LMAO! Oh, he's in for a real shocker now... I would feel sorry for him but no, nope, nuuuuu! He's the hopeless, stupid one, hopelessly hopeless, stupidly stupid male! *dies of laughter*
This little story must be the most amusing piece I have read in ragards to Sesshomaru's psyche and his controversial way of thinking. XDD
I thoroughly enjoyed it, Asami-chan! Tanku for participating with such a wonderful gem. <33
This story was great and I enjoyed it!
*Coughs awkwardly*
Sorry about that, the fanrage monster got a little out of control there :P I really enjoyed these- the basis of this story being so 'Sesshoumaru-like' and anti-social made me bust a lung laughing!
'Love' was undoubtedly my favourite simply because of Sesshoumaru's desire to gut (not that he's realised it yet) himself. *Dies laughing*
All of them were fantastic, and I loved how you brought them all together at the end there :D
Thanks for a wonderful story!
Ulam (Chapter 4) - Sun 27 Oct 2013
That was an awesome read!
But poo, I'm not sure how I feel about the ending myself xD, A part of me does hope you continue with it and aother part of me likes how it ended, afterall, it is about Sesshomaru's beliefs changing. It's a nice way to end it on the topic of love. Actually, the way you wrote the story from courageous, to wise, to friedship and to love was a smooth transition. Great work! Keep it up!
She is Kagome, keep it coming.
ROFL! Honestly, I think this chapter was sublime!! Starting from the repeated "the miko would subdue his half-brother" to the equally repeated "who did she think she was". LMAO *is dying of laughter*
Poor Sesshy... you can't win against a (non?) human miko, can you? Just let her be your friend; she has candy and chocolate to share! *winks*
This story sounds interesting, keep it coming.
that second one had me laughing!
I love his denial!
can't wait to read more!
Lmao! She's going to drive him crazy before he finally admits that a human being can possess some great qualities! XDD
Poor dog... though for some reason I dun feel much sorry about him. Lol
Lol. He has some interesting beliefs there, but unfortunately they don't seem to apply for a certain miko. I believe I will enjoy seeing her change his perspectives one by one with relative ease. Poor dog... he needs to learn a few new tricks. XDD
Lovely start, Asami-chan!
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