just finished your entire story what a great and different telling of the two sorry that her sire was killed but so looking forward to more chapters can't Wai till you update gain
Congrats on the promotion! And that your daughter is getting better! Lots of love sent your way! I’m soooooo excited to see this updated! I love how you write not only the characters, but their interactions as well! You have a true talent for writing and I hope you never give it up!
Jennie (Chapter 37) - Mon 30 Apr 2018
I absolutely love this story, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Much love to you Chaos!
welcome back, still enjoying the story to so take your time, because it get good. More please. Hope your daughter well and happy.
Zauberer di Vent (Chapter 37) - Sun 29 Apr 2018
It's nice to see you! Thanks for come back.
I wish the best with your baby :3
Jennie (Chapter 36) - Wed 14 Feb 2018
I absolutely love this story, and I hope that you continue it soon. I am anxiously awaiting the rest of the story. I would also like to offer to be a beta for future stories if you would like. I'm a very big fan of yours, and I send much love to you. I hope to read more of your stories in the future.
Please Update! It is a Great story! I would love to find out if Sesshomaru will let her feed off him Hmm, sound kinda kinky.
Anxiously awaiting another chapter!
Poor little Sesshy~ lol I'm so curious to what will happen Next!
Dani (Chapter 1) - Wed 19 Apr 2017
I found your story looking through them today and I read it from beginning to end. It's so well thought out and the character development just grabbed me can't wait till it is updated again :)
Taimaru (Chapter 1) - Wed 19 Apr 2017
Very well thought out! I couldn't stop reading! I hope you finish this story. Thank you for sharing your story????????
oh my god I so love this story plot it's the awesome-east story I have ever read please do keep updating as soon as u singly can't I'm a hungry vamp and I need to be fed more of this story!!!!!
Alma (Chapter 36) - Mon 17 Apr 2017
I absolutly love this story. I hope you keep up with it. It is so different from the other stories and I enjoyed it from the beginning. You write wonderfully, so keep up the good work.
iin (Chapter 36) - Mon 17 Apr 2017
I really like the triller...can't wait too long the next update...thanks
Excited for the next chapter.
maria (Chapter 36) - Sun 16 Apr 2017
Ahhh recién encuentro tu historia, la leí completa entre ayer y hoy me encanta!
Espero el próximo capítulo
I just sat here and read all 36 chapters in less than 24 hours.... lol I'm really enjoying the story. Have you found a beta reader yet?
Keep posting, please!!!!
I have really, really enjoyed reading this and I can't wait to read more.I can't help wondering if Inuyasha is living miserably with his chosen mate/wife, the bitch that she is.
Mesume needs to be changed into 'Musume'.
Musume = daughter in Japanese
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