i cant wait to read more of this story but there is an issue with your fonts half is showing with normal fonts the other part is so damn tiny i can hardly read with out squinting my eyes. just use italic instead of tiny fonts please! the last two or three chapters was short extreamly short and the tiny fonts make it hard to read.
It seems Inu Kags is the better bitch haha. Curious to see how this all plays out.
I just want you to know that I really like this story. However I was wondering why the size of the words change towards the bottom of the page. Is it intentional or does it do it on its own? The only reason why I'm asking is because I have trouble reading the small print. I still like the story though!
why does the font start off big, and then get really small? it's gets so small it's hard to read.
next chapter please
Interesting... What's next? Can't wait for update.
Cool, keep it coming. Happy Thanksgiving!
i will say this... i love this stoey and want more as well as longer if it is possible.?
Sorry about your not having Internet, however I do appreciate you updating when you can. Inu momma and Inu Kags are still at it haha. It'll be interesting to see who will be the one to submit. I also wonder if Sesshomaru will step in and put an end to their squabble. Hahaha Inuyasha and Kikyo were both caught with their pants down. This just keeps getting more interesting by the chapter. I am looking forward to finding out what will be done to them when they are brought back to the castle.
LOL bitch fight? Interesting terminology!
So if they fight, that would establish pack dynamic and roles in the pack? Hmmmmmm interesting....
Nice chapter, keep it coming.
i liked it
I really want to see how their trials go; I have the feeling that Kikyo will probably throw the hanyou under the bus or accuse the pack of not being there for him when she was the only one there for him. Of course she would make it all about her...until she sees Kagome as a demon. Then she would rant and rave about how she should be dead. Man, Inuyasha is such an idiot and that the dead should stay dead. Let Kikyo go.
Oh please please update
A "bitch fight" ha ha haaaa! I LOVE it! This wasn't that dreadful of a chapter. Sure this was shorter, as compared to your previous one's, but that really isn't an issue for me. I'm just happy as all hell that you've updated so quickly hee hee. I'm easy to please and always grateful for all of your efforts.
Now onto the fic. I'm curious to find out what exactly has caused Kagome's transformation while in the afterlife. I have my theories of course, but will cease my yammering about it and not try to foretell the plot. InuKimi has stepped up to the new Inu "bitch". I can see that happening being that she's always been the alpha female. Here is this human suddenly yokai, challenging her on her own territory...RUDE! I like it though. It seems like something Kagome would do.
I see she's definitely not forgotten about Inuyasha's treachery even in her current state. I'm still dying to know where Touga's stance will be in the matter, once he's been informed of it all. Great plot so far. I like your buildup of it. Thank you so much for the update!
Yep, it's official. Inuyasha is totally screwed now that his father is back and not just with Kagome back as a demon.
Great story, keep it coming.
Ah, and my question was surely answered in this chapter. Kagome has returned as a demon from the afterlife, accompanied by the infamous Touga. InuKimi responded in a way I didn't expect. She appeared willing to defend her long lost, disloyal mate. Instincts, bond or love I wonder? I enjoyed how Kagome's beast immediately recognized Sesshomaru as her alpha. What an exciting chapter! Thanks so much for a two chapter update! This just continues getting better and better! Now that Touga is back in the picture. What will he do about Inuyasha's betrayal of his pack? Ooooooh so excited!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.