Mmmmmm! Delicious! Would never dream of comparing this jewel with anything else! You are in a class of your own, and I love it!
Wow...that was breathlessly awesome. Very nice and carefully slow I've not read or seen 50 Shades. Skimmed through the first book a bit but it seemed poorly written (and I barely read a paragraph or two), so I never got it. So I can't compare and I won't. If I don't like a fic, mostly because it is poorly put together or the story just doesn't catch me, I won't read it. I won't flame it either. Some writers just need to grow a little. Thanks for updating. Cheers!
I usually avoid vampire fics, but this story is awesome.
He could have been more subtle there...
Seriously I really live this story. I can't wait for another updste :)
wow! O///Oamazing scene! Loved the intro to the bdsm world. *dreamy sigh* Wish I found a Dom that was as wonderful as Sesshomaru is with Kagome. I do hope when reality intrudes, he does not come to regret how he took her as she seemed to enjoy his roughness immensely. He seems to think Kagome is somewhat fragile and easily breaks. True, with all of his strength, he could break and kill her but he never has. Even in the throes of passion he kept her first to ensure she was pleasured and not in too much pain. I am so happy they have finally gotten together! Now, I'm sure there's going to be some drama of some kind that will attempt to separate them but their love seems strong enough to weather anything.Great job! I cannot wait for more!
So good, keep it coming.
Whew...that was hot! I think I need a shower now. thanks so much for updating.
Wow from what I have been reading in that chapter somebody's been watching 50 shades of gray
I'm so loving this! PLEASE update soon!!!
Sweet, keep it coming. Happy Valentine's Day!
dunk ...dunk...dunk...good start....!
Holly cow! This has got to be one of the best stories I have read! Love every aspect of it and can't wait until you update again! This is really something so fresh and unexpected! Like fresh air in a stale room. Love every aspect of your characters and their interactions! Please update soon again!
That was nicely written. Great job! Scared her but she is tough. I love when she punched him in the arm. Nice touch of humor in a grim situation. Thanks for updating.
Oh boy, that was a rude awakening! I think he could have chose an easier way to tell her. Well, she did insist on knowing. Great chapter. Thanks so much for updating.
Thanks for the update! :D I am so glad Kagome didn't go running off. She is also taking into consideration the fact that Sesshomaru has always been there for her. Poor Sesshomaru having to die every time the sun rises. I think this might cause problems in the future because if Kagome wants to turn, he will feel guilty. Happily waiting to see how you develop this story. Liking it so far. :D P.S. Seeing this story updated really made my day.
So sweet! Thanks for updating so soon after that cliffhanger.
MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please more!
Noooooo! Agh, the suspense. Thanks for the update. I really enjoy this story. I wonder if Kagome is even going to allow him to explain or just run? Hope you update soon. :-)
o my...but I can understand kagome's reaction! it's normal..she's really suprised & scared, who's not?
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