Her Strange Book by ~*CheshireSmile*~
How could you?
Authors note:
Hey I haven’t written any fan-fics for at least 5 years. I was overjoyed when I found the link to Spark because I really missed this work, and after reading the reviews I’m going in and revamping 14 year old me’s babbling into something a little more to my current style. as always reviews are awesome, and if anyone has information on available Beta’s please tell me how because I’m still new thank you and have fun with this one :)
Trying in vain to stop the tears that had spilled unbidden from my eyes, splattering the smooth cream colored pages of my only escape, I wiped them away on my sleeping bag. Reaching for my monstrosity of a green backpack and tucking the little book away in it’s place, I once again felt two pairs of eyes burning into my back. One; dull, bored, barely the same honey gold I so fondly remember, the other with only contempt and self-righteous attitude. Unaware of a third set also on me I simply tried once again to shrug the burning feeling off. For a few moments I was allowed reprieve, only to be torn back to the present by a voice like gravel and pure malice.
“I’m not dealing with any attitude when you’re too tired to travel tomorrow, wench.”
“Listen to Kikyou, ya need ta sleep.”
“Whatever, Inuyasha.” Sighing I curled up into myself. How, after five years, could you forget my birthday Inu? Has that back-to-life bitch truly made me so unimportant? Silently cursing this life, I let my tears fall knowing that I had fallen so low that even my own heart betrayed me by hoping for something better.
I waited until the little miko had slipped into a semi-peaceful sleep and the two self-proclaimed leaders had snuck away to rut to make my way into camp. As silently as possible I slipped the small booklet from the side pocket she had tucked it into, my curiosity finally getting the best of my self-controlled nature. Brushing a strand of raven blue hair away from her face I longed to place a chaste kiss to her pale forehead that was for the moment untroubled. How beautiful she is when pain isn’t contorting her features. Jumping into my place for the night atop a thick tree branch just behind the little female, and just far away enough to be undetected I opened to the page that smelled like her freshest tears. Noting how neat and utterly female her handwriting was I read.
‘Dear Diary,
Another year has come and gone for me, and instead of joy and happiness it has only brought me pain and sorrow. I cannot return to my mama, or grandpa, Souta, anyone, this year, or the next, or any year after that. We; including our group of Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, along with Kikyou, Koga and his pack, Lord Sesshoumaru, and myself, finally defeated Naraku, but in doing so the brothers destroyed the bone eaters well and it’s magic. Yes little book, the two were finally able to take their aggression and target something that wasn’t each other. After the spider from hell died Kikyou regained her life and her own soul back... I’ve never seen Inuyasha so happy...
Maybe it was so much power being released around us but somehow little Kirara transformed into a petite humanoid form, giving my Shippo a companion and ( I think maybe) girlfriend. Miroku kept true to his word and proposed properly to Sango, marrying her last spring. Inuyasha followed suit and mated Kikyou in true youkai fashion. Now every one has paired off, save Koga and Ayame, who still hopes every moon cycle for him to keep his promise. I think he knows that he ought to and is giving his thick headed heart time to warm up to the idea...but that still leaves me alone. Maybe I deserve to be left in the cold, otherwise I would not be being punished like this. I’m grateful that I still at least have you Little Diary. I need someone like you to confide in or I just might lose myself. Lately, I've started to feel as though I don't deserve to be loved. Inuyasha and Kikyou tell me so often, even without words, that I've started to believe it. But still though I feel lost and alone when I'm awake, when I go to sleep I feel a strange presence (well it’s really an aura but I don't know what to call it) that never shows its face, it's strong but doesn't feel threatening. But when my real-life fears show up in my dreams the strange aura wraps around me, warming and comforting me while still pulling me out of the crater that I've learned shows my self-pity and low self esteem. And in the morning I don't feel as bad until I realize it was just a dream (again) I just wish I could see the face of my savior for once.'
I looked over to the sleeping little woman who hid all her torment behind gentile smiles and felt my own long forgotten heart twinge. Moving to return the little booklet before she woke I felt something fall into my lap, the writing tool she used to place all these thoughts into print. Carefully ripping a page without her writing on it I quickly scrawled a message to her, folding it neatly. Silently entering the campsite again I returned everything as she left it and tucked my letter into her small hand. Resisting the urge to brush the back of my hand across her cheek I returned to my hidden place to watch over her pack until she woke.