I really enjoyed this, Cake! Esp. since the nsfw parts were about so much more than just being nsfw. The use of the songs throughout was just perfect. Each one fit in as a part of the story rather than just being a frame the rest of the words fell around. and I really love the unique take of them finding each other in that time period, in that way, with that music, and it being used to depict how they grow closer. Just excellent.
And in this chapter, I think I really just love when he teased her and then flew with her. That they're obviously keeping their past hidden to others and he's concealed who he really is most of the time just made that little bit where he lets that part of him out so much more. Well done! <3
"...because neither one of them knew what they would have been missing." THIS. This is perfect and so apt!
Also, the end. I laughed out loud so hard. That was just amazing, lol. And I can totally see her doing something like that, the brief surprise on his face as it registers, and then him thinking it's funny too. LOVE.
What I love about this fic is that the physical relationship isn't just lust. It's used in a way that shows how much they are ingrained in each other's lives. And it's done in a very flirty sort of way that makes it incredibly sweet.
He's such a goner. They are so fecking cute. I love it.
I just really love the small observations he has of why he loves her in this. The part about her leaving silverware in the sink really made this chapter for me. Such a small, mundane detail, but those are the nuanced things that fill in the cracks of what a relationship is. Love it, Cake!
Best silent communication and so sweet. I love how you can reallly feel his internal thoughts through the song lyrics. They match up perfectly, and it's entirely believable that he would communicated that way rather than through verbal declarations.
Okay, good, lol. Was gonna have words with the Lord of the Stupid there for a second.
But seriously, the reality of change can be so hard. I get the struggle. But I'm glad he pulled his head out of his arse and just saw things for what they were and accepted it. Love the line about it being the easiest battle he lost.
The big, fluffy butthead better NOT! OMGSH.
Okay...love this. 1) Favorite song that Sinatra sang. 2) It's perfect for Kagome. 3) I love how the realization of who she is while listening to it instigates the change in how they interact in this manner. All the yes!
These two...I swear. Love the subtle communication between them and that they have this sort of silent agreement that they know where things are going.
I love this premise! "You look naked without your armor."
Well, apparently that challenge was accepted. lol
I just found this beauty and lived every bit of it. Thanks for a great story!
This story was amazing and I enjoyed it!
Great story, keep it coming.
Best epic 10 chapters I've ever read! And the only song I knew was 'It Had To Be You'.... only because I was born in the 80's, grew up in the 90's and the Warner Bros. and Merry Molodies's cartoons thought it was a catchy song.
This was a very jazzy piece. The rhythm of the tale was smooth and felt.
Part of me is curious if you'd consider expanding, but it's also fine just the way it is. *sighs*
:O nice this deserves a re read
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