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SmilingFool (Chapter 56) - Thu 04 Aug 2022

Boy bet that was a shock to the Lady of the West boy ole boy wonder what the cause of this curse is?  Wonder if Kagome will find out as well...  At least she's not against him bringing a human over...  Can't wait until they meet what will they tell Kagome why everything seems so desolate.

hw (Chapter 56) - Thu 04 Aug 2022

Just wanna say how much I love your stories and this drabble series in particular. At the end of every update, I can't help but to want more and find out what happens next. 

I'm a little surprised that you're getting some readers impatient for Kagome to get over her trauma and be nicer to Sesshoumaru. Perhaps because of the drabble format, it seems as if much more time has passed and that's why people are reacting negatively to Kagome. I dunno. I agree with what you said in the author's note about the difference between almost getting killed by her friends vs actually getting raped by Sesshoumaru. Sure, she ended up befriending people that at first attempted to kill her but 1. they didn't succeed, 2. they didn't have an established trust or relationship, 3. attacking her wasn't personal. So, yeah, with Kagome's personality, of course she can forgive and befriend these people. With Sesshoumaru, at this point they'd been allies, he'd saved her several times, she respected and trusted him and thought him to be honorable. Would never suspect he'd be capable of doing what he did to her. Not an attempted assault but actually doing it. 

Plus, she really hasn't had much time to process what happened to her and what her new life will be. And she's isolated from her support network, had her life plans forcibly taken away from her, forced to be the wife of her rapist, birth their child, assume a titled position as his Lady and has no one but her rapist and his family to help her deal with and heal from her trauma. Not to mention, how hard it must be for her to trust Sesshoumaru right now. It doesn't matter if she understands that his beast was really her attacker...having your trust betrayed so deeply by someone you trusted and cared about is really difficult to come back from and trust again. Especially, when it's only been days, maybe a week since the assault. 

If this was real life instead of fiction, I can't see how anyone would tell someone in these circumstances to be nicer to the person who has perpetrated all of these horrible things on them. 

Anywho, I think how you are pacing the story and portraying both Kagome and Sesshoumaru is quite sympathetic to both and I feel like it's a pretty acurate portrayal overall—their reactions to their circumstances and the fallout of his actions. It would be so unrealistic to have her simply get over what happened to her in just a few days. 


I'm so curious to discover what it is that made Sess lose control and attach Kagome. Did his father rape Izayoi? Was that not a love affair afterall? It seems that's what is suggested by his mother's reaction. And tell us more about this Pandemonium and why the state of the Castle is how it is...obviously, it's related to losses from the last Pandemonium but what are the details? 

Ravenkag (Chapter 55) - Thu 04 Aug 2022

Tienes razón. Supongo que el hecho de que la historia sea contada en drabbles me ha creado la ilusion de que ha pasado más tiempo del que verdaderamente ha trascurrido en la historia.

En realidad ella no tiene porqué minimizar lo que sufrió. Y aun así me diste exactamente lo que quería ese simple tomarse de las manos.

Y lo hiciste mejor al no ser algo que ella solicitara sino algo a lo que accede a regañadientes solo por no seguir desairando al Lord delante de tantos ojos. Es más realista diria yo.

Gracias. Siempre esperando por lo que sigue.

Kaylah (Chapter 55) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

I certainly hope that Kagome will keep an open mind.

Lillmaru (Chapter 55) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

Yay! They will work it out. I'm so happy to hear that. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 55) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

Very nice chapter. I can't imagine all the things she must be dealing with. It has been a very short time since her world has been turned upside down. This should be a very interesting meeting with his mother. Hmm...will she be able to help in the upcoming battle? 

KShadeslady (Chapter 54) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

I'm just catching up. Since she is still wary of Seeshomaru, I can understand her choice. Not sure I could pass up a dragon ride myself. 

