Kneazles Profile Page

About Me

I'm currently a vet student living in England. I like to read a lot, when I am not reading fanfiction, I tend to read urban fantasy.

Titles and Such

February 3 2013 - Rin-Rin has proclaimed me Overload of Sweetness!

Pretty Banners and Such

Stamp Collection


User Status

16 years ago
13 months ago
10 years ago


Participant Banners and Tokens


Dokuga Scout Badges -


My Challenges

Valentine's Day Countdown Challenge 2013 - Ended February 28 2013
Dog Movie Challenge - No End Date
Get Rid of the Hierarchy - No End Date
Mythology Challenge - No End Date
Language of Flowers Challenge - No End Date
Disney Challenge - No End Date



  Kagome Yuki Niwa
  Siobhan Wolf
  Stella Mira


Kneazles has 2 stories

A collection of drabbles from the married/mated life of Kagome and Sesshomaru. The drabbles are in no particular order, they happen as they occur to me. Most drabbles will be the results of challenges/prompts.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 01 Feb 2013  -  Updated: 09 Mar 2013
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 18  -  Reviews: 16  -  Words: 3,559  -  Reads: 20,944
A collection of citrusy drabbles from the married/mated life of Kagome and Sesshomaru. The drabbles are in no particular order, they happen as they occur to me. Most drabbles will be the results of challenges/prompts.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 08 Feb 2013  -  Updated: 08 Feb 2013
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 158  -  Reads: 4,672


Total number of images: 52

DDN Prompt: Temporary Alliance
  • DDN Prompt: Temporary Alliance
  • Category: Fanart
DDN Prompt: Revenge
  • DDN Prompt: Revenge
  • Category: Fanart
DDN Prompt: Already Useless
  • DDN Prompt: Already Useless
  • Category: Fanart
DDN Prompt: Are you blind
  • DDN Prompt: Are you blind
  • Category: Fanart
DDN Prompt: Sunset
  • DDN Prompt: Sunset
  • Category: Fanart
Beauty and the Beast Sketch
  • Beauty and the Beast Sketch
  • Category: Fanart
Orange Lily
Valentine Countdown Prompt 14
  • Valentine Countdown Prompt 14
  • Category: Banners
Valentine Countdown Prompt 13
  • Valentine Countdown Prompt 13
  • Category: Banners
Plum Blossom
Valentine Countdown Prompt 12
  • Valentine Countdown Prompt 12
  • Category: Banners
Valentine Countdown Prompt 11
  • Valentine Countdown Prompt 11
  • Category: Banners
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Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 46

[SessKag] Outfit Swap
Can I touch You?
Giving is Better Than Receiving
Next Time...
Changing with Time
The Fox Miko; Colored.
The Sword
My Heir
The Oni Miko
Righteous Anger
r0o's 'The Fox Miko' Colored
His Folly
Ixoq Colored
SXK Gender bender
Big Puppy
Hades x Persephone
Terri-tots 'No Resemblance', Colored
Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Author: Naomi
  • Category: Fanart
Ah Un
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Name Entry
Moonlight Silk

Created On: 10/08/2013 17:41:07

Thank you for the encouraging words.
Feedback from Kneazles: Your welcome

Kitana Tsukino-hime

Created On: 03/24/2013 13:57:00

Many thanks, Kneazles,

Questions, questions...
Feedback from Kneazles:

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/17/2013 17:20:51

Thank you for your review!

Sesshoumaru in fluff pink armor would be a sight I would pay to see

Glad you're enjoying the show in my newest drabble!
Feedback from Kneazles: It's quite interesting. I bet Sesshomaru would rock in fluffy pink armor, after all we know the fluffy pelt of his doesn't detract from his masculinity

Luna C.

Created On: 02/14/2013 22:50:40

Thank you for your reviews!
Feedback from Kneazles: Your welcome


Created On: 02/14/2013 16:38:20

Thanks for reviewing Sesshoumaru's Gift: The Courting. And thanks for the well thought out challenge.
Feedback from Kneazles: You are quite welcome. Your story is delightful

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/13/2013 07:42:09

I'm glad you enjoyed both my crack fic and the story for your Flower Challenge! I really love the flower meaning idea you had, so I was motivated to begin a whole new story on this Lol A bad idea considering how many ongoing fics I have, but oh well, my muse wouldn't let me rest
Feedback from Kneazles: lol. The crack fic was hilarious and the meaning behind flowers are interesting. At least by getting the ideas out you don't get attacked by the muse.

Luna C.

Created On: 02/12/2013 18:50:54

Thank you for your review! Sesshomaru seems pretty interested on harming the wizard than acknowledging that Kagome jumped into Poison Ivy. He's a meanie like that.
Feedback from Kneazles: lol. Well Sesshomaru does enjoy his fighting.


Created On: 02/12/2013 15:28:37

Your reviews are awesome! Thank you! As for your questions...
Feedback from Kneazles: You are quite welcome! I've really been enjoying it. I know the answers will be revealed eventually.

Luna C.

Created On: 02/11/2013 19:02:33

Thank you for your review! It will be some time before the group actually finds Kagome.
Feedback from Kneazles: Your welcome and thank you

Luna C.

Created On: 02/06/2013 16:47:07

Thank you for your review! I had a hard time thinking about what to do with the prompt.
Feedback from Kneazles: lol some of the prompts are pretty tough.

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