next chapter please
Lol, she lays down and thinks about food until the need for exercise stops. Please update again soon.
I hope Sango will be okay. I really love this fic. Thanks for updatin so often!
The food always work, eh? I hope Sango will wake up soon.
When you think you're reading a happy-go-lucky, slice of life fanfiction, and the the author slaps you in the face with some Clannad level 'ish.
I still love it!
Oh my... poor Sango, I want to cry! I hope she will recover soon.
I hope for more interactions between kags and sessh hmm
I like your story a lot! It's very interesting. Also I don't know if you noticed, but you deleted the chapter in between chapters 43 and 44, the no thank you chapter.
That scene with kilala was so sweet yet sad at the same time. It almost made me cry thinking about my cat that I had for 13 years who passed a few months ago. He always knew when I was sick and would hop up in bed with me and curl up by my head and purr. It always helped. It's amazing how animals can be so in tune with their owners and try to comfort them when they're sick or hurt.
Very sad scenes indeed. Maybe Kirara can help to bring her around. When I'm sick, both of my dogs are right there by me. Got to Love Dogs! Very nice chapters and Thank You for updating your wonderful story. Cheers.
Bad Sesshy, bad.
Well she is worried about Sango, but she has to realize that she has to be consistent. Especially with a pushy dog. Oh yeah, the crazies at the vets. That would be horrible to deal with on a daily basis. Fawning women, Geez, get a life. Thanks for the update. Cheers!
Sometimes the truth hurts I guess, because he's very right. Yes, she's having a bad day but he was trying to be nice/considerate and she'd asked for his help so he gave it. I wonder if Kagome will ever go for anger management help in a story? That would be an interesting read.
Poor Sesshoumaru, lol.
Not nice Sesshy. Maybe Sesshy should show her "how" an alpha leads...^_~ He should show Kags who is Alpha
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