Under the tears of the moon by Dragoneyes101
Chapter one
Chapter 1
On one cold midnight a girl walking through a forest yet so cold and uncaring to who dares walk through that forest. This girl has an excuse she found her love on the forest floor kissing this girl. She felt so alone and her heart just had been broken. Her legs were giving out on her but she didn't notice. She was so distressed that she didn't care what way she was going.
Kagome knew she was lost so she just gave up on her dreams. Since her dreams were crushed by a hanyou who she thought loved her. He just had to break her heart again. 'This is the last time I ever let him break my heart over him EVER AGAIN!!!!' she thought as she ran away from him and his past lover.
She went ran back to camp it was the middle of the night ever one was a sleep. She decided that she never would come back to this place. 'But what about Shippo and the others?' her conscience said.
'I don't care about that all I want to do is go away from this place...' She said to her conscience.
'Fine but make me a deal in three years come back and defeat Naraku. Also seal the well and make sure Inuyasha doesn't follow. Don't forget the shards too.' Her conscience said sadly.
'Ok I'm seventeen right now so in three years I'll be twenty sounds good. Wait where did I put the shards?' Kagome agreed.
'Look on Shippo's neck.' Her conscience said clamly.
She was close by the camp site when she heard laughing and she looked behind her. She saw Inuyasha and Kikyo together holding hands. She quickly got the shards and was about to leave when someone said her name....
"Kagome! Where are you going?" Inuyasha said. She turned around with tears in her eyes.
"Kagome what's wrong? Well guess what me and Kikyo did we're mated. But here's the best part she joining are group." Inuyasha said excitedly.
All of her emotions of hurt and sorrow from him that he gave to her the lease that she had on those emotions were coming undone she tried so hard not to let those emotions go but it was too late.
'Kagome let all of it go you deserve to let all your hurt go on to him and let him know what kind of hell you've been though for the last two year!' her conscience said angrily.
"Inuyasha I hate you and your stupid thing of a person. You should just die! I hate you so much. I hope you and your died pot goes to hell for all I fucking care. She's not alive and I'm alive why didn't you pick me not her. Why not me? Why can't I be your mate? Why can't you see she won't last too much longer! Her body is starting to tear apart." She yelled.
"Kagome I didn't know you felt that way about me. But I can't abandon Kikyo just to be with you. I only see you as a sister. I'm sorry." Inuyasha said sadly.
"Well it's your fault for playing that card that said "Oh love me! I need love from you Kagome!" I can't stand to look at you anymore!" Kagome said heartlessly. When she was done saying that she ran like the devil was at her heels.
She ran away from it all she didn't look back to a crying Kikyo and a sad looking Inuyasha. She didn't care that people were looking at her as she ran with tears streaming down her face. So she sealed the well and the well waited for three long years to past for it to be opened again...
*Under the tears of the moon*
When she came home she ran to her room and went to her bed. As soon as she hit the pillow she bawled her eyes out not caring that anyone could hear her. When she stopped crying she could hear quietly the pit patter of the rain go on outside. She looked at the clock it was flashing red 3:30pm. She was so tried from crying she took a nap to past the time.
When she woke up she looked at her flashing clock and it now said 5:47pm. She stretched out her sore body and got up to take a shower. She grabbed from her drawer a black lace bra and black lace thong and a pair of white shorts with a plain black shirt. She stripped and waited for the shower to get warm and hoped in. She let the shower head beat on her sore muscles and relaxed for in a long time. She took a bottle of lavender scented shampoo and conditioner. She washed she body with honey scent body soap and she shaved her legs.
She got out and used her fluffy pink towel and her green hair towel. She got dressed and went downstairs to eat. She looked at the frige and found a note that said:
'Dear Kagome,
Sorry to leave you out on this vacation but we know you're a reasonable girl. So we are leaving for three weeks and we'll be around July. We all are going to America for Sota's class research on America. We love you honey be good!
'Wow America that's far away! Oh well that will give me plenty of time to sew some parts of my broken hard together again.' She thought dully.
