Aww :( I hope it isn't Miroku
Personally for me your story is still good. It definitely needs editing in some parts, and it's hard to be exciting about reviewing when updates come so far and few between. It doesn't mean your story is bad. I can't wait to see what happens. Chin up. Hope this review makes sense, I just woke up.
This was a good update. I hadn't thought of there being an overt threat, but it makes for a won twist. As to your AN, there were a few errors that I noticed, but not many. There's no need to worry. And sorry about not reviewing, I just get lazy and don't do it. Well, good luck with your next update!
Great chapter! Don't feel to bad about the mistakes made in your writing, everyone makes them. Everyone has to go over their work repeadily to catch and correct them and still it happens anyway. I have found several mistakes in actual novels. Novels by Charlaine Harris and L.K. Hamilton to name a few well known ones, one even accidently used the wrong name when referring to one of the bartenders. Even with professionals going over everything more than once it happens.
Anyway I really love the scenes between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. You really see how much he has changed by how much he cares for her. Love her dog Sho too by the way.
Thank you for updating!
Omg! Is it really Miroku!? What could have happened if that really is him!??
So Inuyasha can run Kagome now? I thought he couldn't while Seshou was trying to pup her?
Your doing a nice job writing. Its an interesting plotline. I would have expected more confusion from kagome and perhaps more of a reponse from her having to 'breed' with two different men as she always seemed like an innocent girl in the series. But i like the story and im looking forward to seeing how miroku fits in. Dont rely on reviews to tell you how your doing. If you like your story and want to keep writing, do so. Some people like me just read without giving a thought to reviewing, a negative for myself. When i subscribe to a story, its because i like it and enjoy the writing. Keep up the good work.
Miroku!!!!,Omg I dint see that coming ..
Awesome twist .. keep it coming .. <3,,<3
Thank you for the update! Can't wait for the next chapter.
So much drama! !!
I was definitely enjoying that first lemon but, i wonder why you didn't wow the second one?
I know that this is mainly a sess/kag story but, i thought that you would've written the first interaction?
Oh well, i can't wait to see if it's really miroku and he's going to do once he sees that the breeder is kagome
You're doing a great job with the story. Can't wait for the next update.
I was waiting on a new chapter. Even though the editing is a little off, this is still a story. A unique one as well. I've been reading fanfiction for years and have yet to come across something like this. Please keep writing, your doing a great job.
Update soon onegai
Ja ne
Very good lemon ;) thanks for updating and I can't wait for the next!
Well well well.
The lemon was really good. I have to say you're a good lemon writer.
Oooo C; well well well
The font looked the same as usual, so no worries there!
Secondly your lemon was pretty good. Keep em coming! (Or cumming)
Well the time had finally came. I wonder if Kagome is going to start to compare the two brothers on their sexual performances. How is this heir thing suppose to work? Will Sess keep mating her until she is pregnant with his child first and then let Inu gets to have her afterwards or do they just take turns like every other night. Because it would make sense that in order for Sess to have the heir he would have to keep having her every night until she is pregnant first. Great writing job especially on the lemon. Please update soon.
So... the mating thing it's coming soon?
I can't wait for the next chapter
I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
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