
Dolor by Asmodeus

Chapter One: The Grandfather Clock

Disclaimer: I probably own the dust...

Chapter One: The Grandfather Clock

As she stared out the window watching the rain trickle down the pane, her mind was elsewhere.

Tracing an unknown image onto the frosted pane she then caressed it with the back of her hand as if it was a long lost lover.

The depths of her chocolate eyes were laced with pain as memories unbidden escaped the imprisonment of forget to flash before her eyes.

A lonely man turning up his collar as the rain poured harder was walking down the road when he felt an aura deep in sadness.

He pulled down his hat harder across the brim, and stuffed his hands in his pockets determined to get away from the overpowering aura that made him want to just stop and watch the world pass by.

His presence did not go unknown as the barren figure leaning on the window pulled abruptly away.

Clenching her hands in pain she let the curtains fall back into place and retreated into the darkness of her abode.

The room she was in was richly furnished, though the layers of dust made it seem spooky and uncared for. A good layer of dust shot up off of the furniture as she hustled by, the merest touch of anything shooting chills up her spine.

Walking quickly down the hallway she meekly avoided the glass shards upon the ground, and the shattered vase with a dead plant clinging to it. Each and every picture upon the wall was smashed, and disfigured in some way.

However each frame shared one unique trait, each was empty of a full photograph, either torn or slashed away.

She quickly reached the dimly lit kitchen to fill up a glass of water, then retreated up flight of stairs to a new room.

The room was immense, its plush carpet, and high ceilings seemed to come out of a fairytale, as an entire wall seemed to be made out of glass. The large window looked upon one of the city's most beautiful views.

The twinkling lights of the ever moving city appeared like fallen stars.

The king size bed laid low to the ground, with a silky black canopy covering it. The entire room was sparkling white, with dashes of black around the edges.

The downy comforters seemed to sparkle as the moonlight finally shown through when the rain stopped.

Walking into the adjacent bathroom she quietly opened the medicine cabinet grabbing out an orange pill bottle with a childproof white top. In it were a handful of white pills meant to entice her into sleep.

Dropping them off on the bedside table, she turned around to fluff out the pillows on the bed, done with the one next to her, she reached across to grasp it and pulled it to her womb tightly.

Her midnight black hair glowed with blue highlights as it reflected off of the moonlight.

Downing a handful of the pills she quickly chugged the glass of water and laid upon the bed, pulling the sheets up to her neck, imagining that she was once again being encased by the warm strong arms that once protected her.

Her vision started to falter as a silver silhouette appeared at the side of her vision. Her lips curled in a smile as the figure moved toward her arms out for her.

Her vision went black with the numbness as she fell into oblivion.

In the background a tall grandfather clock echoed the passing of time, as the occupants of it moved past time itself.

I'm not asking you to review this, because personally I don't think it's worth reviewing. This was just an outlet of pain that I felt needed to be written down. If you think its worth it to continue, then by all means comment.

Asmo: Is it possible to cry about someone you've never met, yet talk to day in and day out? Is it possible to create feelings for them? Is it possible that the fates were bored and decided to fuck with my life, giving me something perfect and then taking it away?

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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