Please tell me Sesshoumaru is 'doing yard work' and shirtless while he's in the east courtyard.


Young Kagome (Chapter 209) - Wed 29 Mar 2023

I usually hate slow burns but I do t mind this one considering the circumstances.

Anonymous (Chapter 209) - Wed 29 Mar 2023


Arc-an Angel (Chapter 209) - Sat 25 Mar 2023

Honestly, I don't mind that they haven't kissed yet. Things are healing, mending and unraveling slowly but surely, so the fact that she can even look him in the eyes and tell him 'I believe we BOTH were violated against our will' is a powerful moment in and of it's self. And that is a scary thought all around. That someone or something may have stolen both of their consent, and that this may not have been the first time (if his mother and father are an example). I just hope that when Inuyasha shows up, he won't become a villain in the story. I'm a softy for the brotherly bond/healing/mature Inu. Especially in such an f-ed up situation like this where no one had a choice.

Osiris Mongua (Chapter 209) - Sat 25 Mar 2023

Oooooooh, no... Inuyasha thrown into the mix warrants a whole world of hurt and misunderstandings, if not addressed properly :'))))

Pleeeeeease don't make it so difficult for everyone, author-san!!! *begs with hands clasped together* Oh noooo

Kathy (Chapter 209) - Sat 25 Mar 2023

Yeah, i was waiting for the kiss too

REDWOLF (Chapter 209) - Fri 24 Mar 2023

Of course,  it wouldn't be Inuyasha without problems.  I hope she can see how much better off she is with Sesshoumaru. 

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