Binky (Chapter 55) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

I'm really happy you put the note at the end of the most recent chapter. I feel like it's being lost on people that Kagome life as she knew it is over and while sessh is trying to smooth things over that's not how things work. It's easy to see this as her being stubborn but really she's traumatized, confused and a victim. She's being forced to not only live with her rapist but now be his mate and birth and raise a child with him. I don't think it's even been a full two weeks since the attack nor has Kagome had more than a few hours where she wasn't subjected to sesshomarus presence. I can't imagine having your entire future stripped from you and then being asked to just suck it up and move on. 

Ravenkag (Chapter 54) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

Me hubiera conformado con un cambio pequeño en su interacción como:

No. Aun no me siento comoda con la idea de volar contigo pero ¿podrías ayudarme a subir al hermano de Ah-Un?

Bueno. Se vale soñar!

De todos me encantan tus escritos.

Espero más pronto y gracias.

Ravenkag (Chapter 54) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

Me hubiera conformado con un cambio pequeño en su interacción como:

No. Aun no me siento comoda con la idea de volar contigo pero ¿podrías ayudarme a subir al hermano de Ah-Un?

Bueno. Se vale soñar!

De todos me encantan tus escritos.

Espero más pronto y gracias.

Ravenkag (Chapter 54) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

A estas alturas  ya debería haber algun cambio en el trato de Kag hacia Sesshomaru.

 Sobre todo porque la verdadera personalidad de ella es asi:

1. Koga la secuestra y la reclama como su mujer  pero ella despues impide que Inuyasha se pelee con él.

2.Sango trata de asesinarlos pero ella despues la acepta en el grupo. ( Esperen! Casi todos sus amigos intentaron MATARLA en su primer encuentro)

3.Inuyasha poseido por su sangre yokai ASESINA a muchos aldeanos. Luego estando dentro de Naraku LA HIERE pero ella entiende que el no estaba consciente de eso.

Y para mi este último caso es lo que mejor encaja con Sess. Además ella ya percibió la diferencia entre él Lord con pleno uso de sus facultades y la bestia irracional que la atacó.

 Pero creo que mi chica entenderá al fin que es injusto que si es como que existen dos entidades en el Inuyokai tenga que sufrir uno por la que hizo el otro.


REDWOLF (Chapter 54) - Wed 03 Aug 2022

I  wonder if Kagome will help during the war coming up?  I think Kagome is acting very childish! I feel sorry for what Sesshoumaru's beast has done to him.  Kagome is a jerk! If this had been Inuyasha or Kouga she would be all forgiving.  Nope,  she is acting ignorant.  Thanks for the update. 

SmilingFool (Chapter 54) - Tue 02 Aug 2022

Yep still untrusting as ever...  Wonder when they will make amends...

SmilingFool (Chapter 53) - Mon 01 Aug 2022

Oh yeah can't wait to see Sesshomaru and the 100 hundred yokai march...  proves to be awesome.

Lauren (Chapter 52) - Sun 31 Jul 2022

Well, at least he's giving her space to process things. Progress might just happen, however slowly.

Lauren (Chapter 51) - Sun 31 Jul 2022

Well, when he puts it that way, it makes sense. A strange amount of sense, actually. But maybe Rin really did change him for the better. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 51) - Sun 31 Jul 2022

I can understand his point of view on that. 

Kaylah (Chapter 52) - Sun 31 Jul 2022

Okay. Kagome is actually getting really irritating at this point. Sesshomaru is TRYING! He is trying to be understanding. SHE needs to also understand that this whole situation is EXTREMELY new for not JUST HER, but for Sesshomaru as well. 


Kagome needs to give him some credit where it is deserved and he does deserve some. Should she forgive him now? No, it's still too early for that. But she DOES need to lighten up because he is doing his best to explain things to her the best way he knows how. She needs to realize that he has never had to explain himself to anyone before. He is centuries old and quite set in his ways. At least he is attempting to comfort her reservations. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 50) - Sun 31 Jul 2022 step forward two steps back. It's going to be a very long pregnancy. 

Young Kagome (Chapter 52) - Sun 31 Jul 2022

Clarification! Love this for them. I kinda wish he pointed out her tone but I like that he's being mindful of her mental state. 

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