Whats better then a story written by an amazing author? A story writen by four amazing authress of course. I think this is the first story where Hojo scares the crap out of me. I never pictured him as a psycho obessive guy, although he always was a little bit creepy and more then a little bit off. Lol, Kagome certainly uses her middle finger alot, and it seems to me that Sesshomaru enjoys it alittle to much. Anyways, I look forward to reading the next additions, and the interviews of Sesshomaru by Kagome.
Addah- Fri 09 Mar 2007
hey! wat happened? i like this fic, please continue it.
Tess-hime- Sat 09 Dec 2006
Hey! you used my name,cool! One thing you may want to change if you get the chance: "I'm tell you Kagome, that man can not be trusted around a female ass.â€Â
It should either be I'm telling or I'll tell. Anyways, love the story! I plan on being a vet myself so it has a certain appeal tyo me. are you going to update? PLEASE!
mari- Wed 22 Nov 2006
really intereging. i want to know what is going to happen so please update soon.
Addah- Wed 01 Nov 2006
i think this is such a great fic. pls update soon.
mortefille- Fri 28 Jul 2006
hahahahahahahah.....................haha you guys are good writers and I like the way that your styles of writing just flow together keep writing. haha I can't stop laughing about kagome fingering sesshoumaru haha its just funny to picture. I hope the husky is o.k T.T
RavenSilverKat- Sun 09 Jul 2006
You ladies are wonderful! I can't wait until the next chapter. I'm curious as to if you have any sort of notifications for next updates? Anyway, I enjoyed the story. I thought it was great. It was also great how Hojo is the evil one in this story! I have hardly ever seen that! *bows*
Laina- Fri 12 May 2006
Please update- I thought the story was farther along than what it shows but maybe I was wrong. Please don't give up on it!! It is a really fun read!
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