Love this story waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
Holy SHIIT!!! This is gettting sooo good! I can't wait to read Satomi's response! I can't wait until the chapter!!!!
Kagome needs to find a new crush/man to fall for, keep it coming.
Maaaaaan! *Pulls hair*
My heart is just screaming in pain for all the people who want something but can't get it because of past trauma or current family issues. I just want a happy ever after.
And yet, the drama and heartache is what makes your story heartfelt and grabs the audience. I look forward to more, keep it coming please, :).
I really like this chapter more so than any of the others. I think it's because it had more emotion and we were able to connect with the characters a lot more. I loved your insight into Sesshomaru and his mind- I think it was something that we all needed because we've only been getting peekss here and there. I can't wait to read more of this story and look forward to further chapters :)
Thank goodness you've updated! I've been waiting for a new chapter! I loved the ending of this chapter because the emotions were raw and real.
Dang! I knew I shouldn't have gotten so excited about the small amount of progress and truths being revealed, Now everything is going a bit down hill again. I Have faith that Naraku will be fine (never thought I would say that before) and that he and Sango will over come thier will Bank and Satomi and Sesshoumaru. I have faith that eventually Kagome's patience will persevere and she'll bond more deeply with Sessh and be able to heal his soul. I have faith that horrible, rotten people will get their just desserts and everyone else will come out on top.
I look forward to more! Keep it up.
All eleven chapters are great, keep it coming.
YAY! Good progress on many fronts so far, though there is much work to do yet. I wish I could just continue reading what you've already so kindly posted on here, bit I have to be at work in 6 hours, so it would probably be best if I call it a night here. I look forward to reading more tomorrow. I understand you've already written and posted quite a bit on here, but if you're not finished writing yet, I just want to send my encouragement to you and I look forward to seeing where this will all go. You're doing an amazing job on the development.i
Aww man! You had my poor heart racing, hoping Kagome was going to be the ice princess....but I guess you'll probably save it for the next time so she can wear the dress that matches Sesshy.I SOOO didn't see Jak and Inu coming....that definately threw me for a loop, but now that I've read it, I think its sweet and I hope Inu gets his act together.
lol, keep writing, this is an amazing story so far.
Love how lengthy the chapters are. Really enjoying this story.
Yah! There's starting to bea little bit more ofa happier connection! I love that naraku is part of the match making plan, it cracks me up to see him in this role. I can't wait til all the misunderstandings clear up. So tempted to skip over to And read a little ahead but I will try my to wait.
Gotta admit, I'm kinda loving the turmoil among everyone right now. It definately has a highschool drama vibe going with a he said/she said rumor mill and no straight answers. I wish that everyone would just sit down and calmly talk in a group circle, but I know that's never going to happen. I look forward to more angst and then eventually a little more of a connection between kags/sessh.
Until then, keep it up, you're doing great!
It seems everyone is misjudged, I hope everyone can become friends and I don't want Kagome to be someone they can walk over , keep it coming.
It seems everyone is misjudged, I hope everyone can become friends and I don't want Kagome to be someone they can walk over , keep it coming. Happy Valentine's Day!
It seems everyone is misjudged, I hope everyone can become friends and don't I want Kagome to be someone they can walk over , keep it coming.
It seems everyone is misjudged, I hope everyone can become friends and don't want Kagome to be someone they can walk over , keep it coming.
I'm glad you posted this story on this site, I have been reading it on fanfiction ever since you posted it last month and I'm glad others on this site will read and enjoyed it like I do, keep it coming. Welcome to dokua and Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
Is this based off "Boys over Flowers?" Because if it is, then I am going to love this. I love the way this story is written, instead of just going withe the regular situation "Guy hurt girl, girl fall for guy, guy fall for girl", this is much more complex. I am so curious about Satomi's reaction to Kagome and like the complexity of the situation so far. That said, I hope that this doesn't become a game of revenge. I look forward to reading more (and I actually will cheat by reading on FF).
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