If it's japan then why are some of Thr names English and some of the names jaPanese?
This is a good one. I like how you've set it up so far and can't wait for more! I love how you have made Kikyo and Kagome have a close relationship. Where is the story set? Japan or America? Will Sesshoumaru be introduced in the next chapter? I am interested to see how you will have the story progess!
Also, if I may suggest that you insert some sort of break in between sections - such as moving from scene to scene (i.e. Kik and Kag's conversation to Kagome tucking in Shippo at night, and to Kagome in the ER. There are a few other breaks needed, but I just thought you shoudl know for flow and ease of reading.)
One mistake. It's called Skin Grafting.
Interesting idea for a story. I'm not gonna judge based on one chapter, so I am looking forward to more. Hope they come soon =)