Butterfly Kisses by Flamethemightydragon

Chapter One

Author’s Note: Happy SessKag week everyone! I was worried I wouldn’t have the time to participate this year with how busy I’ve been. I’m about a month away from having my original novel ready for my critique partner! I should be ready for beta readers in the fall! I can’t wait. It’ll also be nice to get back into fan fiction for a bit while it’s being reviewed. Thank you in advance for any favorites, follows, kudos, and reviews.


Disclaimer: InuYasha & Final Act are all owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Viz Media & Madmen Entertainment.

SessKag Week 2024 Day 1 – Cannon Compliant vs Modern AU

Word Prompt: Inheritance

Scenario: First Meeting

Dialogue: “I’m sorry… It just slipped out.”

Chapter One

Soft moonlight streamed into the room through the curtains dancing in the breeze. Quiet snores filled the room, muffled by the pile of blankets covering the sleeping miko. The delicate scent of sakura blossoms floated on the air, tailing behind the wings of a green butterfly.

The ethereal insect glided towards the miko, landing on her forehead poking out from the cocoon of blankets. Her brows furrowed, a groan escaping her lips as she turned over. The butterfly hovered above her, patiently waiting until she settled before landing once more. Glittering dust fell from its wings, calming the miko, lulling her into a deeper, dream filled sleep.


A shout jolted Kagome awake. Her heart pounded as her eyes scanned the room, searching for the threat. A snort escaped her at the thought. What threat could there be? It wasn’t like she was out in the forest where anything could come upon her. She settled back on her pillows with a stretch. It wasn’t uncommon for Souta to have friends over, but it was uncommon for him to get overly loud. Since Kagome had taken over the shrine, their grandfather was enjoying the retired life; often sleeping in.

Curious, she rolled out of bed, leaving her room without hesitation. Even if Souta had guests over, her fluffy kitty pajama set was nothing to be embarrassed about. Kagome was half-way to the stairs when she heard him. A bright smile spread across her face as she raced down the stairs.

“Inuyasha!” Her voice held every once of joy for her best friend. It had been nearly a month since she’d seen him, both of their schedules full to the brim with various responsibilities. Though they texted daily, it was never the same. She turned the corner, her eyes locked on the hanyou focused on the video game Souta had dragged him into. Her smile slowly faded the longer she watched them.

Inuyasha was always animated when playing the various shooters and fighting games with her younger brother, but there was something forced about it this time around. His shoulders were tense, the ears atop his head fluttering as if he was making a conscious effort to keep them from lying flaccid against his skull.

The match ended, Souta shouting his victory, oblivious to the turmoil eating Inuyasha from the inside. This wasn’t a normal visit, of that Kagome was certain. Her best friend turned away from the television, gaze landing on hers as he gently rested the controller on the floor. The pain filling his amber eyes cut her to the core.

She jerked her head to the side before turning toward the kitchen, neither needing words to understand the other. Turning on the kettle, she busied herself with pulling out a bowl and various toppings for ramen. It might be too early for the simple noodle dish, but Inuyasha looked like he needed the added comfort of his favorite food.

The slight groan of a wooden dining room chair echoed through the room, but otherwise, the two remained silent. Inuyasha was never silent, which told her just how bad things were. In minutes, she had the ramen ready, instinctively knowing he wouldn’t dig in right away in his distraught mental state, giving the noodles longer to cook in the steaming water. Placing the dish before him, she sat across from her best friend and waited, just as her mother had done for her in years gone by.

Inuyasha sat in the chair, eyes dull and listless, staring at the steam. His white t-shirt had a stain on the front, poking out from the wrinkled red button down. His disheveled appearance fueled her worry. Though he was never one for suits or frivolity, he was always put together; never wanting to bring shame upon his family. Not when his father had fought so hard for hanyou rights in Parliament.

He picked up his chopsticks, their tips hovering over the bowl a moment before his hand lowered and placed them back at the table. Kagome frowned, her chest aching as turmoil swirled in his eyes.

“Dad’s gone.” She barely heard his words and had to blink a few times to make sure she’d heard right. His gaze flicked to her before returning to the ramen. “His plane crashed las night. I’m sure you’ll see it on the news today.” He shrugged, as if the pain wafting off him was nothing. Grabbing the chopsticks again, he all but slammed them into the ramen, filling his mouth with the noodles. Practically screaming that he’d speak no more on that particular topic.

