AWWWWW...... this story is so sweet!!! This is so underrated, and I'm glad I looked into it. I find myself shipping Kagome with Kouga, however... But I'm sure training will turn steamy. I'm not sure why she wanted Sesshomaru to train her instead of Kouga, though, because in her dialogue she clearly didn't know that Sess was more skilled of a warrior, she just thought "any lord can be strong with an army," or something like that.
Anyways, congrats for this great story. I will be eagerly awaiting more!
Great story so far!!! Can't wait until the next update!!!!
For now, what about Ayame? Her grandfather is of higher status and if she wants Kouga and he hasn't consummated with Kagome or marked her as intended then they will no longer be. Just saying.
I must admit It was Interesting and interest catching, but for me it got ruined when she spent the night with koga. First of all they aren't married and second she is a miko that has to keep herself pure, being raised in feudal time she has to know about the importance of that, do what if demons spend nights before wedding? She is human and I understand that she has to get used to their style of life but not in this. Sorry I am just disappointed. I sincerely wish you good luck and wish you good readers. Take care!
Next chapter please :)
great work...thought I would say that before running to read the rest :)
After all that Souta died.
Hey its 2015 please update I read this and liked it and very few fics impress me try getting someone else to help you write if ideas are a problem
na na na na~
Good job author!!!
what will happen then??? can't wait for the next chapter~
Wow... i LOVE this story...
but not at first (honestly :p) ... cz meek kagome appeared to much on previous chapter, but i kinda understand when ur heart got hurt like hers... Anyway, the most important thing's kagome stood up and made decision to get stronger.. yea, that's the important thing, for not giving up and stay struggle and that's the real power...
can't wait for next chapter.. KUDOS for this story... you grasped Sesshoumaru n Kagome's emotion well... for not making them OOC :)
keep your hardwork sesshylovr-chan!
Good, keep it coming Happy New Year
Sh*t. just. got. real.
next chapter please
Nice, keep it coming. Happy Belated Easter!
It is so rare that I feel anything for Kouga in a story, but I definitely like him in yours. Can't wait to see what's next!
Seriously...I would love if she would cuss out Sesshomaru
I'm enjoying this story! I can't wait to see what happens next!
omgomgomgomgomg please update as soon as possible!!! i just love Kouga here and i feel bad for him cause we all know who she will be with in the end. lol. I hope to read more soon!!!
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