Absolutely Perfect by R.M. Avalon
Choice and Consequence
Written for the Weekly Perfection Challenge #126: Yearn. Won First Place.
Universe: Cannon
Rating: K+
Words: 400
There are many things in life that we want desperately, despite the fact that we know that we should not have them. Some people are weak and give into their desires without any effort to resist. Others indulge from time to time, treating their particular vices as something for special occasions. And still others, with iron wills and unbending restraint, never succumb to temptation at all. They ignore their desires and in doing so save themselves from negative consequences.
Sesshomaru had always considered himself to be a man of extraordinary discipline; everything he did, he did for a reason and he refused to indulge in frivolities, despite the fact that in his position as Lord of the Western Lands, he had more than easy access to them. He had always thought that he would spend his life in the same state, never swayed by temptation.
Then he met her.
Kagome Higurashi, the miko that traveled with his loudmouthed brother. He had detested her at first; she was human and careless and- as far as he could tell- completely mad. But as time wore on, he began to see that his initial judgment of the young woman’s character had been erroneous. As bravery and devotion and loyalty replaced carelessness and madness, her humanity became less and less important.
And Sesshomaru began to covet her.
At first his desire for the miko was easy to ignore, like a distant hum at the edge of his hearing. But soon the hum had grown into a roar and even Sesshomaru was finding it difficult to maintain his control. Most normal men would have bent beneath the weight of such an insistent craving, however Sesshomaru held out. For to persue Kagome, the object of his obsession, would be his undoing.
He watched her from afar, until one day he saw her defeat the greatest foe that he had ever known and then vanish, and he realized what he had lost by holding himself apart from her.
So he lived through time, waiting to find something that would fill the void that her absence had left within him, yet never succeeding. And then one day, nearly five hundred years since the time when he had known her, he met her again. And as a blinding smile blossomed on her face and she ran to greet him, he felt his frozen heart begin to beat once more.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Please read and review; your reviews inspire me and make me want to write more!
R.M. Avalon