“What do you need?” He’d never accept her condolences, not any she voiced at least. Much like when her own father passed, it was actions and support he needed, not paltry words. It was likely why he’d come here rather than anywhere else. He swallowed the ramen, slowly lowering his chopsticks.

“I don’t want to go to his funeral, not when the Ice Prince and his mom will be there.” Yet it was expected of him, and they both knew it.

“Do you want me to come?”

“Keh, I’m not a baby.” He folded his arms across his chest in defiance, but the gratitude shining in his eyes belayed his true feelings. “But I knew you were close with him, too. If you wanna say your goodbyes, I can take you.”

“I’d like that.” She smiled softly, gaze shifting to the window above the kitchen sink. A green butterfly glided across the window.


Quietly, Kagome handed over the black and silver envelope full of her condolence money to the receptionist once Inuyasha moved passed her and deeper into the home. He tried to convince her that the okoden wasn’t needed, but she’d listen to none of it. Though they’d long since separated, the wake was being held at the home of his first wife, and the last thing she wanted was for Inuyasha to have any more issues with the woman. It was why she purposely included his name with hers on the inside flap of the koden-bukuro.

In a few strides, she caught up with her friend as he stood before a large photo of the Inu no Taishou in all his glory. He stood there frozen, staring at the photo, and she took it upon herself to offer incense to the green butterfly shaped urn before them. The lightly scented smoke swirled around the portrait as she offered a prayer to the late daiyoukai. The absence of a priest chanting sutras was the only difference from the human otsuya she’d attended in the past.

“There was nothing left of him.” The agony in her best friend’s voice cut through her. Grabbing his hand, she leaned her head against his black suit clad shoulder. Should anyone look upon them, it would appear she was the one in need of comfort, not the other way around. His clawed hand tightened against hers.

They stood there silently for a few moments, both saying farewell in their own way. When her father had passed on, Touga had taken it upon himself to fill in the void as she grew. Whenever she had the need of the elder male’s advice, he was always there for her. Just as her mother was there for Inuyasha after losing his mother a few years ago.

Abruptly, Inuyasha turned. She glanced up at him; the pain shining in his eyes urging her to squeeze his hand once more. As much as she wanted to embrace him and give him the shoulder to cry on he so desperately needed, this wasn’t the place and he’d never forgive her for allowing him to show weakness in the home of Touga’s first wife.

Though he was immediate family, he had no plans on staying to keep vigil for the whole wake. Not when it was impossible for him to get along with his half brother and his mother. They were only going to pay their respects before slipping away. At least that was the plan he’d told her before they entered the home. Yet with all the best laid plans, there are always factors outside of one’s control.

“Sesshoumaru.” Inuyasha growled, his shoulders tensing as he stared at the tall daiyoukai who appeared before them, seemingly from nowhere. Kagome cocked her head to the side, her gaze roving over the man before them. Impeccably dressed in a black suit tailored for his frame, his face impassive and as cold as all the stories she’d heard of the daiyoukai, but his eyes… The pain within them a reflection of her best friend’s. How could anyone think he was emotionless?

“The Ice Prince?” She flushed, the words escaping her lips without thinking. “I’m sorry… It just slipped out.” Her blush deepened as those pain-filled eyes shifted to her. She bowed low, shame filling her. Of all the times to slip and use the name Inuyasha had exclusively used for his half brother…

“Father left a will.” Inuyasha snorted as she rose from her bow, hiding her surprise at the information. Wills were so rare, neither of them knew the proper etiquette for what was needed. “You will return here in one week for the reading.” Inuyasha bristled at the order, but Kagome had made enough of a fool for the two of them. She tugged on his arm, forcing him into a sloppy bow.

“I will make sure he returns.”

“See that you do.” She kept them bowed until Sesshoumaru had walked off. Inuyasha was the fist to rise, shrugging her hand off with a growl before storming out of the house. With a sigh, Kagome followed, grateful to leave before either of them made things any worse.


Inuyasha had stayed by her side all week. After the encounter with Sesshoumaru, Kagome had worried he would have sequestered himself in his apartment and avoided her at all costs. Thankfully, the reverse had been the case. He stayed with their family the whole time, camping out on her bedroom floor in the spare futon like they did as kids. Though scandalous to others, neither had any inclination to take their friendship in a more romantic direction. 

