
Just Not Ordinary by Fluffy's-Guardian-Angel

An Awkward Task

Just Not Ordinary

Chapter 1: An Awkward Task

Kagome's feet padded softly on the floor as she strode down the halls. Her ebony hair flowing behind her, in a neat French braid. A soft smile gracing her delicate features. She had just came back from the dojo, and once again won her fight with Miroku. Her very close friend, the poor monk was covered in bruises by the time she was done with him. She let her hand wander to the hilt of her beautiful sword, Shiragiku . She named it that because of the fact that her favorite flower was the white Chrysanthemum.

"Kagome!" Her smile curled into a frown. There's someone who she wouldn't mind killing. She quickly turned around turning into the first hall opening large burgundy doors. Before the doors stood her 'beloved' father, Akio. Her mother, Mia. And her 'wonderfu'l sister Kikyo.

Kagome bowed deeply. "Hai, Father" She answered more like stated. And if you were to listen closely you could almost hear the venom dripping from her voice.

Kagomes father stiffened. Apparently he had noticed, or he had looked into his daughters icy eyes. "You will be attending the western castle, with your sister Kikyo. You will be her personal guard."

Kagome narrowed her eyes. Something was wrong here. He was letting her go...didn't he say it was a disgrace to let the second twin go anywhere, or something along the lines of that. She noticed him reaching into his pocket. A mask, that must be it.

"Take this" He pulled out a chain with a diamond embedded in it. "You will where this at all times, if you were to take it off make sure you are alone, or at least only with your sister."

Kagome nodded "Hai, Father" She retrieved the chain bowing again.

"The chain will transform you into a demon, male, Inu youkai. So it will let you get to better terms with the Taisho's. You will leave shortly."

Kagome nodded again. "Hai, Why will be Kikyo attending the Western Castle?" She asked.

Akio narrowed his eyes "You dare question your Sisters wishes!?" He spat. Kagome wasn't fazed in the least. Just really pissed.

"Iie Father, I was only curious. It was not my intention to anger you or Kikyo-sama." She bowed again deeper than the first. "Please accept my apologies."

"I will let it pass this time" He glared daggers, as Kagome remained unfazed. "She will be included in a gala of women, to see who will be the mate of the great Lord Sesshoumaru."

Kagome bowed once more and left. The chain still clutched in her hands. She gritted her teeth. Her muscles clenched and unclenched. This was the down side to being the second twin. She was treated like a servant. Like nothing. Most of the nobles didn't even know she existed. They all thought she was a miscarriage. Only her mother and brother really cared for her, but she hardly saw her brother. He was always training to become a warrior. Her mother was there for her 24/7. She always reminded Kagome that she had a choice.

Kikyo was always treated like a queen. She was whiny, cold, annoying and a ... bitch. Kagome thought back to the old days.


Kagome walked into the spring with Kikyo. Kikyo gawked at her then scowled. Kagome had no idea what was going on. All of a sudden Kikyo was mad at her.

"Kikyo-sama? What's wrong?" A younger Kagome asked.

Kikyo huffed and crossed her arms across her flat chest. "It's not fair! I'm the princess! I need everything! Not you! It's not FAIR!" She shouted. Her shouts sent her father and mother down to the springs.

"What is wrong Kikyo?" Akio asked. Kikyo was bawling her eyes out. Pointing at Kagome.

"I want those! Why does Kagome have them! I want them! It's not FAIR!" She yelled, pointing to Kagome's chest.

Kagome gasped and blushed at the same time. Her father sent her a scowl. Her mother comforted her saying how Kikyo was jealous.

From then on Kikyo wore cotton balls in her Kimono's until she grew.

☻☺ Another Flashback☺☻

Kikyo was presented with a white Kimono, blue petals sprawled onto the side to the back. A light blue obi with white petals all over it. It was beautiful. Kagome was presented with a plain light green kimono and a plain pink obi. It wasn't as nice as Kikyo's but Kagome loved it. Kikyo on the other hand saw how happy Kagome was and just decided all of a sudden she wanted Kagomes kimono.

"Otou-san! I want Kagomes kimono! I Want it NOW!" She whined throwing her kimono off of herself.

Akio stormed into the room and pulled the kimono off of Kagome giving it to Kikyo. Kagomes mother Mia helped Kagome find a kimono prettier than the last.

☻☺End Flashbacks☻☺

Kagome sighed and put on the chain. She watched her transformations. Her features turned into a handsome mans. Her eyes changed a bit, and she found two marks that seemed to be blue/black tear drops beneath. Her hair grew longer but stayed ebony and in its braid. Her ears pointed. She grew taller. Her chest became one of a mans. Her muscles grew. Soon her Hakama and haori grew a tad too small. Luckily one of servants left another outfit on the bed. The last thing she noticed about her transformation was the fact that she grew fangs, and the urge to scratch her balls.

She changed into the other clothes and studied herself again. If she wasn't a fake she would have totally mated herself. She opened her door, leading to the halls. She accidentally bumped into Kikyo. She saw the lust flowing into her eyes. That scared the hell out of her.

"Kikyo-sama?" Oh Kami! Her voice changed too! It was deep and seductive.

Kikyo was about to place her hands onto Kagomes chest. But Kagome caught them and put them at her sisters sides.

Kikyo scowled. "You dare, deny me! Wait until I tell my Father!"

