Alpha, My Arse by Cuffin_Insane
How It All Got Started
Disclaimer: I own nothing.. Not even the plot.. Raine came up with it, and gave it to me to work my magic on..
This is an idea that attacked me in chat thanks to Raine who threw it out there.. Pressured me to write it.. And helped me come up with the ideas.. LOTS OF LOVE! ENJOY!
Sesshoumaru strolled at the head of the pack, oblivious to the glares he was receiving from the leading female of the pack. He had been there for less than a week and the ‘Dog’ had already taken control of EVERYTHING!
He chose when they slept, where they slept, when they took a break, when they woke up, he even had the nerve to tell them when to bathe. Kagome was just about sick of it!
She had tamed Inuyasha, making her the alpha of the pack. Just because she didn’t put her foot down all the time, didn’t mean that her leadership could be taken away.
“Rest.” Came the arrogant lord’s command. Still glaring at him she sunk to the ground. Thank goodness they were heading to Edo, she seriously needed a break at home.
“Miroku, fetch some water, for me.” She asked him with a smile, getting everything ready for their dinner.
“Of course, Kagome. Be back shortly.” he replied before jogging off with a pot for the water.
“I’ll gather some wood for the fire.” stated Sango as she walked off.
“I’ll help Sango.” Inuyasha stated as well before following the retreating figure of said woman.
“Woman!” Once more came the demanding voice of their ‘alpha’, “Are you so weak that you cannot set up camp properly by yourself?”
Kagome nearly growled at him, he had the nerve to take over HER pack then call her weak.
“The half breed was right..” Stated Sesshoumaru.
“Right about what, LORD Sesshoumaru?” Grounded out the pissed priestess.
“Kikyo would be a much better pack member than you. She would not have shirked her duties to her alpha.” Sneered the Inu.
Kagome didn’t say a word, even though she grinded her teeth so hard it made her mouth hurt.
Finally Kagome was able to fix everyone’s food. Of course it was ramen, but no one complained. Going about giving everyone their share, she handed Sesshoumaru his last.
With a growl, he snatched the container from her. Lifting a bit to take a bite, he sniffed it. Curling his lips, he let out a frightening growl before he pinned Kagome against a tree.
‘This Sesshoumaru would never eat after a human.’ he sneered out hatefully. Kagome narrowed her eyes at him, glaring. She had decided that since her new ‘alpha’ his noodles deserved to be a little more moist than the rest, so she had promptly spit in his cup.
He snarled before he threw her across the clearing. “Do that again and This Sesshoumaru will be forced to kill you.”
The next few days followed this rhythm, everything Kagome did was wrong and as alpha Sesshoumaru had to ‘correct’ her. To her, he was becoming an even worse Inuyasha, and there was no way she would be able to survive if this carried on. She was immensely grateful when the well came in view. It didn’t take long before she was on her way threw time, away from the arrogant and over bearing Inu Youki.
The first thing she did when she arrived home, after her shower of course, was search up ways to find out why Sesshoumaru was being so aggressive towards her on her computer. Finding lots of different sites she read threw them all quickly. They all mainly said the same things.
‘The dominant aggressive dog is generally a sane, sound dog (It sounded like the Sesshoumaru from before)... and will usually only bite if you, or someone else who threatens him, attempts to place him into what he perceives as a submissive position. He may also bite if you do something to him which threatens his position as the pack leader... something behaviorists call the "Alpha Dog.’
So he was acting out because she was the leader before him and therefore threatened his leadership?
She continued reading on.
‘Dog dominance aggression problems are unlikely to go away without your taking steps to resolve them. Show your dominance by grooming him, and being sure that you feed him after you have eaten, if this is not possible then spit in his food, it makes him think you have eaten first. ’
Now how would she be able to do this, without dying that is. It was then that she came upon a site. One that drew her attention immediately. It had what almost looked like Sesshoumaru’s in his demon form in the background of the site. It was selling a shock collar. Thinking that this could work, she clicked on the picture of the silver looking collar.
‘Have a problem taming your demon of a dog?
Is he over bearing? Dominating? A real pain in the rear?
Does he threaten to melt you with poisin?
Destroy Houses instead of shoes?
Then we have just the thing for you!
"At Last... Dog Training That's Guaranteed To STOP your Dog's Behavior Problems Quickly And Easily!"
The ultimate in demonic training tools.
No animal has yet to fail under its tutelage.
Money back guaranteed.
Only two payments of $19.99.
Order now! Before they are all sold out!’
Kagome grinned before pressing the buy button. Ordering it to be delivered tomorrow, she let out an evil chuckle. Sure there was a chance this was a complete and utter scam, but there was also the chance that it could be meant for demons.
Changing into her night clothes and telling her mother she was getting a package in the morning, the young Miko laid down for bed.
The next morning had Kagome up early, she had things she wanted to do before her package arrived and she had to head back. Making a short list of things she was going to need, she set out.
It was less than ten minutes later and she walking in to a local pet shop. Smiling at the manager, she went towards the name tags. She eyed all the different shapes and sizes with a critical eye. If she was going to get Sesshoumaru to wear that collar, she couldn’t have anything he wouldn’t wear on it. But even knowing that she couldn’t resist buying a dog tag for his collar.
Seeing the perfect design, a silver crescent moon, she knew it would be what got him to wear it. With a grin she bought it and headed to the next store.
With the tag bought, and collar on its way, all she needed was the wrapping paper and a box for it. Coming to a party store, she swiftly entered with a giggle. Buying the most fancy looking box and wrapping paper, because she just KNEW he would try to find something wrong with the way she presents her ‘offering’.
With everything in hand she heads home, more than pleased to find the collar waiting in her room. With an almost evil chuckle, she was going to have to stop that, she examined the silver collar that would imprison the Youki under her power. Grinning all the while, she hooked the silver dog tag to the collar and put it in the box. Next, she then wrapped the box perfectly with the light blue silky wrapping paper.
Deciding it was time to head back, she said her good byes to her family and jumped back into time.