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Kim (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Love this story. Every chapter gets better and better. Please dont make it that she can't tell Inuyasha the next chapter that she loves Sesshoumaru.

Anonymous (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Honor be damned!

Good for Sesshomaru! 


Nilee1 (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Finally a little acknowledgement of true feelings here-- love it.

Nicole (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Finally its about time lol can't wait to c wat she tells Inuyasha

sesshouscat (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014


omg OMG omg OMG omg OMG omg OMG omg OMG omg OMG omg OMG


Do you know how hard I had to be quiet tonight.... I'm at work and read your chapter

durring by break I was bouceing around in my chair trying not to squeal like a little girl

i criced too this was so sweet and I love the possessiveness of Sesshoumaru you should make a fluffy chapter

about him being fluffy XD

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Omg... like always I loved this chapter. I'm  so glad Sesshomaru finally decided to fight for Kagomes love. It was about damn time too. Now I just hope Kagome finds another way to help Inuyasha gain the respect he deserves in some other way  other than mating him, because it would no be fair nor neither of them to live a love less life. 

Any way..... thank you for the update, and I hope (more like really really hope) you don't take too long to update again, im hating the wait so far (although I won't bitch a lot about it, because I know you must be really busy, other wise you would be updating more often) :-)

Ash (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Oh so good!  I love how sweet this story is and the fluff!!!  Oh I enjoy your writing so :)

Haven (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

YESSSSSS!!!!!!! Finally. finally. I'll take it. I hope Inu can find love and happiness too just not with kags. thanks for the update!!!

toni-lea (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Ohhhh, things are starting to heat up between our power couple. I am thoroughly enjoying the plot and the pace of the story. 

Marie (Chapter 22) - Fri 22 Aug 2014


elizabeth (Chapter 22) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

for that kagome  can be free to love to sesshomaru 

Neo-Crystal (Chapter 22) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

I love this chapter!!! OMG! Finally it gives each of them hope. I'm nervous to find out how Kagome is going to break it to Inuyasha. She better go take a bath before seeing him, otherwise he's going to smell Sesshoumaru all over her!

elizabeth (Chapter 22) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

i really like the chapter today  hopefully that the commitment  that have . kagome whit  inuyasha  it breaks 

 for that kagome  can bee free to love to  sesshomaru 

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 22) - Fri 22 Aug 2014


That is all I can say really.

Ok. I can say more.

I'm happy that someone took that leap here. Sesshoumaru has now been thorough enticed. He's had a 'taste' and now he'll want more.

I'm happy that Kagome has now thought about her motives and actions in regards to Inu-yasha and I hope she does the right thing. I honestly believe that Inu-yasha has done a fine job in making his own way and Kagome helped by opening the minds of the nay-sayers. So, in actuality, she has done what she set out to do and can feel gulit-less in releasing herself of the promise. Got to love Inukimi for stepping in and providing subtle direction for our emotionally confused lovers(if they can even be call that). 

Anyway, as always, I love the emotion that drifts from this chapter and I can really feel her pain due to her situation. I hope Kagome finds peace in whatever she decides. Eagerly looking forward to your next chapter. Hopefully soon.

Great Job again, SSA!

Ankita (Chapter 22) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

Me loved the chapter atleast he didn't take the wrong impression when she ran awayyy.... yayy n she's come clear with inuyasha good thing i just hope he won't be angry

Himura Asami (Chapter 21) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

I finally make it this far down in my inbox, see this email, and find that I'm 2 weeks late! I feel so ashamed. 

And to top that off, right from the start, the title is sending warning signals. Three words? Really? You had to go there, of all places? I mean, that could mean I love you, I hate you, or any other number of terrible things that really shouldn't be said by anyone at this point in the story for the sake of my fragile mental and emotional health. Shame on you, too.

Aww! I'm loving this tea party. It's an awesome idea. Ah! And Chika speaks about something from last chapter. So they recognize what Inari was doing. Good. She's a jerk, everyone should know that.



Haha! Ryuu made me laugh. Poor Yasha. Everyone knows his strategy. Poor Yasha can't even hold his own in the verbal battle. It's just sad to watch him. I love how they sweat dropped at her statement. "It's true."



A nice wrap up from Ryuu. I really like that guy. He's a boss. I can just tell. I just know. Because he's awesome. 