Kagome quirked a brow. "Kikyo, it's me! Kagome"

Kikyo stiffened. "I knew that!" She lied. "I was testing you" Also a lie.

Kagome bowed "Hai Kikyo-sama. Did I do well?"

Kikyo eyed Kagome. "Hardly" She looked up at Kagome. "Father has told me to tell you that your name is to be Oruro.(pronounced oo-ru-row)

Kagome nodded. "Hai, It is time to go Kikyo-sama."

Kikyo walked down the hall Oruro following. Oruro got stares and looks from all the servants. Most of the women either blushed or ogled. That's when Oruro's senses kicked in. The servants smelled awful, he had to drown out the smell by inhaling Kikyo's scent. Oruro could hear the servants talking about him.

"I wonder where I could get a piece of that"

"That Kikyo bitch gets all the sexy ones!"

"I wonder if he'll notice me?"

"That's right sexy. You're mine once I get you away from the bitch!" He stared icily at that one.

"Oruro! Stop staring at the servants!" Kikyo snapped.

Oruro nodded. "Hai, sumanasou Kikyo-sama"

Kikyo snorted, very rudely. "I will let it pass this time Oruro"

"So his name is Oruro...oh, I like that."

Oruro sighed, as the voices continued.

☻☺ 2 hours Later (Oruro's P.O.V.)☺☻

Finally arriving at the Western lands Castle, we were greeted by former Lord, InuTaisho. He smiled and greeted. A very nice cheerful man. He seemed to be just as eager as the rest.

"Lady Kikyo! Princess of the Western/Southern Lands. It is a pleasure to meet you." InuTaisho smiled at my sister, and then bowed.

I watched as Kikyo went into 'seduce' mode. InuTaisho greeted me as well. "Ah" he said "You must be Lady Kikyo's personal guard." InuTaisho grinned at me.

I nodded. He smelled nice. Like...watermelons? Freshly cut watermelons? Oh well. "Hai, I am Oruro. It is a pleasure Taisho-sama." I bowed. He was quiet handsome...not my type though.

I walked by Kikyo's side. Admiring the artwork as we entered the beautiful castle. Pictures of Inu's and family members, humans and all scattered in the castle. We made our way to the main dinning room. Guards and princesses there. The guards and princesses were separated into two groups. The second I walked in, All these disbelieving females, leered at me. Men were leering at Kikyo! The nerve! What the hell was that growling sound!? Oh that was ME!

At least the men stopped. But the women didn't. I walked over to the group of guards and slumped in a chair. I let out a heavy sigh. Kami! By this rate my sister will be out of the competition, due to the fact that she rutted with all the other guards. All the other guards backed away when they saw me sit. Well at least they wouldn't be bothering me.

I heard footsteps...they were close. The scent was overpowering! Like...rain on a spring morning...and fog. Kami I love that scent. I inhaled a lot of it grinning ear to ear. I stopped and stood up straight. Putting on an icy mask.

The doors creaked open. Dear me! There! Before me...stood the killing perfection. Those golden sun kissed orbs. His silvery hair, I wonder if it's as smooth as it looks. And those lips! Oh I swear their just begging to be kissed! He's so cute! Forget cute! He's sexy!!! Oh Kami, if only.

He started calling out the names of princesses. Finally! He got to Kikyo. "Higurashi-san, Kikyo." Kikyo stepped up. And already started to flirt. I stood behind her.

"Lord Sesshoumaru," she began. "It's nice to meet you! Maybe later we can have a secret get-together." She licked her lips. Disgusting. I never want to see her flirt again! It's disturbing!

I let out a heavy sigh, it was soft. I saw Sesshoumaru's eyes dart towards me. Did I sigh so loud?

☻☺Regular P.O.V.☻☺

Oruro bowed. "Lord Sesshoumaru. It is of great honor. I am Oruro" Oruro kept his eyes locked on Sesshoumarus.

"Hn, There will be a guard waiting for you outside. He will escort you to your quarters." His eyes were still locked on Oruro. There is something off about this guard His eyes narrowed.

Oruro grinned. "Hai," Then he lead Kikyo out of the room.

"What was that about?!" Kikyo snapped.

Oruro smiled. "suman Kikyo-sama. I do not know of which you speak."

Kikyo glared at Oruro. Her hate for him evident in her voice. "You know what I'm talking about! For your crime you will be punished!" She snickered.

Oruro chuckled. "Very well Kikyo-sama." The guard escorting the two laughed quietly. He opened the door for Kikyo and Oruro.


"You bitch! I saw how you looked at him!" Kikyo spat. Raising her hand as to strike Kagome who took off the chain.

"Suman Kikyo-sama? I did not mean to offend you." She stated coolly.

Kikyo snarled at Kagome and brought her hand down to meet air. Kagome dodged easily and then bowed deeply "sumanasou Kikyo-sama, I think I hear someone calling me"

Kagome slipped on the chain, returning to her male form. She closed the door behind her.


Oruro walked down the halls, admiring the paintings once again. He sensed someone on their way. He stopped. Oh...rain and fog....Sesshoumaru.

"Lord Sesshoumaru." Oruro bowed, and continued on his way.

Sesshoumaru stopped. "Oruro, I have not seen you around these parts. What is your origin?" he questioned

Oh shit! I knew this was think Kagome, think!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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