"A Half breed.." Kagome flinched at the obvious disdain in his voice, attempting to fight against the urge to stay submitted. "My land is not one for one such as you. I should kill you."
As soon as the word 'kill' was out of his mouth, Kagome was able to over throw her natural reaction to the higher level male. Jumping out of his striking range, yet not far enough away to issue the 'hunt', Kagome eyed him warily.
"I am not but passing. I will be gone in less than a few hours." Kagome inclined her head towards the direction she was heading, the ears on top of her head twitching nervously.
"Where do you head hanyou," Sesshoumaru asked, commanded to know.
"Back to my family." Kagome answered honestly, "In the land to the south." Sesshoumaru lifted one of his elegantly sculped brows.
"You are an Inu hanyou, there are no inu's to the south. The south belongs to the Panthers, they do not tolerate our kind."
"No, the panthers no longer rule the south, my brother and I destroyed their defenses three years ago. It was a glorious battle." Kagome's eyes connected with his, the pride of her battle shining brightly within their depths.
"This brother.... is he a hanyou as well?" Sesshoumaru wasn't sure what it was, perhaps it was the smell of power in her scent, the way she fought against what was simply instinct for most hanyou, or perhaps the way her eyes lit up as she talked about her past battle, but he found himself wanting to know more about the female that had trespassed upon his land.
"No, my brother is fully human."
"Hnn." Sesshoumaru was, dare he say it, interested by the little slip of a hanyou. Besides the fact that female inus were extremely rare, a half blooded one was even more so. Naturally by nature, female inus were vicious cold-hearted creatures who cared only for their young, and most not even then. The females of his species believed in the breeder before the bred.
Often if the pups were in danger, the female would flee and leave them if the attacker was stronger.
But even though Hanyou, the females of the half breed inus were more .. maternal towards the pups they raised, defending them till they themselves died.
Often full blooded males looked past the human blood of a female inu hanyou and mated them, for how they raised their young.
Whilst the large male demon was deep within his thoughts, Kagome fled. If she pushed her legs to the limit, she would reach the border between the lands before he noticed her absence.