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Emerald LockHeart (Chapter 1) - Wed 28 Jan 2015

I am really loving this story can't wait to see what happens next though i will say this i don't think hard times are over for sesshomaru and kagome i think all involved with the attack will want some kind of revenge of their own and i'm really not getting a good vibe from sessho's father he never took a interest in sesshomaru's life before now all of a sudden he is because sesshomaru is getting stronger i have a feeling he is tolerating sesshomaru's relationship with kagome cause she is bringing out his beast and once he reaches his full potential he will plot to get rid of kagome and arrange a mating with a demoness i'm just saying that is how it looks because he did say he didn't want a hanyou heir.

Just my thoughts and it may not even happen but just saying that is what i'm picking up LOL

Loveyaa (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

And they finally got what was coming to them. Be careful of the bed you make cause you will have to lie in it. It also makes me a little nervous. Will Kagome and Sesshoumaru finally get a break and some peace and happiness or will something else pop up. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

p.s feel better 

Valasaurus (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

I finally caught up!! Double woah. I'm so glad that sango got what she had coming! I want to know how the guys one came out and even what Sesshomarus father has in his sleeve

Chie (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

I feel this Kagome who takes such delight on other people's pain and gleefully brings their lives to ruin to be very OOC. Yes, they needed to be punished but justice and revenge are two separate matters. This retaliation felt very disproportioned. Sess takes a beating from which he heals overnight, Sango and co are kicked out not only for the sorotity but the whole school, leaving their entire lives in shambles. And of course shame is brought on their families as well because they totally deserve it for having a bitchy daughter. I don't know, this chapter was very painful for me to read, but everyone else seems to be finding it very enjoyable. A difference of opinion I guess, I just happen to be in the "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" school of thought. Except that instead of their eyes, Kagome took their heads.

It's still a nice story, and I'm glad that you're updating again. Hope you'll get better soon.

Elizabeth (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

Despite the fact that Sachi deserved to get her teeth knocked out, I find nothing funny in it.  It's dreadful for someone to do such a thing, and pitiful for them to loose so much, but not funny.  I don't think I will ever understand someone who can laugh at another's pain and anguish, even if it's deserved.  I'd probably be among those who are silently horrified at such poor judgement.

Can't wait to see what happens to Hojo, and how the school administration reacts come Monday.  So ready for more!

TruGemini (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

 Yeeeessssss!!! I loved this chapter! I can't wait to read the boys side of things and to read what the Dean and Sess' father does. this is exciting!

Deana (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

That was awesone! Now onto the boys. Go get them. Thanks for my fix. Can't wait for next update.

KCM12883 (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

Oh my god. I can't wait to see what happens next! Haha they will have to try something else to get back at our favorite couple before they are kicked out of school!  I mean come on they will just be so angry they won't be able to help themselves and do something stupid! 

Debra (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

Great chapter! Now that was the best payback, and then expelling them will be way better. I can't wait for that.

Nicole (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

Wow! The tribunal surely does live up to expectations.

KEdakumi (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

Loved it.... Kagome and Sesshoumaru hurt then and didn't lift a finger (well, except for the teeth)

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Speed Reader (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

That was a completely awesome chapter, I loved how Sesshoumaru got the last `laugh`! Can't wait to see what else happens.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

I'm so glad that you're back and posting daily updates again! This is getting soooo good! I can't wait to read what happens next ... and discover Hojo's fate!  :)

Nicka (Chapter 91) - Tue 27 Jan 2015

Love , love , LUV this chapter. Cannot believe that Sango tried to play the friend card.... well yea i can.



satuross (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

um. what is a sorority? an orgy organisation? o.O 

Deana (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

Good chapter! Can' wait to see Sango get her punishment after all first rule of girlfriends is"Never get between a girl and her man"

Please update soon. I need my fix.

Lena (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

Oh how I've missed you lol...if only we could get the tribunals tonight *le sigh* sp glad you back keep up the great work????

consuelo marquez (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

i have nothing but great compliments to give...and i hope your cough gets better.....have you tried actual lemon and honey? and if your sinuses and throat are schy and stuffed, try putting Vick's VaporRub on your nose, base of your throat, chest, and if you want, your feet, too.....IF anyone else is sick and wants to try this too, go ahead, BUT for those who have asthma PLEASE be careful

TruGemini (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

You're killing me, girl!! I was sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting to see Sango get hers. That's sad that I'm so excited about this, right? I'm just excited and cannot wait. I hope you write about Hojo getting his as well. This is going to be so awesome!!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

I can't wait for the fireworks to begin on both fronts. 

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