Oh my....I laughed too much...I'm so tired.
You killed me when you spoke of Sesshomaru's 'eyeshadow' *holds in a laughter*
Then you literally slaughtered me with Kagome's accusation of Sesshomaru's interest in Jaken *face turns red*
*whispers* No one has bluntly pointed it out as you have and it killlleeeeddddd mmmeeeeeeeeeee
*explodes of laugher*
Wonderful job with this piece!
hehehehe -giggles maniacally
- You don't know how much i love you at this moment!
I love how Kagome tortures poor Shippou, poor little guy. I dont think he's ever gonna look at Sesshomaru the same way ever again.
"“He would never go after you; you’re not his type.”" THIS! RIGHT HERE! is my favorite line in your wonderful story.
Ahh sesshomaru you are dense, and well... a bit slow...
Poor, poor bastard.
I think you got the sadistc humor just fine when you brought jaken into that conversation... there is no amount of eye bleach for that. -shudders-
I absolutely loved it!! Thank you so much for this! and i'll think about sending you a rabid sesshomaru, even if i did love the story!