Kagome’s mother doted on him for the entirety of his stay. None spoke of the loss, keenly aware of the fresh wound, waiting for him to be ready to move forward through the grief. It wasn’t until the night before they needed to return to the home of Touga’s first wife that Kagome even attempted the bring up the subject.

Inuyasha wanted nothing to do with the will reading, and would have skipped the whole affair if she hadn’t pushed him. In the end, it was the idea of finding out why his father went against tradition to specifically divvy out his earthly goods that convinced him. His only requirement was that she join him, giving him the support he needed to face, in his words, the Viper and Ice Prince.

So there the two of them sat in a small room with Touga’s lawyer, waiting for Sesshoumaru and his mother to arrive. Inuyasha’s jean-clad leg bounced, his arms folded across his chest, the picture of impatient anxiety. Kagome leaned closer to him, her shoulder resting against his arm in calming solidarity. The lawyer had initially balked at Kagome’s inclusion in the reading, but Inuyasha heard none of it, staring down the old flea youkai until he acquiesced.

In a flurry of movement, Touga’s first wife, Inu no Kimi arrived. She huffed, sitting across the room from them, ignoring their very presence. Her gaze focused on her brilliantly painted claws, her emerald butterfly hairpin glittering in the light. “Sesshoumaru will be here shortly, so we can get this over with quickly.” Kagome frowned at the daiyoukai, her flippant disregard for the affair causing the little calm Inuyasha held to evaporate.

“Oh…Of course…” Myouga worried his hands together, eyes darting about in search of the closest exit. Thankfully, they didn’t need to wait much longer as Sesshoumaru strode into the room, immediately sitting beside his mother. “Now then,” Myouga cleared his throat. “Touga-sama was very clear in how he wanted his assets divided. In accordance with the law, half of his fortune will be given to Masami-sama with the remaining half split equally between Sesshoumaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama.”

The room remained silent as the flea hopped across the paper laid out on the desk. “With the exception of Sesshoumaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama’s residences, all estates will be granted to Masami-sama.” A pleased smile spread across the woman’s face, but she otherwise remained impassive. Sweat dotted Myouga’s forehead as he glanced between the two brothers, his hands worrying once again.

“Touga-sama’s two business ventures, Tessaiga and Tenseiga, will also be also be split between Sesshoumaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama.” He swallowed hard. “Specifically, Sesshoumaru-sama is to take over Tenseiga International and Inuyasha-Sama Tessaiga Corporation.” A growl filled the room, and all eyes turned to Sesshoumaru.

“This is an outrage!” He stood, glaring at Inuyasha. “You know nothing about the weapons industry. Nothing good will come from you taking it over.”

“Keh, like you’d be any better running a medical non-profit.” Inuyasha snorted before scratching the tip of his nose. “Not much we can do about it since it’s within the law.”

“I-Inuyasha-sama is correct.” The glare shot to the flea youkai sent chills down Kagome’s spine, grateful not to be on the receiving end.

“I will pay you a fair price for the business.” Inuyasha laughed, standing to face the daiyoukai, a satisfied smirk on his face. Kagome jumped to her feet, prepared to separate the two.

“Not interested.” Piercing golden eyes turned to her, pain and betrayal swirling within the molten depts.

“Help him see reason.”

“I actually agree with Touga on this.” The daiyoukai before her scoffed, the sneer on his face doing nothing to deter her. “I may not have much of a head for business, but I believe non-profits are far more challenging than for-profit businesses. If anyone can take on such a challenge and keep the non-profit afloat, it would be you.”

Sesshoumaru’s sneer fell, the sting of betrayal slowly fading from his eyes. She smiled a little, understanding where the elder brother was coming from. She too was an eldest sibling and knew the pain of viewing the younger more favored by a parent. It took her a long time to realize it wasn’t favoritism her mother showered Souta with, but faith that Kagome was capable of taking care of herself and ask for aid when needed.

“I think that if you aren’t actively trying to take Inuyasha’s inheritance from him, I can convince him to ask for your aid when he needs help.” She stage whispered to the daiyoukai, keenly aware that all those with youkai blood in the room would hear, regardless. “I think that’s really what Touga had in mind, a way to force you two to work together.” She winked, Inuyasha scoffing but not denying her words.

Sesshoumaru stared at her, a curious glint in his eyes. “You’ve chosen an intended well, brother.” Inuyasha sputtered as Kagome laughed, hand waving between them.

“Oh no, I’m not his intended. We’re just really good friends.” The curiosity in his eyes deepened as he hummed.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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