Ouch! Poor Kagome... I liked the level of description you put into this! Wonderfully written!
Great use of the prompt, Randomness! :3
wahahahahahaha! poor sesshy
soon, it will be seshoumaru's turn to die heh heh heh. maybe on accident like kagome.
like maybe he accidentally tripped on a tree vine and got a twig impaling his heart.
As a Kikyo lover, that was very sad. It was nice to see a spin of her coming back to life and not being infertile (so many do that! Why?!) but it was kind of sad to see that she was lost in childbirth. You hardly see that unless they're trying to give Sesshomaru a tragic background for Kagome to come by and fix with her love.
Very nice.
Rin revenge! WOOT! Sorry, that's all I have to say. Rin revenge -does little dance-.
I don't really know what to say here. It's not that it's bad or confusing, it's just there isn't much for me here to relate to or really think about. All I know is they are being chased by things they can't run from, hounds if I am correct. Just kind of meh here.
The thought of them being massacred leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. *sighs*
Poor Rin... I wonder if she'll end up as a second Onigumo. I mean, offer her soul in exchange for power in order to accomplish her goals. 'Tis rather intriguing and I would have liked to read more because it's a new concept.
Lovely use of the prompt, Randomness. (:
oh rin...
she fell from kirara?
I very much liked this one, I can see it really happening. Her dying of an illness, not impossible, and him mourning her because of her bravery and courage, very possible.
I must congartulate you for the excellent use of the prompt. Really, you deserve praise for bringing forth such emotion just from a simple word. *whistles and claps hands*
Great dsipaly of emotions, I especially liked Kagome's breakdown.
Good job, Kagome. /sarcasm
Yup, you got mad and sure, you said what you wanted and you were probably right in a slight way to say those things however they were unnecessarily harsh.You know, if Inuyasha never returned, he to would be right in his own way not to. He doesn't have to put up with that but then again, Kagome always put up with Inuyasha and his bull so I would say he should try to do the same.
Eh, whatever. Their fictional characters, they can't hear me.
Good job!
Yikes... that was kind of depressing. Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, even Sesshomaru (certainly Sango and Miroku as well as Jaken) all were crying over Rin. Rin was always a sweet girl in the series, and she hid her own fire, only showing when people got in her way of what she wanted to do. They really were an odd pair, the stoic daiyokai and the innocent human child.
I liked it, even if it was sad.
Uh-huh. I liked it, Kagome being trapped for eternity in the forest (taking any inspiration from the tenebrous banner?). I can really see that being Inuyasha's reaction, to just go forward despite Kagome's reactions and forewarnings. And I loved how Kagome reacted! An odd thought but she seemed really terrified of the forest. I wonder why she had the dream though? Does she secretly have powers to tell the future? Or could she sense it but didn't recognize so while she was asleep her brain told her about it? Oh, maybe someone said something to her prior to that and she wrote it off as nothing and forgot but a part of her didn't and warned her in her dream.
Good job.
I see why you were cackling. If it at all makes you happier, I failed so badly at what I was writing. It was supposed to be dark and then it just go perverted. Sighs.
I liked it. Very much so. Especially the ending. Nods. I can't stop laughing. I'm sorry but that is just so funny. Thank you, I needed that.
Interesting... It's been so long since I read the Inuyasha manga or seen the anime so I'm uncertain if it is true that they have all tried to kill her at one point, well besides Rin I'm guessing, but I shall take your word. Anywho, I liked this one while at that same time kind of didn't. I don't know, you seem to have had quite a few introspective pieces in a row that just, while most were good and all, don't stick me as much as a few others.
Like the one where she's hanging from a cliff, that leaves an imprint in my mind, and so does the first one. I remember the one where Kagome died for Shippo, and the one where they were on the battlefield but that one probably only because I didn't review it, the one where Sesshomaru hates Kagome and was willing to let her be rape-food, and then the Nephology one. Besides that, my real criticism here is your darkness very much comes from there heads and little thoughts that fester.
My recommendation here, as you are looking for a little improvement, is to branch out a little a do a prompt or two that strikes you with an idea that comes from a dark event more than the mind of the character.
What I liked about it though. Still very realistic. That is a strong thing to your dark drabbles, or perhaps a weakness, is the fact you play Kagome as a normal girl would be in her situation while still making her the Kagome we know and love. Why I say this might be your weakness correlates with the whole, your darkness in these drabbles comes from little thoughts that implant themselves in their minds. These thoughts come from no where, nothing gets the ball rolling and dark actions can do that, or just words. Like for example, perhaps Naraku said this to her in this drabble:
"Kagome, your trusting nature blinds you to your friends. Have they not all tried to kill you?"
Eh, just some food for thought.
Yumm... A follow-up seems in order. Sesshomaru hates her, rather letting her be rape-food (is trying to be serious while coining knew phrases, great job Rin-Rin). I liked it very much.
Anyways, improvement wise, I like how you write dark things. You are not too subdued to come across as lonely, saddened, or mournful but not to over the top that makes wonder if you are trying to adapt action into horror. I like your writing. Very much so, and I like how dark these are. I nice change in pace from the normal drabble collections full of little romantic comedies waiting to happen.
Months passed and the pair grew...
Is it bad that I read that as moans? Obviously I have naughtiness on my mind.
Anyways, I liked this one oddly. I liked how at first, they were both happy, content with what they did and having a nice little banter. Sure, I love evil!Sesshomaru and insane!Sesshomaru but I also like stoic!Sesshomaru, silent, thoughtful, pondering. And I loved the ending. Love, love, love it. She didn't die, unlike how most of these end, but she was blinded. What made them happy together, brought them closer, ended up torn a part by a stupid yokai. It made me angry, furious at the yokai. I feel so sorry for them... I hope they can build something else for their relationship, maybe helping her stumble around the feudal era.
Wow, that sounded so hopelessly romantic. Sigh.
I'm really considering once I get some of my stories of my plate, I'm going to do a story in which Kagome's reactions to the past are much more realistic because I really like it when Kagome acts like a normal girl. Anyways, thanks for this, I liked this one.
why are all your stuff so depressing. every chapter can make a dark/angst chapter story lol
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