
Seducing Therapy by Kkchan

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Just an idea I had. Tell me what you think...should I continue? Etc.

She stared at the wilting plant on the varnished cherry wood desk. It must have been expensive. She noticed a spot where the varnish hadn't been brushed properly, but decided not to mention it. Back to the plant. It looked like it once was a fern, or a cactus or something with what appeared to be red flora. She couldn't be too sure at this point in the plants short life. The pot was interesting. Specked with dirt and crayon. A happy family scrawled across it. A little girl, a father, and a woman with no face. Curious, why did the woman have no face? She shrugged it off as a mistake and shifted her attention to the drawings on the wall behind the desk. Colourful crayon on perfect white paper. More happy families with the little girl, the father, and the faceless woman. A small green toad in the corners of some of the drawings. They were cute, she wanted one. What disturbed her was the women in the pictures. Each of them was different. A different hairstyle, a different shape, height, just different. The same everything else. But different women. She reached over to the pot, to see the woman better. But she pulled back quickly, turning wide, dark rimmed eyes to the opening door.

In stepped a gorgeous man, his long silver hair pulled back into a half tail. The rest falling around his shoulders. In his suited arms, was a clip board and a stack of paper. Looking suspiciously like the forms she had filled out the week before. He gave her a small smile as he set the papers down, sitting in the cushiony roll-y chair behind the desk. After a moment of shuffling through the papers, he looked up at her. His delicate, spindly fingers twining together. His eyes caught her attention, they were a bright burnished bisque color. And his skin which was paler than hers. His luscious lips were set in a soothing smile as he watched her examine him. He cleared his throat and she jumped, looking up. Her dry, cracked lips parted in surprise.

"Higurashi Kagome?" His voice was a sexy baritone. It sent tremors down her spine. She nodded shakily, her sapphire eyes wide and wet. "Age 24. No physical problems, except for bad knees. No medical problems. No criminal record. You're the ideal citizen Higurashi-sama."

"san...Higurashi-san. You're better than me." She bowed her head as her quiet voice filled the room. An even quieter silence following.

"What brings you to my office, Higurashi-san? What is it that ails you?" His voice was soothing, washing over her like the ocean. What was her problem again? She almost couldn't remember while basking in this man's greatness.

"I-I can't sleep." She watched as her hands twisted together. Forming obscene shapes that seemed to be against the laws of physics.

"What keeps you awake?"

"I-I had this boyfriend. R-real nice guy. But--but he got too clingy, and I didn't like him anymore. So I told him so. I broke up with him." She took in a shaky breath. She had gone over this so many times in her head. For days as she watched him stake out her house. "He keeps coming around. Phoning me and leaving me messages. Sending pictures of myself in the shower and doing other things, by mail. He sleeps outside my house at night." She looked up at him, tears cascading down her sickly looking cheeks. "I can't sleep because he phones me every hour. It keeps me awake. And I'm scared he's going to break in and kill me. I used to be pretty. I used to have self confidence. But it's all gone now. I lost my job with the agency. Now I'm an editor. And he still stays outside my house. Phoning me. Taking pictures. Following me. It's been like this for 4 years. I'm so tired. I heard they're thinking of firing me. Because I fall asleep too often. And they all know why. They've seen him sitting outside the office!" She stopped. Stifling her sobs by biting her knuckle. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Refusing to meet the therapist's eyes.

He handed her a box of tissues. She took them gratefully. "Did he follow you here?"

"Probably." she murmured. She stood and walked over the window. Looking out hesitantly. Her hands lifted to her face again as she turned away. She felt the therapist come closer to her. She could only assume he was looking out the window too.

"He's the one with the black bike?" She nodded. "And you say this has been going on for 4 years?" another nod. "Consecutively?" She shook her head as she sat down. "Can you explain?"

"I've called the cops on him before. He always left before they arrived. But they know what he's doing. I've shown them the pictures, let them hear the messages. They're just to busy with their serial murderers and big time criminals to care about a stalker." She bit her lip and grabbed her purse. A nervous habit of hers. Having developed it a year into her ex-boyfriend's stalking. She jumped when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked at the display. A text message. From him. She opened it and set the phone down on the desk, showing the therapist.

"Kagome. That's a big building. Are you lost? You've been in there for a long time. I've got some cool pictures to show you. Should I mail them? I think I will. I'll see you. Kouga."

The therapist sighed. Looking up at the young woman. "This is really a matter to be brought to the police, or FBI. Not a therapist."

"I know! But I'm scared. What if he kills me? And the cops won't do anything! I've told you already." She clutched at the thick jacket at her chest. Tears silently rolling to the corners of her mouth and down her chin.

He sighed and flipped out a card. He handed it to her, she folded it into one shaking hand. Gazing at the words typed on it. "If anything happens, call me. I will see you immediately."

"Isn't--Isn't that kind of personal? What if--What if I interrupt something? Or-Or--"

"Kagome! We've known each other for ages. I'm your friend. Call me if something happens. I'll be there for you." He stood up, taking her shoulders and forcing her to look at him.

"Hai. Arigatou Narita-sama." She bowed her head and left the office.


Kagome sat on her couch. Watching the fuzz on the TV screen as it thundered outside. She held the phone in a death grip. Keeping it off the hook so she wouldn't receive any of his calls. The lighting lit the dark room. Her eyes wide, her teeth chattering, her form rocking back and forth on the floor in front of the sofa. The vibrations of her cell phone on the table deafening to her ears. Fumbling for the remote she turned off the TV, shrouding the room in darkness. A loud banging on her one slide and triple pad locked door made her jump. Her head turning towards the thick slab of wood. She could almost hear the hinges creaking and the wood cracking. Her knuckles whitened as her grip on the phone intensified. She reached for the card on her table, dialing the numbers slowly.

"Hey Kagome. You calling the cops again? They don't care about a stupid whore like you. Shouldn't you get it by now? I'm the only one. If you wont have me, who will you have? No one! That's who. You're ugly and stupid. No one wants you but me." Kouga laughed loudly. Continuing with his banging. It became harsher, as he started slamming something hard and big sounding into her door. She was sobbing as the other line rang. Finally someone answered and a groggy 'moshi moshi' was heard.

"Sesshou!" She practically yelled into the phone. Using the nickname she had given him when they were kids. "He's going to kill me! He's banging on the door. I think it's gonna break. Please..!" She sobbed, barely listening to the man on the other line. She managed to mumble her address. Her door splintered in the center. She screamed and dropped the phone as she jumped to her feet. She hid herself in a corner, shaking as her door continued to creak and crack. A hole forming in the center, getting bigger and bigger with every passing second. She could hear the rain pattering on the ground. His harsh breathing. The shifting of clothing as he wound up to strike again. A loud growl and a bone breaking crunch. And then silence. All she could hear was her own shaky breathing. Her sobs echoing in her head.

A green glow encased the edge of her door. The locks melted as the room filled with an almond smell. She remembered the smell from somewhere. But her frightened mind couldn't bother to remember where. Her door swung open and a hoarse voice called out for her. A light was flashed in the room, coming from a large flash light as the person stepped into her house. She saw the wet strands of silver hair. Before she could control it, she was stumbling over her furniture and throwing herself into Sesshoumaru's arms. He pushed her into the house and shut what was left of the door. Dropping the flash light, he wrapped his arms around her.

"There, there. It's all okay now Kagome." His gently clawed fingers ran through her hair as she sobbed into his chest.

"I was so scared. He kept phoning. He kept banging. He kept yelling." She paused to breathe in. "Thank you Sesshoumaru. Thank you so much." She finished in a whisper as she fainted against him.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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