Real Name: Trisha
Age: 15
Location: Southern California
Hobbies: Reading, writing, poetry, drawing, (Anything artsy) Hiking, running,(Anything athetic and rigorous pretty much)
Special Interests: Computer technology, Neurological Sciences (I study the work of Jose Delgado) Streetbikes (Kawasakies RULE!!) Oh, and like any other fangirl, bishonens!
Favorite Animes: Well, I like animes with really depressing endings, I'm weird like that, like X/1999, when Comoi is holding Fuma's decapitated head (No, I'm not sadistic), But, I have seen alot of animes, and I pretty much like em all, including all the ones Adult Swim and the Tech channel play, Oo, theres another good one, Serial Expiriments Lain XP.
Favorite Quote: "Females are subjected to change spontainiously, thats why we get further than males" (No, I'm not a feminist, buts its true isn't it)
Authurs Note: Imma start re-posting my stories after their revisions are finished, starting with my revision of 'My Gift to You'