This has the beginnings of a remarkable story. Please finish this.
Ahhhhh!!! Please continue this story! ????
You've got me hooked and craving for more. I need to know what is Sesshoumaru gonna say! What is gonna happen now?? Pretty please... Don't leave us hanging... T-T
Very interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Aiko-san, please give us more!!! Thank you :)
Been a long time since there has been an update. Is there ever going to be one or is this story forgotten about? sigh probably abandoned like so many I had saved in my favourites and was awaiting updates. Guess here's another one to remove.
U've got me literally hanging off a cliff
Gah!!! Cliffhanger!! I hope you're able to get back to this one soon too! Cant wait to find out what happens!
is this a sequel or something?
Nice chapter; please update soon. :)
Hi i was able to log on at the libary to read this great story. Can't wait to read more. keep up the good work.
wow talk about a big cliff hanger please moreeeeeeeeee dont stop
Ooooh I Can Tell This Is Great Story :)
Updatee Soon !
Oh! You have me so curious to figure out what in the world is going on!
I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Stupid cliffhanger!:( But I love it! I've been waitin and you didnt disappoint :)
Yay!!! You updated :) glad it was here when I got home from work! Nice way to end the night !
o my god!! that is a cliffhanger!!! noo! i was waiting weeks to have this chapter!!
i wish to know!! how was toshi conceived!
I'm trying to understand what happened exactly between them! *-* And he's calling her "Hagome" o.O uuhuhuhuhuhuh *-*
I really did miss this story! :D
Thanks for the update! <3
Sailor Moon new anime is starting on July 5. Great chapter, keep it coming.What Makes A DadGod took the strength of a mountain,The majesty of a tree,The warmth of a summer run,The calm of a quiet sea,The generous soul of nature,The comforting arm of night,The wisdom of the ages,The power of the eagle's flight,The joy of a morning in spring,The faith of a mustard seed,The patience of eternity,The depth of a family need,Then God combined these qualities,When there was nothing more to add,He knew His masterpiece was complete,And so, He called it...Dad.Happy Father's Day!
Uh OH!!! He Knows!!!!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.