Sesshoumaru's introduction to the modern era: Halloween by *~*Missy*~*
I: Lantern
"Oh Sesshomaru you must simply come with me! Spend Halloween week with me! We can get you some regular clothes and you can see how the holiday is celebrated in my time." Kagome said as she tugged on her, as weird as it was to say it, boyfriend's arm.
"Absolutely not, Miko. This Sesshomaru has better things to do than gallavant with you off to your time." Sesshomaru said with his nose turned up.
"We'd be able to get away from Inuyasha's bitching for an entire week." She said in a little sing song voice.
"Your terms are acceptable." Sesshomaru said as he looked down at this human female that irked him so sometimes, though sometimes she had a good point.
"Oh yes! We'll get to go and see the latern festival."
"What is a latern festival?" Sesshomaru said with a quizzical tone to his voice.
"It's a festival where there are people walking around carrying laterns. At teh end of the night everyone releases them and the sky is filled with hundreds of them. It's so gorgeous and romantic." Kagome said with bright blue eyes.