I was so wrapped up in the Sessh/Kag drama, I totally forgot what her whole purpose was. Again, shame on me. But this is really nice, to see them not hating him. I wonder how he feels about it. It's not everday you get a compliment from the leader of the Sho rank when your entire group of subordinates hates you, and the Sho is above you. Awesome.



My heart just did a sad drop thingy. He's gone? And he didn't even say goodbye? What a jerk! I mean, I know the guy is still pretty sore about everything, but still. Not even a goodbye? Totally wrong, man. Shame on him.



Snap Rin. Why do you have to be so insightful all the time? I mean, she seriously just asked that question. That was awesome. And he just admits to it, like it's okay, I mean. Come on man. Be strong.



No! She just asked that question. How is he supposed to be strong when his ward is throwing lances at his heart? How? He can't kill her, so he has to wallow in grief and sorrow because she's got to bring up all this sad, touchy sensitive stuff. But... maybe that's punishment for leaving without saying anything.  Yeah. I can totally see that. Good move, sort of sadistic,  but deserved in this case. Maybe...



Oh, poor everyone! Rin, Sesshomaru, Kagome! Just poor them. I mean, come on. This is just sad now. Poor Rin.



Oh Snap! This is so actiony all of a sudden. Loving it! I love the fight scenes! Kill this guy Sesshomaru! Oh. These guys. There are five of them. Hm... I would say that's no good, but Sessh can take them, right? I can never tell with you... Wait. Does this mean Yasha isn't doing his job right? I hope not, things were going all right. This is sort of worriesome.



THEY'RE AFTER YASHA?!?!?! Who the his after him? The Jiki rank? Maybe Inari? Probably the former. I just threw Inari in there because she's a scheming jerk, so... snap. Poor Yasha. Or, good for Yasha. Someone's trying to kill him, but it's okay, because Sesshomaru is there instead?


Dark Magic? This so sucks! I hate this now. See! I knew I couldn't trust anyhing with you. Now he's all injured and stuff. Stupid dark magic.


Okay. Still, pretty wicked.  He's all, whatever. Who cares that I just got dark magicked? I'm gonna kill you now because I was only playing before.  Love it.



Oh snap. I hope she can do something about this. I mean, with Tsubaki and Menomaru she countered the dark magic instinctively. Can she do this? Oh snap! See what you're doing? You got me all worried. Shame on you for trying to kill Yasha and almost kill Sesshomaru! 



Oh snap. Wait a minute. Is he going to do some unconscious mutterings and say he loves her? Please no. I couldn't take it. But it won't happen. I know because you never do anything the way I think you will. I think I'm going to cry.



No! See! The format is making this worse. Upping the worry and the suspense and literal dread. Seriously,  not exaggerating.  There's dread.



What the...? I thought she was going to heal him. This is an abrupt twist that I did not suspect. Almost as bad as what I had been expecting, but still, not as bad. I knew I could count on you to be unpredictable!  A slight oxymoron, but I'm cool with that, so long as nothing weird happens when he wakes up. Please let her wake up first. Oh. I'm going to die, more dread.



And I'm dead. Shame on you for letting him wake up first! This is going to freak me out! I'm already freaking out!  How could you? This is awesome...



Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I literally screamed when I saw that he was looking at her lips! How could you let this happen!?!? You know I'm not in a good place right now!




Thank God. I almost for real had a heart attack.  I thought she was going to wake up! Thank God for whoever is on the other side of that door. I'm honestly glad that you aren't a complete sadist.


I screamed again when Kimi-chan came in. I can't handle this. I'm going to die.



Oh! Thanks, I like the way he handled that. I can deal with the stoicism and pain. Which probably makes me a terrible person, since my heart is going out to him but I'm still happier with this situation than if anything else would have happened.



Nicely done. I like that; it was a very Kagome thing to do. Yeah, I like that.



Oh my gosh! He's hugging her and laughing!  This guy is so bipolar, but I'm gushing right now, so I probably don't have the right to talk.


Oh snap! Those last few lines were awesome. And the silent I love you was even awesomer! You're awesome.


NorthPeach (Chapter 21) - Sat 16 Aug 2014



That was so beautiful.... i mean... wow....


Marie (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

Im not.going to have any teeth left sith this story evert time I think were getting some whwre we start over.  Lovelt chPter though.. sigh await the next tooth


Haven (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

Oh my, Kagome is so funny. I would laugh at her too. I'm glad she was there for him. I hope they will begin to see the affection they have for each other is a two-way street. They're both too honorable for their own good somtimes. Just snog already!

elizabeth (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

the story every time i like  more .

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