She went to the cabin and fixed ramen that she was going to give to Inuyasha. After she was done she went on the computer and on AIM. She saw a chat room wash up and decided to join in on it. She chose the name FallenAngel101. She signed in the chatters were talking about something weird but soon she got a hold of it.
'Dude how many times do I have tell you that I won't make you!' WTF said.
'Plez I need you WTF!' PreetyBlueEyes said.
'Hey do you really mean to mate her in real life?' FallenAngel101 said.
'No we only know each other online only!' WTF said
'Hey we better not talk too much about mating.' PreetyBlueEyes said.
'How come?' said FallenAngel101.
'Cuz the guy who owns this chat room doesn't like it when other people talk about mating. 'Cuz he doesn't have one or his died or something like that.' WTF said.
'I know exactly how he fells like.. What's his name?' FallenAngel101 said.
'TearsOfABrokenHeart is his name.' WTF said.
'Can I talk too him at all?' FallenAngel101 said.
'That won't be very wi-'WTF and PreetyBlueEyes have been booted off.
'FallenAngel101 is it what is it that you wish to talk to me about?' TearsOfABrokenHeart said.
'Is what they're saying true?' FallenAngel101 said.
'Yes some of it is true some is false. But what I wish to know is y do u have a heart ache as well?' TearsOfABrokenHeart said.
'My ex crush mated another girl and he said that he only loved me as a sister. Man I feel so lonely! Is that normal? Why happen to you?' FallenAgnel101 said.
'Why yes it is to feel that way. My ex mate-to-be cheated on me with my half brother.' TearsOfABrokenHeart said.
'That's worse then my story well we at least have something in command.' FallenAngel101 said.
'Like what?' TearsOfABrokenHeart said
'A broken heart that needs to be mended.' FallenAgnel101 said.
Sesshomaru sat there staring at his computer a long time and realized that this woman or man knew how to mend a broken heart. He knew that love was never really on his side even since he was born. He knew there was no way FallenAngel101 could be the one he had love 700 years ago. Tears came to his eyes.
'Kozakura...' Sesshomaru thought sadly. He started to type again and replied back.
'I agree on that fact. May I ask what gender you are?' TearsOfABrokenHeart said.
'Umm sure. I'm a woman.' FallenAngel101 said.
'I am a 900 year old dog demon and I am male.' TearsOfABrokenHeart said.
'I love doggies!! Lol but why tell me that if I'm a complete stranger?' FallenAngel101 said.
'I don't really know myself... I have to have slept. May we talk tomorrow night at 9:00pm?' TearsOfABrokenHeart said.
'Sure!' FallenAngel101 said.
'Why did I just do that?' Kagome thought over and over again.
'Farwell.' TearsOfABrokenHeart said. TearsOfABrokenHeart has logged off.
"Man I need to go to bed!" said Kagome to herself. With that she fell asleep having nightmares of Naraku killing Inuyasha in front of her over and over again......
*Under the tears of the moon*
Inuyasha went to the well to only to find that he was repelled by a barrier. He cursed and started to get Red Tetsusaiga. It didn't work he tried and tried again but still no use. It was sealed good. Never to be opened for a long time.
'Damnitt! I shouldn't have done something so stupid! I should have told Kagome the way I felt for her earlier!' Inuyasha thought.
'Maybe you should have read the signs! Baka! She looked at you with love filled eyes! I have a good idea. Why don't we go somewhere with Kikyo and live there until Kagome comes back. Before that happens tell Sango what happened first she deservers to know!' His beast cried out in anger.
'I guess I like that idea I hope she still will forgive me one day.' Inuyasha thought hopefully.
*Under the tears of the moon*
Inuyasha told Kikyo about his plan she agreed to meet him at the village far away from Kaede's. Inuyasha soon went back to tell Sango what had happened to Kagome.
Sango wasn't happy at all she really was furious with what had happened. When he was done telling what he just had done.
"I hope I never see you again because if I do I'll kill you!" She said coldly.
"Do me one last thing tell Kagome I'll see her soon." Inuyasha said sadly.
"Fine LEAVE!!" Sango said very coldly.
Names and meanings:
Kozakura- Little cherry tree
YAHOOOO!!! It's done!! R&R!! PLEZ!!