Arch Enemies by Marissa
Arch Enemies
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I would be the most awesome person on the planet!
Arch Enemies
A tail twitched. An eyelid fluttered. The age-old battle had been resumed by two new warriors.
Claws gleamed. Teeth glinted. Eyes glowed. The atmosphere was tense as the combatants studied one another for a weakness to exploit. The silence of the room was shattered as Kagome called up the stairs, “Buyo! Dinner time!”
The insufferable neko twitched his ears towards the sound before turning his back to me and sauntering away to get his dinner. “Another time neko, we shall settle this score once and for all!” I hissed after him.
Kagome entered the room that had served as the impromptu battle ground, looked at me and said, “Were you having another staring contest with the cat? I thought I told you to leave Buyo alone! Honestly, between you and Inuyasha, it’s a wonder that poor, fat Buyo hasn’t had heart failure yet.”
I wasn’t about to allow the mouthy wench to tell me what to do! Especially when it came to the overweight, lazy, bad-smelling ball of fur that Kagome lovingly referred to as Buyo. The woman was obviously delusional because that menace was not the lovable pet that she seemed to think it was. It was evil. What was my proof for such a terrible accusation? Simple, it was a neko, and I am an Inu. However, I am not just any Inu, I am-
“Sesshoumaru!!! Are you even listening to me!” Kagome interrupted Sesshoumaru's thoughts by yelling at him.
“How can this Sesshoumaru not listen to you, wench? You are screeching directly into my ears. With prolonged exposure to you, it is a wonder that Inuyasha can hear anything at all. Perhaps I should distance myself from your banshee voice, lest I face deafness for the rest of my extensive life!”
The miko looked angry. I have learned that it is best not to make her angry. Get any idea out of your head that I am afraid of her because this is not the case; however, it is not… pleasant to experience the Miko’s rage in close quarters.
“Sessh… Ou… Ma… Ru!”
I cringed. It was about to get messy. Then something unexpected happened, the neko returned and saved my poor, bleeding ears from certain destruction at the hands of the ranting woman. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad creature after all. I kept this frame of mind for all of three seconds before the vile animal turned and slashed me directly across the face!
No, the Inu and the Neko had always been enemies. After tonight, they will still be enemies. But for now, I will allow him to live, my arch enemy.
Authors note: I had a revelation today while I was watching my cat and dog fight. They always began every fight with a stare down contest, but when my mom said dinner was ready, the cat left the dog alone. I think I was dropped on my head as a child many MANY times to think that it seemed like something Sesshoumaru would do, but then again *shrugs* it's fanfiction. I get to torture Sesshoumaru any way I want! Bwaaahaahaahaaahaa! *Starts coughing and hacks up hairball* I forgot to mention the feline DNA that I posses that wanted to see Buyo take a chunk outta the big, bad doggie! Please leave me a review and tell me what you think!