
Willing it to End . . . With You? by yumi_fujiwara69

A Sorrow Filled Home Welcoming

Authors Note: This IS the updated, spelling and grammar corrected version . . . sorry it's taking me so long to get Ch. 2 up . . . TT^TT

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, unfortunately . . . if I did no one would ever see fluffy again! Mwahahahaha!

Ch. 1

Sighing softly, Kagome rested her head on her palm. The flight back to Japan seemed to take forever! Now she had to wait for her luggage to get here?!? Kagome was becoming impatient. She couldn't wait to get home. Tomorrow was her 21st birthday and she was going to go through the well.

She slid a hand into her pocket feeling the rounded jewel and remembered what had been decided a little more than 2 years ago.


Kagome sat on the edge of the well; her bag packed and ready to go. Kaede walked up to Kagome slowly, a lonely tear making its way down the old lady's face. She grabbed Kagome's hand, placing in it the small round Shikon No Tama.

"Take this child. Keep it safe with ye in the future, 'til we get things settled here. On the night of your 21st birthday return here and ye shall make ye wish. Think wisely about what ye want. For ye only get this one chance." Kaede stated, not really wishing to say her goodbyes yet to the young woman she had grown to love as her own granddaughter.

"That is if this is even made for wishing, but I shall come back when the time is right. Take care Kaede. And please, make sure Inuyasha understands my decision. I couldn't bear to come back and have him be mad at me for ceiling off the well, even from him. I just don't know if I'd be able to stay away otherwise." Kagome leaned over and gave Kaede one last hug before entering the well.

~End Flashback~

Thinking of the inu boy Kagome couldn't help but smile. She hoped that he would be happy with her choice. She was going to wish Kikyo to be able to live the life she should have had with Inuyasha. As much as she loved the inu, she knew she would never hold his heart, besides she belonged in her time. And so she would go back, make her wish and say her final goodbyes to her friends.

In America Kagome had finished her schooling and had even gone to college. She finished her training in medical, mostly herbal and spiritual. She learned all types of dance, from ballroom to any and all others her uncle thought necessary for her to learn. She learned how to wield almost any weapon; after all she was a quick learner. So she was light on her feet and hard in combat. In just the 2 years she had gone from her once yellow belt to black in martial arts.

She had been away from her school for so long, deprived of her chance to learn, once she gained the chance, she couldn't stop. Though she used the Shikon No Tama to help her catch up in her studies and learn her work quickly. She had learned many new things about the Shikon No Tama. It gave her the power to do whatever she wished, without using all of its power. She was beginning to wonder if granting her one wish was all it was or could be used for.

But she had made her choice, and she knew it was best, she just hoped that it would allow her to make the wish even though it was not what her heart truly wanted.

The sound of the luggage arriving broke her out of her thoughts. "Finally!" she exclaimed loudly.

Pulling herself to her feet, she made her way to the luggage wheel. She was in luck hers was the 2nd one out! Oh how she had always envied the people whose luggage came out first. Wishing she could finally have that happen to her and what do you know it finally did!

Grabbing her luggage she headed out the door to catch a cab. It was dark out when she finally arrived at her ojiisan temple. There was a dark aura lingering about the temple, her heightened senses picked up the sent of blood, youkai, and youki. The temple reeked of it and with her miko powers she could see the black aura surrounding it.

Slowly she walked up the steps towards the shrines doors, stopping momentarily to pull out a sword she had in her luggage that her uncle had given her. She swung the door open quickly and set the rest of her luggage by the entrance.

"Mamma? Ojiisan? Anyone home?" Kagome asked timidly.

Receiving no answer she walked further into the dark house. She was too afraid to turn on any lights. Placing one foot in front to the other, not making a sound, she headed towards the stairs. Using her newly acquired skills, Kagome called on the powers within the Shikon No Tama and stretched out her senses. Hearing, seeing, feeling, everything was heightened, but nothing could have prepared her for what she saw when her eyes were finally adjusted to the dark. Blood was everywhere! And there, just a few feet in front of her was her Ojiisan dead, no, mutilated!

She couldn't stop the scream that left her lips as she ran to her Ojiisan side. "Ojiisan, ojiisan. Please, no wake up! Please!" she cried over his lifeless body.

'Oh no!' she thought 'what about Mamma? Souta?'

Suddenly she notices there was heavy breathing and soft yet evil chuckling coming from her backyard. Without a second thought she ran, ran faster than she ever thought possible, whether or not she was calling on the Shikon No Tama's powers or not she didn't know. All she knew was she NEEDED to get out there.

Once outside the sight that greeted her scared her to death. There next to the back door was her mothers' body, lifeless as well, but that's not what got to her, that's not what terrified her and burned at her soul. It was the sight of an insect youkai holding her baby brother by the neck, a smirk clearly written across its face.

"No Souta!" Kagome screamed and started running towards the youkai.

"Take one step further and I'll snap his neck. Give me the Shikon No Tama, and I might just set him free." The youkai laughed both know full well he had no intention of letting her ototo go.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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