omg, did you not run this story thru a spell check. beside the horrible spelling, the grammar is terrible, and there is no organiztion whatsoever. what you need to do is stop, think about what you want to write, make an outline, amnd write each chapters out. when your done run it through a spell check, after that get some one to check it...
HollyS- Sat 26 Apr 2008
I love the concept, your chapters are too short and you need someone to beta read for you. I normally don't touch a fic until it is at least ten chapters long, but this concept intrigued me. Just a little advice, chapters should be at MINIMUM two microsoft word pages. And use your spell and grammar check, but since they are not always reliable, you need someone to go over this for you. Please let me know if you would like help. Once you get a good line on the story, I would be happy to beta for you .
Fluffy's Lady- Thu 24 Apr 2008
good, interesting concept. but you seriously need a beta reader and you need to elaborate. this sounded like a summary. a high-speed/author's on crack kinda summary. sorry, i don't normally flame but this is just terrible.
Spitfiremiko- Wed 23 Apr 2008
This story is really good so far! I love the concept. You just need to work on your spelling. *human, priest, and hanyou. :) there you go. If you need any ideas or what not totally hit me up! :-)
Fred- Wed 23 Apr 2008
Ok...gotta ask...what exactly is a 'henyo', 'prest', and 'humen'??? If these are something that you supposedly believe is part of the series, then maybe you need to obtain more familiarity with the Inuyasha storyline.
While you are at it, try going back to English class, and this time pay attention. There are things call punctuation, grammar and spelling, which are really important if you are going to write something for others to read.
Anna- Tue 22 Apr 2008
Your spelling is off, your writing is horrible, this sounds like a 5 year old wrote it.
There is NO detail what so ever.
This is one of the worst Fan Fic's I have ever read.
Kamara- Tue 22 Apr 2008
It's very short and some words are not spelled correctly. The concept is cool but it has to be executed properly.
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