Remembering Sunday by Sakura-Biyori
Chapter 1
Sesshoumaru opened his eyes and felt the weight of his hangover crush him. He stood up from his sofa and looked at his clock. It said in glaring red flashing lights: 2:05AM. He groaned and decided that some fresh air would do his drunken mind some good.
Woke up from dreaming
and put on his shoes
starting making his way past 2 in the morning
He hasn't been sober for days
He was walking in the park, and went past a café that he had visited on Sunday. He collapsed as the memories of what happened on that day crashed down on him. He remembered her laughing, with the sun shining on her face. She looked positively angelic as she looked up from her meal and looked up at the clouds. ‘Why did she leave?’
Leaning out into the breeze
remembering Sunday he falls to his knees
they had breakfast together
but two eggs don't last like the feeling of what he needs
He carried on walking, going past an apartment block, as another memory assaulted him. She had been leading him up the stairs to her flat. She had tugged on his hand and grinned impishly, her eyes had been twinkling in merriment.
Now this place is familiar to him
she pulls on his hand with a devilish grin
she led him upstairs, she led him up stairs
Left him dying to get in
He let his feet carry him to the door she had led him to, knocking on the door with anticipation. As the door cracked open, the light from inside glaring onto the passage, he slightly craned his neck to see who was on the other side. Hoping that it was the girl from his memories. His hopes were quickly dashed though as it was an old woman. He had asked if she had seen the girl from his memories, and explained that he was desperate to find her, but the old woman had no answer.
Forgive me I’m trying to find
my calling, I’m calling at night
don’t mean to be a bother
But have you seen this girl?
She’s been running through my dreams
and its driving me crazy it seems
I’m gonna ask her to marry me
He remembered her saying that she didn’t believe in things like ‘love’ or ‘hate’, that they couldn’t be real. He of course wanted to prove her wrong, and as he felt himself grow closer to her, he began to fall in love with her himself.
Even though she doesn’t believe in love
He’s determined to call her bluff
who can deny these butterflies
they’re filling his gut
He knocked on other doors, risking the inhabitants’ wrath, as he woke them up. He asked about her, but he only got blank faces, and was told to ‘go away’.
Waking the neighbour’s
unfamiliar faces he pleads though he tries
but he’s only denied
now he’s dying to get inside
He looked down in sadness as once again he tried to apologise, only to get a door slammed in his face.
Forgive me I’m trying to find
my calling, I’m calling at night
don’t mean to be a bother
But have you seen this girl?
She’s been running through my dreams
And its driving me crazy it seems
I’m gonna ask her to marry me
The next set of doors he tried was more forgiving, as they had heard his explanations to the other occupants in the apartment block. The old couple that lived there said that the girl, Kagome being her name, had moved away a couple off days back. It was raining the day she moved, and things gradually became clearer to him.
The neighbours said she moved away
Funny how it rained all day
I didn’t think much of it then
But it started to all make sense
He realised now. All off his efforts were for naught. He ended up being as alone as he had been before he met her.
Oh I can see now
That all of these clouds
are following me in my desperate endeavour
to find my whoever
Where ever she may be
She had been driving in the mover’s van, and the rain made it hard to see. She didn’t see the warning sign on the corner, and therefore smashed straight into it. She had left a note for him. Saying that she was sorry.
‘I'm not coming back
I've done something so terrible
I’m terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me
I’m mixed up, I’ll be blunt
Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair
And out of my mind
keeping an eye on the world
So many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm over you now I'm at home in the clouds
Towering over your head’
She was dead. He knew that now. It didn’t make him feel better though. It made him worse. At least she was looking out for him in heaven though.
I guess I’ll go home now
I guess I’ll go home now
I guess I’ll go home now
I guess I’ll go home