So interesting! Such an unique twist! I am so curious! Is this reality or an illusion? Is he youkai?
Lol such amazing details! I sincerely hope you will find time and inspiration to update!
Thanks in advance!
Good luck!
First of all, I am so glad you are back...and I hope you will be active on Dokuga. Well, I am trying to become more active once again too. And Second of all, what a wonderful job with this chapter.
I am guessing that Sesshomaru has dreamed of his past life in the feudal era where Kagome's a Miko, Kikyo is Inuyasha'a lover and such! SUCH BRILLIANCE! I guess he is a human too, but believes he is still a youkai. OMG! Where to begin...
I don't know how you thought of such a brilliant plot line...but I know I could never have thought of it. I anticipate where you will go with this plot line. I am saddened that your story does not have more reviews...but I hope near the future your story receives much love it deserves.
I was sooo surprised at the twist where Kikiyo is his fiance! HHAHAHAHA *hugs* you are just amazing. I don't know which direction this story will take and that is rare. I love stories that are original and are filled with plot twists and creativity. *sigh* this is why I love your stories so much.
I can't wait for more chapters to come out. I will try to be as patient as possible.
Good luck on writing the next chapter and have fun!
OooooOOoh boy, oh boy, oh boy...where to start!
I love the description in the beginning. Such detail and beautiful words to describe Sesshomaru. His thought process truly molded his character...that's what I thought. I loved how you said that it was 'his' land and after Kagome entered his world...he felt his land change. I always thought that Sesshomaru would be aware of everything upon his land. teehee.
I was totally shocked by Sesshomaru's awakening...he was in coma? In the future? His fiance is Kikyo!? I got where the 'beep' sound now meant...and I hope Sesshomaru will fall in love with Kagome quickly. I'm sad that this story will not be updated as quickly...but good job with the first chapter. It really pulled me in.
Good luck with this story! Let's see where you take this!